Nova Scotia Deputy Minister Paul Lafleche to join us for a fireside chat on March 25

In the next installment of CERIC’s Careers and Canadians series, Nova Scotia Deputy Minister Paul T. Lafleche will sit down with host Lisa Taylor to discuss how career management can be taken up as a powerful tool in public policymaking. This series invites current and former policy leaders to explore how career development contributes to the public good of all Canadians, a theme in CERIC’s new playbook Retain and Gain: Career Management for the Public Sector authored by Taylor. 

Taylor, a future of work expert who is also President of Challenge Factory, will conduct this free fireside chat on Friday, March 25 (12:00 pm – 1:00 pm ET) with Lafleche, who is Deputy Minister, Department of Seniors and Long-Term Care and Deputy Minister, Municipal Affairs and Housing with the Government of Nova Scotia. Lafleche is an experienced senior executive and strategic advisor in government, academia and economic development. Starting in the natural resources field as an exploration geoscientist, he has had a varied career in the private and public sectors including as a licensed vocational education teacher. 

The aim of this series is to engage with government policymakers to apply careers thinking as part of public sector mandates. While career programs are typically considered the remit of departments of education and employment, there is evidence that career development principles should be included in many other public sector portfolios. Career development professionals who attend will learn how to effectively link career development to policy agendas.  

This series kicked off last November as part of Canada Career Month with Taylor interviewing former Saskatchewan Deputy Minister of Immigration and Career Training, Alastair MacFadden. One attendee called it “an inspiring and thought-provoking conversation with one of Canada’s foremost thought leaders on career development.” 

Register for the upcoming fireside chat or watch past recordings. 


New issue marks the 20th anniversary of the Canadian Journal of Career Development

The latest edition of the Canadian Journal of Career Development (CJCD) kicks off its 20th anniversary year. CJCD (Volume 1, Number 1) was launched as Canada’s only peer-reviewed academic journal at the National Consultation on Career Development conference in 2002. Since then, the journal has gone on to publish 40 issues with articles from more than 350 contributors, and to gain more than 10,000 readers. As Founding Editor Rob Shea describes in From the Editor’s Desk, “It truly has been a ‘field of dreams’ experience.” 

The current issue (Volume 21, Number 1) includes a range of timely research from a needs assessment of virtual career practitioners to systemic issues in helping marginalized populations to well-being in the Canadian workplace. 


Research in Motion

Graduate Student Research Briefs 

The Canadian Journal of Career Development is a partnership between CERIC and Memorial University of Newfoundland with the support of The Counselling Foundation of Canada as well as the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. CJCD is published twice a year. It is free to subscribe to the digital editions and all issues of the open-access journal dating back to 2002 are available online. 


Winter issue of Careering magazine shines a light on career mindsets

In this issue of Careering, we explore the many facets of Career Mindsets. Without a singular definition of this term in Canada’s career development field, we left the door open for interpretation. The result was fascinating.

Authors connected the theme to art, exploration, social mentalities, limiting beliefs, fixed and growth mindsets, design thinking and return to work. They shared how they use career mindsets to support students, from the early grades through to graduate school; newcomers to Canada and to the career development field; and jobseekers across all stages of their career.  

Articles include:   

Careering magazine is Canada’s Magazine for Career Development Professionals and is the official publication of CERIC. It is published three times a year and includes select content in French. Subscribe to receive your free copy. You can also access past issues for free online.  

The theme for the Spring-Summer 2022 issue of Careering magazine will be released later in February. Check back on ceric.ca/careering for the call for article proposals or sign up for CERIC’s free CareerWise Weekly newsletter to get the latest updates.


Lynne Bezanson honoured with Wileman Award for her remarkable achievements

The recipient of CERIC’s Etta St. John Wileman Award was announced as Lynne Bezanson, Executive Director Emeritus of the Canadian Career Development Foundation (CCDF) on Jan. 25 at Cannexus, Canada’s Career Development Conference. Lynne was recognized for a remarkable career, devoting herself to strengthening the reach and impact of career development in Canada and internationally. This award for lifetime achievement celebrates individuals who have established themselves as leaders within career development and devoted their lives to enhancing the sector as a whole. 

Wileman Selection Committee Chair Jennifer Browne honoured Bezanson as a pioneer in building the professionalism of the field. “From her early days as a teacher and guidance counsellor to her extraordinary work in the federal public service and non-profit sector in areas of research and development, policy consultation and capacity building, her commitment to this field and to those it serves knows no bounds,” Browne said. 

Beginning in 1976, Bezanson’s achievements include creating the national Competency-based Employment Counselling Training Program with the federal government to build the competencies of 4,000 employment and special needs counsellors. This program was recognized by Canadian post-secondaries and adapted by federal employment services in France, Sweden, Japan and Malaysia. In 1990, she joined CCDF and led the Creation and Mobilization of Counselling Resources for Youth (CAMCRY) initiative. CAMCRY was the first significant research and development initiative in the field of career development in Canada and served as a catalyst for career development as a viable research focus across Canada.   

In 1993, Bezanson became the Executive Director of CCDF and shaped it to become a trusted national leadership and innovation body for the career development sector. She was instrumental in forming the Canadian Research Working Group for Evidence-Based Practice (CRWG), creating collaboration amongst francophone and anglophone researchers across Canada and establishing the evaluation framework adopted by federal government to guide funded projects. She was a driving force behind the international movement to mobilize policy, practice and research leaders. She also chaired the International Centre for Career Development and Public Policy and was an expert contributor to OECD guidance studies internationally.  

Devoted to professionalizing the field, Bezanson brought the sector together to build the Canadian Standards and Guidelines for Career Development Practitioners. The first of their kind in the world, the S&Gs have underpinned practice and training in the field for over 20 years and served as a model for countries around the world. 

The award is given in the name of Etta St. John Wileman, a champion and crusader of career, work and workplace development in Canada in the early 20th century. She believed that work was about the individual and in the importance of work to the human soul. Wileman was a strong advocate for a national system of employment offices. She also lobbied for the role of parents and schools in the career development guidance of children. Past recipients of the award have included Marilyn Van Norman, Dennis Pelletier, Norman Amundson, Mildred Cahill, Bryan Hiebert, Donald Lawson, Michel Turcotte and Roberta Borgen (Neault). It is awarded on a less-than-annual basis. 

Bezanson was not able to join us for the virtual award presentation but CERIC hopes to be able to present it to her at Cannexus in person next year in Ottawa.


CERIC national employer survey reveals Canadian executives struggling with recruitment, skills gap

The majority of Canadian executives (81%) are having difficulty finding people with the right skill set to fill positions and 78% agree there is a skills gap in their respective industry, but few have drawn on the expertise of career development professionals to address recruitment and retention challenges, according to a national survey recently conducted by Environics for CERIC.*

For the Career Development in the Canadian Workplace: National Business Survey, CERIC surveyed 500 Canadian executives in more than 11 industries including service, retail, hospitality, construction and manufacturing. The survey reveals keen insights into Canadian organizations’ current views on skills and talent gaps in the labour market; hiring underrepresented groups as part of equity, diversity and inclusion strategies; and the importance of investing in career development. The survey also provides comparability to CERIC’s 2013 survey to track differences within the past eight years.

Top challenges for Canadian businesses

In this fluid pandemic landscape and underlying uncertainty, the challenge of finding young & skilled talent has increased in the past eight years. The top five challenges faced by employers are:

  1. A shortage of skilled workers (75% vs 68% in 2013)
  2. Finding young workers (66% vs 51% in 2013)
  3. Supply chain issues (70%)
  4. General state of the economy (69% vs 77% in 2013)
  5. Regulation and red tape (52% vs 63% in 2013)

While employers in Ontario were the least likely to experience a shortage of skilled workers in 2013, they are now the most likely, followed by executives in Quebec and the Prairies.

Recruiting and retaining talent

Eighty-one per cent of Canadian executives are having difficulty finding people with the right skill set to fill positions in their companies – up from 70% in 2013. Additional difficulties include:

  • Finding reliable candidates with the right work ethic (29%)
  • Competitive job market in their respective industry (23%)

While the importance of resumes has not deviated significantly since 2013, executives are finding a potential employee’s online footprint to be increasingly important (63% vs 52% in 2013).

Despite the growing importance of equity, diversity and inclusion, there has been a modest increase in the proportion of executives putting effort into customizing their recruitment approaches to attract and reach members of underrepresented groups (51% vs 46% in 2013).

Take a hard look at soft skills

Executives who have experienced more difficulty in employee retention (72%) more often identify a skills gap in their industry (42%) and are finding it increasingly more difficult to recruit people with the soft skills they deem important (40%). While positive attitude (29%) and good communication skills (22%) continue to be seen as the two most important soft skills for prospective employers, the importance of reliability and dependability has increased by more than 100% since 2013. The survey revealed executives are most likely to hire someone with soft skills who is a good fit and provide training (78%).

Investing in career development to close the skills gap

While 73% agree employers have a responsibility to provide career management programs for employees, only 27% provide these programs and 45% were unaware of career development professionals before this survey.

“Canadian executives have the unique opportunity to help Canadians take charge of their career by investing in development strategies that help employees identify personal strengths and clarify career goals that can positively contribute to job satisfaction,” says André Raymond, CRHA, Laval University and Chair of the Board of Directors.

The findings from this survey will be released during an industry expert panel discussion at CERIC’s Cannexus conference on Jan. 24 at 1:15 p.m. ET.

*From Nov. 18 – Dec. 17, 2021, Environics conducted a national telephone survey with senior-level employees from 501 randomly selected Canadian businesses across the country. The margin of error is ± 4.4 percentage points, at the standard 95% confidence level.


24 bursaries awarded to attend Cannexus22 virtual conference

A total of 24 career development professionals from across Canada will be attending the virtual Cannexus22 conference, courtesy of two bursaries administered by CERIC. The Marilyn Van Norman Bursary has been awarded to 13 practitioners from community-based employment agencies and the Young Professionals Bursary granted to 11 early career professionals.

Funded by The Counselling Foundation of Canada, the Marilyn Van Norman Bursary is given in the name of CERIC’s former Director of Research Initiatives and recognizes her more than 40 years of leadership in career development. Recipients of the Marilyn Van Norman Bursary this year represent the country from coast to coast to coast, including British Columbia, Northwest Territories, and Newfoundland and Labrador. Bursary winners are non-profit community-based career development and employment practitioners who work with a range of client populations, including Indigenous peoples, refugees, immigrants, international students, Black communities, francophones and unemployed adults.

The Young Professionals Bursary is a partnership between CERIC and the Nova Scotia Career Development Association (NSCDA) designed to support emerging employment and career development practitioners. Bursaries are awarded to ensure the diverse voices of the new generation of employment and career practitioners are represented and that young professionals can benefit from the professional development and networking at the virtual conference. Preference is given to applicants from equity-seeking groups. The young professionals – 30 years of age or younger – who are among the winners this year include those from PEI, Quebec and Alberta. They work for universities, school boards, government as well as community associations.

A bursary provides a full registration for the virtual Cannexus conference. The Cannexus22 conference takes place January 24-26, 2022.  Canada’s largest bilingual career and workforce development conference, Cannexus22 features 150+ sessions and will continue to reimagine how career development can be a powerful catalyst in pandemic recovery.


Cannexus22 shifting from hybrid to fully virtual conference 

CERIC has made the difficult decision to shift from a hybrid Cannexus22 conference to a fully virtual one. This decision was made with a heavy heart, knowing how much our career development community wants to be able to gather face-to-face again in Ottawa. The decision was based on a range of factors that have changed over the past few months, combined with ongoing uncertainty.  


CERIC to host Virtual Fireside Chat with Policy Leader Alastair MacFadden

Starting this Canada Career Month, leading current and former policy leaders from across the country will sit down with Lisa Taylor, future of work expert and author of CERIC’s recently released Retain and Gain: Career Management for the Public Sector playbook, for a series of conversations on “Careers & Canadians.” Lisa’s first guest will be former Saskatchewan Deputy Minister Alastair MacFadden, for a virtual fireside chat hosted by CERIC on Monday, November 22, 2021. MacFadden currently serves as the Interim Director and Executive-in-Residence, Johnson Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy.


Graduate students win award to attend the Cannexus22 conference

CERIC has announced the recipients of this year’s Graduate Student Award, providing support for four graduate students to attend the Cannexus22 Canada’s Career Development Conference, January 24-26, 2022 virtually and in Ottawa. 

The recipients are: 

  • Caileigh Wilson, MA candidate, Education, Simon Fraser University 
  • Hélène Brisebois, MA candidate, Education, Université de Sherbrooke 
  • Jordan Ho, PhD candidate, Psychology, University of Guelph 
  • Noah Arney, MA candidate, Education, University of Calgary

The award, presented annually to select full-time graduate students studying career counselling or career development, provides free registration to the virtual Cannexus and $1,000. The Cannexus conference promotes the exchange of information and explores innovative approaches in the areas of career counselling and career development. Student posters will be available for viewing during the virtual conference.   

Eligibility for the award is based on participation in CERIC’s Graduate Student Engagement Program (GSEP), which includes the submission of a one-page article on a career development topicRead the award-winning articles and all the thought-provoking submissions on CERIC’s GSEP Corner. 

GSEP encourages engagement of Canada’s full-time graduate students (Master or PhD level) whose academic research is in career development or a related field. The next deadine to apply to GSEP is March 31, 2022. 


Fall issue of Careering magazine reimagines career development in Canada

Eighteen months into a disruptive and often devastating pandemic, we are in a moment that feels ripe for reflection. This issue of CERIC’s Careering magazine both examines where we have been – the changes the field has made, by choice or by necessity – and where career development needs to go in Canada. The strategies, case studies and ideas this issue’s authors present reflect an inherent belief that we can do better than just going back to “normal.” 

There’s something for everyone in this issue – available exclusively online at ceric.ca/careering – with articles on career education in K-12 and post-secondary; re-envisioning approaches to workforce development; hybrid career services; Indigenous career counselling; inclusive workplaces; measuring and communicating the value of career development; and more. 

Articles include: 

Additionally, in this issue we asked career professionals across Canada what they wanted to see for the future of the field. Watch what they shared in this video:  

Careering magazine is Canada’s Magazine for Career Development Professionals and is the official publication of CERIC. It is published three times a year and includes select content in French. Subscribe to receive your free copy. You can also access past issues for free online. 

The Winter 2022 issue of Careering magazine will explore the theme of “Career Mindsets.” New contributors are welcome, and can submit in English, French or both languages. Please review our Submission Guidelines and send a 1-2 paragraph proposal outlining your topic idea to Editor Lindsay Purchase, lindsay@ceric.ca, by Thursday, Oct. 14.