CJCD awarded a SSHRC grant to help modernize and adapt to a changing market

The Canadian Journal of Career Development (CJCD) has been granted a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) award of $72,750 to help the journal update its website and continue to provide full open access. The funds will support plans to redesign the website, appoint a new editorial advisory board and create an interactive, digital submissions and editing platform to grow a stronger base of international contributors and readers over the next three years.

CJCD is a partnership project between CERIC and Memorial University of Newfoundland with the support of The Counselling Foundation of Canada. CJCD is a peer-reviewed, open-access publication focusing on career-related academic research and best practices from Canada and around the world.

“The SSHRC award allows us to improve the journal as a vehicle for academics, scholars and graduate students to continue to publish their research in a multi-sectoral approach to the field of career development and career-related issues,” said Dr Rob Shea, the journal’s Founding Editor, who is also Associate Vice-President of Academic and Student Affairs at Memorial University’s Marine Institute

“The Canadian Journal of Career Development is honoured to receive the SSHRC Aid to Scholarly Journals grant,” said Diana Boyd, the Associate Editor of CJCD. “This grant will assist the journal over the next three years to adapt to and compete in the changing market, grow both our readership and authorship and create a strong base to so we can continue to provide career-related research into the future.”

CJCD is published twice a year, once in digital format in the fall and then in both print and digital formats in the winter. It is free to subscribe to the digital editions and all issues of the journal dating back to 2002 are available to access online.


CERIC’s new literature search highlights the role of experiential learning in future-ready careers

The need to effectively bridge the gap between the classroom and the world of work has ignited interest in experiential learning. CERIC’s new literature search, Experiential Learning and Career Development, takes a wide lens to experiential learning or “learning through reflection on doing,” which can include classroom-based learning (eg, case studies, simulations, team work) as well as well as workplace-integrated or community- based learning (eg, internships, co-ops or volunteering).

Topics covered in the literature search include:

  • Research and best practices in experiential learning
  • Role of experiential learning in advancing career development
  • Evaluation of experiential learning and student outcomes
  • Impact of experiential learning in the corporate world
  • An experiential learning approach to support youth development

There are now 53 literature searches available, including Career Development Theory and Career Management Models, Economic Benefits of Career Guidance, Parental Involvement in Career Development, Labour Market Trends, Mental Health Issues in the Workplace, and more.

Featuring comprehensive listings of key research and articles in career development, literature searches highlight critical points of current knowledge. As a student, academic or practitioner in the field, literature searches are helpful if you are researching the latest thinking or proven best practices. They are also valuable if you are considering a submission to CERIC for project partnership funding in order to gain an overview of major work already done in your area of interest.


The Spring-Summer issue of Careering dives into career assessments

Career professionals often work with clients by using a variety of assessment tools and strategies. How do we identify the right type of tool to fit client needs? The Spring-Summer collaborative issue of Careering magazine with the US-based National Career Development Assessment (NCDA) highlights the theme of “Career Assessments” from a broad range of perspectives.

Articles in this issue:

More from the print edition:

…and these Online Exclusives:

Careering magazine is Canada’s Magazine for Career Development Professionals and is the official publication of CERIC. It is published three times a year both in print and as an emagazine, including select content in French. Subscribe to receive your free copy. You can also access past issues for free online.

The next issue of Careering magazine (Fall 2019) will be on the theme of “Green Careers.” We welcome topic proposals representing a range of interpretations of this theme, from the intersection of climate change and career development, to emerging industries, to discussing sustainable careers with students in K-12, and much more. Please review our submission guidelines and send your article pitch to the Editor: lindsay@ceric.ca by June 28, 2019.


Post-secondary students with disabilities face gaps in career education services

While there has been progress in advancing inclusion for students with disabilities in Canadian colleges and universities, there is still work to be done to reduce structural barriers, discrimination and alienation from access to career education and work-integrated learning, according to the Final Report of a CERIC-funded project undertaken by the National Educational Association of Disabled Students (NEADS). The report, Accessibility and Universal Design in Career Transitions Programming and Services, finds that students with disabilities need greater opportunities to build their skills and career-related experience, whether through co-op placements, mentorship or volunteering.

This NEADS report aggregates findings from a range of research that looks at different data-sets and populations of disabled students and includes a survey of post-secondary career educators. The purpose of the report is to help increase understanding of existing gaps and guide best practice models for accommodations and universal design in career education for students with disabilities. CERIC’s support allowed for an expansion of the scope of research within the landmark The Landscape of Accessibility and Accommodation for Post-Secondary Students with Disabilities in Canada project funded by Employment and Social Development Canada from 2016-2018, which is a thorough examination of current accessibility, services, accommodations, technical equipment and supports for students with disabilities at publicly funded post-secondary institutions across Canada.

Overall, the key messages related to career development that emerge from the research include:

  • Accessibility and inclusion efforts in the post-secondary environment have lagged behind the evolution of the student experience and are limited to the academic (classroom and online learning) environment; in particular, accessibility in the co-curricular, professional development and work-integrated learning spaces needs to be developed.
  • Students with disabilities are often lacking in non-academic experiences that can lead to employment including: summer employment, part-time work during the school year, co-op placements and internships.
  • Significant transition barriers into, between, and out of levels of post-secondary education remain, with particular challenges faced by disabled students transitioning into post-secondary, and from post-secondary into the labour market.

Additional analysis for the report was done using the Statistics Canada 2012 Canadian Survey on Disability and the 2015 Canadian University Consortium study. The consortium study includes survey data on types of work experience; motivation for pursuit of higher education and career goals; and steps to prepare for employment among students with disabilities. The Canadian Graduate and Professional Student Survey (2016), which specifically focuses on graduate students with disabilities, was also examined. It includes a snapshot of the experience of Indigenous graduate students with disabilities and graduate students pursuing STEM disciplines. Collectively, this reporting on the education and employment experiences of Canadians with disabilities in college or university programs provides valuable context and insights.

Some notable findings:

  • Of the 3,775,910 Canadians with disabilities aged 15 years and older, 190,290 are attending a post-secondary institution.
  • University students with disabilities are younger, slightly more likely to be female, much less likely to identify as Indigenous, more likely to be an immigrant and slightly less likely to be a member of the visible minority population than non-university students with disabilities.
  • The most prevalent type of disability reported among university students is pain. This type of disability is frequently reported together with mobility and/or flexibility disabilities and/or disability as a result of a mental-health condition. Mental health was the second most prevalent disability reported.
  • The employment rate of Canadians aged 25 to 64 with disabilities was 49%, compared with 79% for Canadians without a disability. The difference in employment rates between persons with disabilities and those without a disability was lower among university graduates.
  • Graduate students with disabilities are typically older than graduate students not reporting disabilities. They are also more likely to be enrolled in arts and humanities and less likely to be enrolled in business/management and engineering programs.
  • Approximately 60% of graduating students with disabilities plan to continue with further education or career development after graduation, with 38% expected to apply to graduate school and 22% expected to apply to professional school.
  • Thirty-one percent of students with disabilities say they have employment arranged for after graduation. Among those, 44% report the work as having a strong correlation with the skills and knowledge they acquired and 38% say it required their specific degree.
  • Nearly all graduating students with disabilities have taken at least one step to prepare for employment after graduating, usually informally through talking with peers, parents or professors about career options.

As part of this research project, NEADS also conducted a nationwide survey in late 2018 /early 2019 of career education professionals in Canadian post-secondary institutions in order to understand their experiences working with students with disabilities. Some of the challenges noted by respondents include:

  • Issues and questions students have regarding disclosure to employers;
  • Lack of awareness or resources to support diverse conditions by institution or employers;
  • Employers are still slow to hire people with diverse abilities due to lack of awareness, will or supports; and
  • Structural barriers that exist within the institution.

The report notes that a key issue is that disability services centres on Canadian college and university campuses are funded to provide academic accommodations, but not accommodations in other learning environments. For students with disabilities, the potential for significant barriers to accessing the co-curricular learning environment exists. Disability offices do not often have the staff to devote to working with other student services portfolios, such as career educators on campus, in preparing them to work with students with disabilities.

The report encourages career educators to increase their knowledge base to support the specific challenges that students with disabilities experience and to consider how – from universal design to employment accommodations – they can better transform this knowledge into programming within their post-secondary institutions.


Just announced: Spencer Niles at Summer Skills Academy 2019 – Career Counselling with Soul

CERIC’s 2019 Summer Skills Academy will feature a special one-day interactive training opportunity: Career Counselling with Soul with career expert, professor and keynote speaker Dr Spencer Niles. This seminar will be held on Tuesday, August 13 at the CERIC office in Toronto.

Today, many people struggle to express their “true selves” in the work they perform and the lives they live. The bombardment of competing expectations and many workplace rules can shape who you become and how you live in ways that threaten your authenticity. Sometimes we are so intent on fitting in and succeeding that we are only vaguely aware that this is happening to us. This full-day session focuses on strategies for encouraging clients to make career choices that honour their souls or authentic selves.

Spencer Niles is the Dean and Professor for the School of Education at the College of William & Mary. Previously, he served as Distinguished Professor and Department Head at the Pennsylvania State University. Additionally, Niles has directed a career counselling centre for adults, worked as a career counsellor in higher education, maintained a private practice focusing on career counselling, and served as a career counsellor for middle school and high school students. He has taught in 27 countries, has 130 publications related to career practice, and is the recipient of many awards from the American Counseling Association and the National Career Development Association, where he is currently President.

What other career professionals said about their learning experiences with Spencer Niles…

This seminar was so inspiring and eye opening. Definitely going to implement this in my career as well as in my life. I didn’t even realize I was having soul-spirit disconnect and I feel like I’m awake now. I didn’t want the lecture to end.”

Spencer is a wonderful clinician and researcher. He has a depth not often seen and he is a gift to the practice of counselling and career therapy.”

Excellent speaker that left me with remarkable takeaways that will influence my daily work. I feel encouraged and inspired to play bigger and connect with community and spirituality.”

The cost for the one-day seminar at the Early Bird rate is $195 and $245 for regular rate. Special discounts are available for groups. Space is limited to 30 spots and they are expected to go quickly.

CERIC’s Summer Skills Academy was developed to meet the need for career practitioner training that is face-to-face, in-depth and budget-friendly.

Find complete information and register at ceric.ca/summerskills.


CERIC on the road this spring to share career development knowledge and resources

CERIC will be travelling to locations across Canada starting this month for a series of roadshows. These learning and networking events introduce attendees to CERIC’s programs and publications and provide the opportunity to connect with like-minded professional peers.

Roadshows are inclusive events, designed to allow conversations between all who have a stake in career development, including career practitioners, educators, employers, community agencies and government. The goal of the roadshows is for stakeholders to:

  • Discover new research, education and resources from CERIC that will provide insights to support and enhance their work;
  • Participate in a two-way dialogue around what career development needs/gaps exist and how CERIC can help in addressing these; and
  • Build a network of local individuals and organizations that are engaged in different facets of career development.

The following dates have been confirmed for the spring roadshow series:

CERIC wishes to thank the many local partners who are collaborating with us to host roadshows and share information with their members and networks.

If you are located in one of these cities and would like to attend a roadshow, or would like to partner with CERIC to host a future roadshow in your community, please contact Cyrielle Filias at cyrielle@ceric.ca.


Announcing an incredible and inspiring lineup of Cannexus20 keynotes!

CERIC is pleased to announce the keynote speakers for Cannexus20, Canada’s largest bilingual National Career Development Conference. Cannexus is designed to promote the exchange of information and explore innovate approaches in the areas of career counselling and career and workforce development. The conference takes place January 27-29, 2020 at the Shaw Centre in Ottawa and is expected to welcome 1,200 delegates.

Three exciting keynote speakers will be sharing their experiences and insights:

  • Natan Obed, President, Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami, Canada’s National Inuit Leader
  • Tristram Hooley, Director of Research, The Careers & Enterprise Company
  • Zita Cobb, Founder & CEO, Fogo Island Inn and Shorefast Foundation

The Cannexus20 Call for Presenters is still open. Education sessions can cover innovations and best practices in career counselling/coaching techniques, employment and training programs, employee recruitment and engagement, workforce planning and more. The submission deadline is June 7, 2019.

Cannexus continues to grow in scope and size each year. At Cannexus20, you can expect to join peers whose focus includes career development from education, community, government and private sectors. Attendees will examine the changing ways that we define work, find jobs and develop skills as part of a national conversation.

In addition to world-class keynotes and more than 150 education sessions, a popular exhibitor showcase (sold out last year) will feature products, programs and services from across the career development field. The Sponsor & Exhibitor Prospectus will be available in May. Contact sandra@ceric.ca about sponsorship and exhibit opportunities.

Registration opens July 3, 2019 with Super Saver pricing. Special rates for presenters, members of supporting organizations, students and groups will be available.

Cannexus is presented by CERIC and supported by The Counselling Foundation of Canada and a broad network of supporting organizations.


New webinar series helps you to prepare for the future of work

With the development and adoption of new artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics technologies, one in seven people will need to find a new occupation by 2030: one in two for women and peoples of colour.

A new CERIC and Career Development Association of Alberta (CDAA) webinar series – AI-Powered, Human-Centred Career Development & Coaching: Preparing for Skills and Jobs of the Future, presented by Hamoon Ehktiari, will identify approaches and tools that help career professionals and their clients better navigate the ever-changing world of work and learning.

  • Webinar #1: Get Located-Discovering Your Superpowers Tuesday, June 4, 2019 | 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm ET
  • Webinar #2: Find Your Destination-Exploring the World of Opportunities Tuesday, June 11, 2019  | 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm ET
  • Webinar #3: Map Your Pathways-Finding the Right Learning and Growth Supports Tuesday June 18, 2019 | 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm ET

Ehktiari is the Founder & CEO of Audacious Futures, a global innovation launchpad. Previously, he was the Director of Strategy and Innovation at TELUS and a management member at MaRS, Canada’s largest innovation hub. Ehktiari is passionate about unlocking the potential of people, organizations and societies to re-imagine and build the future.

The cost for the full series is $159. A discount is available for CDAA members.

CERIC partners with associations and organizations across Canada and beyond to present webinars that offer timely, convenient and affordable professional development. Previously, CERIC has worked with the New Brunswick Career Development AssociationBC Career Development AssociationOntario Association for Career Management, Canadian Association of Career Educators & Employers and Nova Scotia Career Development Association.


Trauma-informed career development is the focus of new webinar series

CERIC is pleased to be partnering with the BC Career Development Association (BCCDA) to offer a 3-part webinar series – Trauma-Informed Career Development: How to Recognize and Effectively Respond to Trauma in Your Practice with Trauma Counsellor Seanna Quressette.

As more clients come to career services with a history of trauma, it is essential that career practitioners have the tangible tools to work effectively with these individuals. This webinar series will present strategies for career practitioners to create a trauma-informed practice in their service delivery settings.

  • Webinar #1: Impacts of Trauma on Career Development Thursday, June 6, 2019 | 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm ET
  • Webinar #2: Defining Trauma-Informed Career Development Practices Thursday, June 13, 2019 | 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm ET
  • Webinar #3: Trauma-Informed Strategies for Career Practitioners Thursday, June 20, 2019 | 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm ET

Quressette is a trained Trauma Counsellor who also has over 30 years of experience in the career development sector. She is the Co-ordinator of Continuing Education at Douglas College Faculty of Child Family and Community Studies and is a private practitioner. She has worked with clients in private practice, in public programs and through post-secondary education. Quressette presented to a packed house on Trauma-Informed Career Development Practice at the Cannexus19 National Career Development Conference and received top ratings.

The cost for the full series is $159. A discount is available for BCCDA members.

CERIC partners with associations and organizations across Canada and beyond to present webinars that offer timely, convenient and affordable professional development. Previously, CERIC has worked with the Canada Professionals of CanadaNew Brunswick Career Development AssociationCareer Development Association of AlbertaOntario Association for Career Management, Canadian Association of Career Educators & Employers and Nova Scotia Career Development Association.


CERIC funds research to support the professional integration of immigrants in Quebec

CERIC will fund a new research project in Quebec that will examine how services can better support the professional integration of immigrants in response to the struggles many face despite being selected for their qualifications and having high levels of education and training. The project will be led by Marcelline Bangali, Professor at Université Laval’s Faculty of Education and the Assistant Director of the Centre de recherche et d’intervention sur l’éducation et la vie au travail (CRIEVAT), one of the largest career counselling research centres in Canada.

Research for the project will be undertaken in partnership with the Service d’Orientation et d’Intégration des Immigrants au Travail (SOIT), a non-profit employment agency in Quebec City serving newcomers and employers. The partnership with SOIT will allow researchers to gain a better understanding of how well the services offered by the organization meet the needs of its clients for lasting integration in a job that they consider decent and that aligns with their life choices. The end goal of the research is to design a service model that helps new immigrants manage this transition, with its inherently complex professional and identity issues.

The project will be carried out over three years by a research team from Université Laval and Université de Moncton. Focused on the enrichment of research through experiential knowledge, this project will be implemented in close collaboration with SOIT. It will consist of observing the activities of this organization, conducting a survey as well as interviews with its newcomer clients on the impact of the services received, and individual and group interviews with its career counselling staff on their practice. The research team will also carry out a study on employers’ perceptions so that the areas for improvement and the courses of action that emerge from this research will be consistent with the realities of the labour market.

The research will then be used to develop an experimental intervention model that will be tested by SOIT. This comprehensive, innovative practice model will be designed based on a user-centred constructivist approach, from the perspective of the new paradigm of 21st-century career guidance (inspired by the works of Mark Savickas, Jean Guichard and Mary McMahon).

The need for this research has emerged over several decades. Immigrants to Quebec are chosen based on a number of criteria, including professional qualifications and a high level of education. For chosen candidates, employment opportunities are a determining factor. While these criteria are required for candidates to be admitted as immigrants, their integration into the workforce has been challenging (unemployment, deskilling and discrimination). Many newcomers, despite being selected for their qualifications, face an unwanted and unexpected professional shift, which usually results in a “loss of status.” Many career counselling services target quick access to the labour market, which can lead to counterproductive choices with negative repercussions for mental health, well-being and family life. Very few studies until now have examined the real impact of the services provided to immigrants in this complex transition and professional re-orientation.

The results of the project will help create a practical guide, to be published in English and French, for professionals working with immigrants. The intervention methods and recommendations that will be developed in this guide can be adapted to the needs of other provinces in order to analyze practices and propose new approaches to better meet the needs of immigrants. A summer institute intended for both guidance and career counsellors, professionals working with immigrants (eg, in social services) and career counselling students will further support the transfer of knowledge. A graduate seminar will also be created, allowing students to incorporate the results of this research into their future professional practice or their own research projects. Finally, the research will contribute to political and social decision-making around the integration of immigrants in Canada.

CERIC provides funding and other support to develop innovative career development resources. Individuals and organizations are welcome to submit project proposals for career counselling-related research or learning projects. This research project aligns with several of CERIC’s five priority funding areas, including career practitioning with social and economic impact; new emerging career development theories and career management models; and impact of career services on policy and programs.