Free Webinar Series (en angalis) : Career Theories and Models at Work: Oct. 25, Nov. 1 & 4, 2019 with authors Mei Tang (USA), Kimberly A.S. Howard (USA) and Tom Luken (Netherlands)

This free webinar series offer the opportunity to further explore the career theories and models compiled in CERIC’s book Career Theories and Models at Work: Ideas for Practice. Webinars are led by the contributing authors to the book. More webinars (English and French) presented by the authors of the book will be added to the series soon!

Webinar #1: Enhancing Accordance Between Person and Environment Through an Ecological Career Counselling Approach

Date: Friday, October 25, 2019, 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm ET

Presenter: Mei Tang, University of Cincinnati, USA

Cost: Free


Uncertainty in the future work environment is the new norm for a majority of people in the current social and economic context. Finding an occupational fit, fostering aspiration and motivation, learning decision-making skills, and developing adaptability are all recommendations to deal with the challenge; however, if individuals’ personal and contextual factors are not adequately taken into consideration, these great ideas might fail. Without ecological validity in career interventions, we are unable to help people achieve their optimal potential. The goal of ecological counselling is to help clients find concordance, or positive accommodation between themselves and their environment in all of their life aspects.

Why You Should Attend

In this free webinar, Mei Tang will introduce the ecological career counselling model with an aim for practitioners to acquire strategies to help individuals optimize assets and overcome barriers in the ecosystem in order to achieve sustainable outcomes from our career interventions.

Webinar Learnings:

  • Broaden understanding of interaction of individuals and ecosystem including family, school, work setting, and socioeconomic and cultural context
  • Use ecological assessment to sort out resources and barriers for clients at each level of the ecological system
  • Identify personally meaningful and ecologically valid goals for individual career development through clarification of role and life purpose
  • Optimize person-environment dynamic development by integrating roles, needs, resources and barriers in each layer of their ecosystem
  • Facilitate empowerment and resilience-building of clients through a collaborative process with clients

Photo Mei Tang

Mei Tang, PhD, LPC, Professor, Counselling Program at the University of Cincinnati, US. She has served in various roles in professional organizations for counselling and career development for over 20 years. Her teaching and research focus includes multicultural issues in counselling, career development of minorities, cultural identity and acculturation, counsellor education and supervision, assessment and evaluation, and application of ecological counselling.

Mei Tang is also one of the authors of the Career Theories and Models at Work: Ideas for Practice book, Chapter 38 – Ecological Career Counselling Model: Enhancing Accordance of Person and Environment for a Meaningful Life.

Webinar #2: Developmentally Aligned Career Programming for PK-12 Students: The Conceptions of the Career Choice and Attainment Model

Date: Friday, November 1, 2019, 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm ET

Presenter: Kimberly A. S. Howard, Boston University, USA

Cost: Free


The most effective learning activities are those designed with the development level of the learner in mind. It is expected that education curricula in academic subject areas, such as math, reading and science, are created and implemented in such a way that they are well matched to the cognitive abilities of the students in the classroom. The same principle should be applied to the area of career development. The Conceptions of Career Choice and Attainment (CCCA) model provides a six-level framework from which we can understand the way children reason about career-related processes, and how this reasoning changes over time.

Why You Should Attend

In this free webinar, Kimberly A.S. Howard will introduce the key features of the CCCA model and how it can be used by school-based professionals and youth development practitioners to identify the types of interventions that encourage children to develop more sophisticated reasoning about career development and occupational goals.

Webinar Learnings:

  • The importance of considering cognitive developmental level when designing career education programs for children and youth
  • The key features of the CCCA model
  • The nature of career reasoning demonstrated by students in each of the 6 CCCA levels
  • How to align their career programming to meet students’ career development needs

Kimberly A.S. Howard, is an Associate Professor at Boston University, where she serves as training director of the Counseling Psychology PhD program. She is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association (APA) Society of Counseling Psychology and a member of the APA Coalition for Psychology in Schools and Education.

Kimberly A.S. Howard is also one of the authors of the Career Theories and Models at Work: Ideas for Practice book, Chapter 16 – Children’s Reasoning about Career Development: The Conceptions of Career Choice and Attainment Model.

Webinar #3: An Innovative Acceptance and Commitment Approach to Career Theory and Practice – Why, What and How?

Date: Monday, November 4, 2019, 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm ET

Presenter: Tom Luken, retired Researcher and Professor, Netherlands

Cost: Free


In this free webinar, Tom Luken will discuss why he thinks career theory and practice need innovation and why Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) offers promising ingredients for this.

Why You Should Attend

The first part of the webinar will be devoted to some conundrums in the context of career development. One concerns the need for self-direction, while developmental and brain research suggests that this is out of reach for most adolescents and many adults. Another conundrum concerns pitfalls of conscious thinking and – in many instances – a superiority of “unconscious thinking.” It will be concluded that many traditional career guidance theories and practices are based on assumptions that are increasingly losing credibility.

In the second part of the webinar, some basic ACT views, processes and instruments will be discussed. The contents will be illustrated by some practical exercises and experiences, derived from a toolkit, developed by Tom and Albert de Folter.

Webinar Learnings:

  • Reflection on some fundamental problems in career theory and practice
  • A new understanding of “self-direction”
  • Knowing the basics of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)
  • Ideas for innovating career theory and practice
  • Stimulation of finding one’s own ways to apply these ideas

Tom Luken, is a work and organizational psychologist, based in the Netherlands, with a lifelong focus on career development. He has worked as a counsellor, trainer, researcher, professor and editor-in-chief. Now retired, he is focusing on some fundamental questions concerning career development.

Tom Luken is also one of the authors of Career Theories and Models at Work: Ideas for Practice book, Chapter 19 – Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Fuels Innovation of Career Counselling.

Career Theories and Models at Work: Ideas for Practice

CERIC’s book Career Theories and Models at Work: Ideas for Practice is an international collection of contemporary and emerging career development theories and models that aims to inform the practice of career development professionals around the globe. It is also intended to be used as a text for undergraduate and graduate career counselling courses.

  • Contains 43 chapters on the theories and models that define the practice of career development today
  • Contributors are 60 of the leading career researchers and practitioners from four continents and nine countries: Australia, Canada, England, Finland, India, the Netherlands, New Zealand, South Africa and the United States
  • Featured authors include the original theorists and those who have adapted the work in unique ways to inform career development practice


Free Webinar Series (en anglais) : Career Theories and Models At Work – April 20, 24, 27 & May 1, 2020 with Authors Jon Woodend (Australia), Louis Cournoyer (Canada), Simon Viviers (Canada) and David L. Blustein (USA)

This free webinar series offer the opportunity to further explore the career theories and models compiled in CERIC’s book Career Theories and Models at Work: Ideas for Practice. Webinars are led by the contributing authors to the book. More webinars (English and French) presented by the authors of the book will be added to the series soon!

Webinar #1: Making Sense of Career Transitions Through the Theory of Work Adjustment

Date: Monday, April 20, 2020, 8:00 pm – 9:00 pm ET

Presenter: Jon Woodend, James Cook University, Australia

Language: English


Although it is now common and accepted that people will change jobs multiple times throughout their career, within society there remains this drive to be “one and done” by securing a life-long position. Given this drive, when individuals find themselves in a career transition, it can sometimes feel as if they are not doing what they are “supposed” to do, creating anxiety and self-doubt. The Theory of Work Adjustment can help address this disconnection by providing insight into how individuals reach and engage in career transitions. Importantly, the Theory of Work Adjustment goes beyond looking at the role of the individual situation in career transitions, and integrates the influence of the workplace. The result is a more comprehensive understanding of career transitions.

Why You Should Attend

In this free webinar, Jon will introduce the Theory of Work Adjustment with a focus on how practitioners can use this approach to help clients understand their career transitions.

Webinar Learnings:

  • A general understanding of the Theory of Work Adjustment
  • Insight into how individuals engage in career transitions
  • The influence of the workplace (employers) on career transitions
  • The intersection between individuals and the workplace (employers) in facilitating career transitions
  • Beginning ideas in using the Theory of Work Adjustment with clients

Jon Woodend, PhD is a Lecturer in the Master of Guidance and Counselling and Career Development programs at James Cook University in Australia. Jon has worked with secondary and post-secondary students for career, personal and academic counselling. His research interests include international career transitions for newcomers including international students and immigrants. Jon previously lectured at the University of Calgary, where he completed his doctoral studies with Dr Nancy Arthur. Jon is also one of the authors of the Career Theories and Models at Work: Ideas for Practice book (Chapter 43: The Theory of Work Adjustment: Seeking and Maintaining Satisfaction and Satisfactoriness).


Webinar #2: An Adaptive Decision-making Approach to Career Counselling

Date: Friday, April 24, 2020, 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm ET

Presenter: Louis Cournoyer, Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada

Language: French


Time is an important consideration in an individual’s career development. Our life path and everything that goes into it play a role in the development of personal projects which then, through their success, failure or interruption, reshape our developmental history. At every phase of our lives (past, present and future), we are continually applying adjustment strategies to the various facets of our lives. The extent to which these strategies help us adapt can vary. The tensions can be biographical (life path, personal projects) or interactional (context forces, adjustment strategies) in nature, but at the centre of them is an individual who is endeavouring to meet their needs.

Why You Should Attend

In this free webinar, Louis Cournoyer will present a career counselling concept based on the adaptive decision-making model. Participants will learn about the many significant aspects of how a career decision is made and will discover a method of initial and ongoing evaluation and intervention geared to clients’ needs.

Webinar Learnings:

  • How individuals process information about themselves and make adjustments to their interpersonal and social systems that help them adapt, with varying degrees of success.
  • Which basic needs, affective needs in particular, are central to a person’s motivations for change.
  • How personal projects influence and shape a life path.
  • Which context force adjustment strategies are in play between self-regulation and self‑protection mechanisms.

Louis Cournoyer is a research professor in career counselling and development at Université du Québec à Montréal. As a career counsellor and clinical supervisor, he also has a professional practice serving youths and adults in career transition situations. His research interests are decision-making and transitional processes, professional practices in career counselling and development, as well as the impact of social relations. Louis Cournoyer is also a co-author of the book Career Theories and Models at Work: Ideas for Practice (Chapter 10: Decision-Action Model: Overview and Application to Career Development).


Webinar #3: Psychological Health at Work: The Importance of Taking Care of Our Work and Defending Our Occupation

Date: Monday, April 27, 2020, 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm ET

Presenter: Simon Viviers, Laval University, Canada

Language: French


Psychological health at work is of crucial importance to us as career counselling and development practitioners. We endeavour, through various means, to foster the well-being of individuals in their relationship with work, to prevent malaise, burnout and obsolescence. But what about our own psychological health at work? How do we maintain it, keep it from deteriorating? As helping professionals, we are often urged to first care for ourselves so we can better care for others. In this free webinar, we propose expanding the concept of “self-care” by showing the importance of taking care of our work, of defending our occupation, from a perspective of well-being at work.

Why You Should Attend

Participants will be introduced to several theoretical and practical principles of a critical clinical approach for work and psychological health.

Webinar Learnings:

  • Understanding the dynamic connections between work and psychological health
  • Developing a vision of psychological health beyond the individualization and medicalization of existence
  • Understanding why and how to use “occupation protection strategies” and professional advocacy to prevent psychological health problems at work
  • Identifying potential ways to apply the principles of this approach

Simon Viviers, C.C., is a Professor of Counselling Sciences, Department of Educational Foundations and Practices, Université Laval, and a regular researcher at the Research and Intervention Centre on Education and Working Life (CRIEVAT). His research focuses on the relationship with work and the psychological health of education and helping personnel. Simon Viviers is also a co-author of the book Career Theories and Models at Work: Ideas for Practice (Chapter 40: Taking Care of Oneself by Taking Care of One’s Work : A Clinical and Critical Perspective on Work and Mental Health).

Webinar #4: Psychology of Working Theory: A Transformative Approach to Work and Career

Date: Friday, May 1, 2020, 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm ET

Presenter: David L. Blustein, Boston College, USA

Language: English


Psychology of Working Theory (PWT) provides an inclusive and critical view of work and career that is uniquely suited for our uncertain era. The PWT advocates for a more seamless approach to understanding work, arguing that contemporary approaches to counselling and research need to embrace the intersection of work, social identities, ability/disability status and mental health.

Why You Should Attend

In this free webinar, David L. Blustein will share an overview of the Psychology of Working Theory and present the cutting-edge implications for practice and systems change. The implications of the changing workforce, as detailed in his recently published book The Importance of Work in an Age of Uncertainty: The Eroding Work Experience in America will also be reviewed as an illustration of psychology of working theory in relation to real-world problems. This free webinar is of value to anyone interested in work and career, including but not limited to career and mental health counsellors; career development specialists; career coaches; educators; vocational and counselling psychologists.

Webinar Learnings:

  • Major assumptions and tenets of psychology of working theory
  • Theoretical framework underlying the psychological study of working
  • Relationship between work and non-work roles
  • The fundamental human needs that working has the potential to fulfill
  • Applications of psychology of working theory to counselling practice
  • Applications of psychology of working theory to systemic change
  • Major conclusions from The Importance of Work in an Age of Uncertainty

David L. Blustein is a Professor of Counseling Psychology at Boston College. In addition to authoring The Psychology of Working: A New Perspective for Career Development, Counseling, and Public Policy and The Importance of Work in an Age of Uncertainty, David has written many other articles and book chapters on work, career development, social justice, poverty, and cultural issues. David is also one of the authors of the Career Theories and Models at Work: Ideas for Practice book (Chapter 7: The Psychology of Working Theory: A Transformative Approach to Work and Career).


Career Theories and Models at Work: Ideas for Practice

CERIC’s book Career Theories and Models at Work: Ideas for Practice is an international collection of contemporary and emerging career development theories and models that aims to inform the practice of career development professionals around the globe. It is also intended to be used as a text for undergraduate and graduate career counselling courses.

  • Contains 43 chapters on the theories and models that define the practice of career development today
  • Contributors are 60 of the leading career researchers and practitioners from four continents and nine countries: Australia, Canada, England, Finland, India, the Netherlands, New Zealand, South Africa and the United States
  • Featured authors include the original theorists and those who have adapted the work in unique ways to inform career development practice


Free Webinar Series (en anglais) : Career Theories and Models at Work – October 5 & 19, 2020 with authors Jim Bright (Australia), Roberta Borgen (Neault) (Canada) & Deirdre Pickerell (Canada)

This free webinar series offer the opportunity to further explore the career theories and models compiled in CERIC’s book Career Theories and Models at Work: Ideas for Practice. Webinars are led by the contributing authors to the book. More webinars (English and French) presented by the authors of the book will be added to the series soon!

Webinar #1: COVID, Chaos and Careers: Using the Chaos Theory of Careers to Navigate Uncertainty

Date: Monday, October 5, 2020 | 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm ET

Presenter : Jim Bright, Australian Catholic University, Australia

Language: English


The Chaos Theory of Careers (CTC) has been around for about 20 years. It provides a comprehensive theoretical framework for considering careers based on complexity, change and chance. Rather than encouraging long-term rigid plans that are likely to be undermined by changing circumstances and preferences, the CTC philosophy empowers individuals by developing their capacity for handling uncertainty, being resilient and optimistic, being able to change in creative ways, and recognizing that failure and limitations are important and useful aspects of the human experience.

Why You Should Attend

In this free webinar, participants will be introduced to an approach to career development that captures the realities of complexity, change and chance in people’s careers. Professor Jim Bright, the co-creator with Dr Robert Pryor of the CTC, will present an overview of the CTC and relate it to the global pandemic of COVID and the uncertainty that it has created in many people’s lives. He will show how adopting the Chaos approach in coaching, counselling, education and assessment can help clients and students develop better, more resilient and more realistic career strategies and knacks. Participants will leave the webinar with a better idea on how this approach can be used effectively with clients.

Webinar Learnings:

  • Understand the fundamentals of the CTC
  • Appreciate the importance of limitations in behaviour change
  • Gain insight into concepts such as dynamic order, emergent patterns and fractals as they apply to careers
  • Understand the co-dependent relationship of order and disorder, stability and change, chance and certainty
  • Recognize some of the CTC tools and techniques that can be used with clients or in career education

Dr Jim Bright is Professor of Career Education and Development at Australian Catholic University. Based in Sydney, Australia, he is a practicing psychologist, who works with clients in medico-legal matters such as motor vehicle accidents and workplace injuries, as well as coaching elite sports people and executives. He is a past Cannexus keynoter. Jim Bright is also one of the authors of the Career Theories and Models at Work: Ideas for Practice book (Chapter 33 – Chaos Theory for Career Counsellors).

Webinar #2: Career Engagement: Re-Aligning Challenge and Capacity in Chaotic Times

Date : Monday, October 19, 2020 | 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm ET

Presenters: Roberta Borgen (Neault) & Deirdre Pickerell, Life Strategies Ltd., Canada

Language: English


Chaotic times have a way of disrupting the careful balance between challenge and capacity required for optimal engagement. Too much challenge for the available capacity (individual or organizational) can be overwhelming; too little challenge, though, leaves people feeling underutilized. COVID-19’s impact within the work, life, and learning spheres is undeniable; however, in considering “engagement,” career development practitioners need to attend to the nuances of the individual’s experience. For those who transitioned to working from home, feeling overwhelmed was likely exacerbated by things like learning new technologies and taking on more childcare responsibilities; for those who were laid off, underutilization was likely exaggerated by being “stuck at home.” If left unchecked, both overwhelmed and underutilized individuals are at risk for complete disengagement. Career development professionals, human resource professionals and community leaders all have a role to play in supporting re-engagement efforts –– holistically taking into account all life roles.

Why You Should Attend

Join Drs Neault and Pickerell in this free webinar and learn more about their Career Engagement Model, and discuss strategies for applying the model with your clients to achieve and sustain an optimal level of engagement. The webinar will allow you to reflect on life roles and how they impact each other in a career context and to develop a theoretically grounded, holistic approach to career interventions and supports – for yourself and your clients. You will leave the session with concrete tips for applying the career engagement model with clients across their unique contexts.

Webinar Learnings:

  • Explore dynamic interaction of challenge and capacity
  • Understand both individual and organizational responsibility related to career engagement
  • Discover how interconnected life and work roles affect career engagement
  • Gain insights to apply the career engagement model with your clients
  • Recognize the signs of career disengagement

Dr Roberta Borgen (Neault), President of Life Strategies Ltd., Adjunct Professor at the University of British Columbia, and Project Director for the Canadian Career Development Foundation (CCDF), is co-developer of the Career Engagement model, and has extensive experience as an educator and counsellor supporting individuals and organizations with transitions, engagement and strategies to maximize their success.

Dr Deirdre Pickerell, CPHR, GCDF-I, Vice President of Life Strategies Ltd. and Dean of Student Success at Yorkville University/Toronto Film School, is an award-winning career professional with 25 years of experience and co-author of the Career Engagement model. Her doctoral research focused on career engagement among Canadian career development practitioners.

Dr Roberta Borgen (Neault) and Dr Deirdre Pickerell are also among the authors of the Career Theories and Models at Work: Ideas for Practice book (Chapter 26: Career Engagement: A Conceptual Model for Aligning Challenge and Capacity)

Career Theories and Models at Work: Ideas for Practice

CERIC’s book Career Theories and Models at Work: Ideas for Practice is an international collection of contemporary and emerging career development theories and models that aims to inform the practice of career development professionals around the globe. It is also intended to be used as a text for undergraduate and graduate career counselling courses.

  • Contains 43 chapters on the theories and models that define the practice of career development today
  • Contributors are 60 of the leading career researchers and practitioners from four continents and nine countries: Australia, Canada, England, Finland, India, the Netherlands, New Zealand, South Africa and the United States
  • Featured authors include the original theorists and those who have adapted the work in unique ways to inform career development practice


Webinar Series (en anglais) : Beyond Diversity: Supporting Career Practitioners to Have Inclusive Anti-Racist Practices that Empower BIPOC Clients

Date & Time:

Presenter: Jodi Tingling

Cost: Full Series (    )-Member: $119 | Full Series Non (    )-Member: $159

All registered participants will receive a password-protected video recording of each session. Recordings will remain available for ONE MONTH after the final webinar of the series.

Individual certificates of attendance will be provided to all registered participants who attend the webinars LIVE.


This webinar series will address the disparities that Black, Indigenous and people of colour (BIPOC) face in their careers. As a career practitioner, it is important to understand the systems that serve to harm or hinder the career trajectories of those who are BIPOC. The research is clear, the systems in place can negatively impact BIPOC careers as individuals face many barriers that alter their advancement in the workforce. Although there has been some progress in businesses recognizing the need to have a diverse, inclusive and equitable workforce, more work needs to be completed to dismantle the systems that continue to contribute towards promoting and harming those who are BIPOC.

Who Should Attend

Working in a system that operates to oppress BIPOC should be a concern for everyone but especially for someone who empowers others in their education and career trajectories. The system was created to elevate some groups while historically oppressing others. If you want to apply practical strategies to be equitable and inclusive when working with your BIPOC clients, the time is now. Learn what it takes to be an effective ally and an agent for change. 

Webinar #1: Why now: Impacts of being an inclusive career practitioner 
Tuesday, September 28, 2021 | 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm ET (check your timezone)

  • Learn what being inclusive as a career practitioner really means and how you can apply it to your everyday practice 
  • Uncover the relevance of why being inclusive and anti-racist matters  
  • Engage in a self-assessment to identify your own biases and reflect on your own inclusive practices as a career practitioner 

Webinar #2: Unpacking white supremacy culture and its impacts on BIPOC career trajectories
Tuesday, October 5, 2021 | 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm ET (check your timezone)

  • Dive into what working in a system of white supremacy really means 
  • Learn how systemic oppression affects the career trajectories of professionals who are BIPOC 
  • Assess examples of white supremacy culture  

Webinar #3: Strategies to be an impactful and inclusive practitioner 
Tuesday, October 12, 2021 | 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm ET (check your timezone)

  • How you can contribute and commit to being an inclusive, diverse and equitable career practitioner 
  • Learn essential strategies to empower your BIPOC clients  
  • How to become an ally  

Jodi TinglingJodi Tingling is a Workplace and Wellness Strategist who works with leaders, professionals, and organizations to ensure they meet their unique workplace goals. As a champion for Black, Indigenous and people of colour (BIPOC), her passion is to create equitable workspaces where everyone can feel safe to work in their purpose. 




Étude sur l’état de l’entrepreneuriat par les personnes âgées au Canada : incidences sur la formation pour les conseillers d’orientation

Partenaire du projet : Sheridan Centre for Elder Research
Langues : Anglais et français


Le besoin

En 2011, environ cinq millions de Canadiens étaient âgés de 65 ans ou plus. D’ici 2036, ce chiffre devrait doubler et atteindre 10,4 millions. D’ici 2051, un Canadien sur quatre devrait être âgé de 65 ans ou plus (Emploi et Développement social Canada, 2011). Cette tendance démographique, la vitesse à laquelle elle évolue et ses répercussions domineront le contexte social, politique et économique canadien dans un avenir rapproché.

Un sous-ensemble de personnes âgées, pris en compte dans ces chiffres, constitue la cohorte appelée « entrepreneurs d’âge mûr ». En 2012, les personnes de 50 ans ou plus constituaient le segment démographique affichant la croissance la plus rapide pour les entreprises en démarrage au Canada, soit environ 30 % du nombre total d’entreprises en démarrage au pays. Depuis 1990, le pourcentage d’entrepreneurs âgés de 50 ans ou plus a plus que doublé, et cette tendance se poursuit. Bien que nous connaissions les statistiques de 2012, nous savons peu de choses sur les caractéristiques des entrepreneurs plus âgés au Canada : leurs besoins, leurs défis, leurs intérêts et leurs contributions. À l’heure actuelle, ce domaine nous est presque inconnu, au Canada.


Cette étude est réalisée par le Centre for Elder Research situé au Sheridan College à Oakville, en Ontario, et s’appuie sur des travaux pilotes connexes dirigés par le Centre. La recherche se penche sur le manque de connaissances sur l’entrepreneuriat par les personnes âgées au Canada, et ce, en s’intéressant aux expériences, aux besoins et aux intérêts des entrepreneurs d’âge mûr. Aux fins de l’étude, un entrepreneur d’âge mûr est défini comme une personne de 50 ans ou plus qui a démarré sa propre entreprise après avoir atteint l’âge de 50 ans ou qui souhaite démarrer sa propre entreprise.

D’après les résultats de l’étude, l’équipe du Centre produira un rapport complet, qui comprendra les recommandations en matière de programmes et de politiques pour les intervenants clés, notamment les analystes des politiques, les professionnels du développement de carrière et d’autres personnes qui pourraient conseiller ou accompagner les entrepreneurs d’âge mûr. L’équipe chargée de l’étude recrutera un groupe diversifié d’entrepreneurs d’âge mûr, déjà ou nouvellement établis, afin de veiller à bien comprendre ce nouveau domaine.


À mesure qu’évolue l’image du vieillissement et de la retraite au Canada, le rôle et l’impact des entrepreneurs d’âge mûr devraient s’accroître au cours des années et des décennies à venir. Cette étude permettra de mieux connaître et comprendre les entrepreneurs d’âge mûr au Canada, ainsi que les facteurs qui pourraient favoriser leur réussite. Il est raisonnable de penser que cette réussite aura un effet boule de neige positif sur l’économie canadienne. On s’attend à ce que la recherche proposée constitue une première étape importante dans ce domaine en plein essor, car elle comblera un manque de renseignements pour les professionnels du développement de carrière et d’autres personnes, en leur fournissant les renseignements nécessaires pour mieux aider les entrepreneurs d’âge mûr.

Cette étude et tous les rapports connexes devraient être prêts d’ici février 2018.

L’état de l’entreprenariat des personnes âgées au Canada : Un aperçu

Rapport final (en anglais) – Apprenez-en davantage sur l’expérience de notre partenaire avec la mise en oeuvre de ce projet, ce qu’ils ont appris et les principales conclusions du projet.

Enregistrement de webinaire (en anglais)


Fidéliser et mobiliser : la gestion de carrière dans les organismes à but non lucratif et de bienfaisance

Author(s) Lisa Taylor
Publisher CERIC
ISBN 978-1-988066-37-0


Ce guide présente plus de 40 conseils et activités économiques (certaines ne prennent que 10 minutes par jour), spécifiquement destinés aux organismes à but non lucratif et de bienfaisance, pour recruter, mobiliser et fidéliser leur personnel. Rédigé dans un format novateur de guide de voyage par Lisa Taylor, l’ouvrage comprend :

  • des sections spéciales sur les nouveaux diplômés, la main-d’œuvre vieillissante et les emplois précaires, et contient des modèles de planification et des liens vers des ressources uniques
  • les résultats de recherches, des faits et des statistiques qui jettent un nouvel éclairage sur les employés des organismes à but non lucratif canadiens
  • des outils pratiques de gestion de carrière que vous pourrez utiliser avec vos employés pour offrir des possibilités d’avancement et d’épanouissement professionnel et pour renforcer les capacités du secteur à but non lucratif.

La gestion de carrière – même pour les plus petits des organismes à but non lucratif – procure un levier stratégique pour atteindre un rendement supérieur. Car les répercussions de la gestion de carrière ne se limitent pas à la satisfaction et à la fidélité des employés. La gestion de carrière permet aussi d’améliorer le service à la clientèle, de cerner plus rapidement les moyens d’accomplir sa mission et d’élargir les possibilités de développement – autant pour le personnel que pour l’organisme.

Également dans la série Fidéliser et mobiliser :
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À propos de l’auteure

Lisa Taylor est la présidente et fondatrice de Challenge Factory et du Centre for Career Innovation. Son point de vue sur la main-d’œuvre et le travail ont fait l’objet de reportages dans les grands médias nord-américains, dont le Wall Street Journal, le Huffington Post, la CBC et The Globe and Mail. Lisa Taylor donne régulièrement des conférences sur l’avenir de l’emploi, la main-d’œuvre intergénérationnelle et l’évolution des carrières dans le contexte économique d’aujourd’hui.

Nous souhaitons remercier tout particulièrement les champions des connaissances suivants pour le rôle de leader qu’ils ont assumé :


Building Cultural Intelligence to Promote Diversity and Inclusion: What We Need to Know to Thrive in the Workplace (en englais)

Presenter: Azumme Degun

Original Dates: February 24, March 3 & 10, 2021 – 3 hours of learning

Cost: $119

Group rates: If you register 5 or more participants from the same organization at the same time, you qualify for the group rate of 25% off registration fees. NOTE: This rate will automatically apply to the total payment amount when you register 5 or more.

By purchasing the on-demand webinar series, you will get access to the recordings of each session. Once purchased, the recordings remain accessible until May 2022.
Given that these are recorded webinars, NO certificate of live participation will be issued. You can provide the order confirmation email to your professional associations, and it’s their discretion to recognize the recorded webinar series for CEUs.


Recent world happenings, including the Black Lives Matter movement, have placed a spotlight on diversity and inclusion. In order to align with the business and social responsibility case for diversity and inclusion, more and more organizations are working towards repositioning their brands to understand racial bias, promote cultural intelligence and build a workforce that is diverse and inclusive.

Building and working in diverse and inclusive teams requires cultural intelligence as a competency and now is a great time to begin to develop an understanding of it.

Who Should Attend 

The world of work continues to evolve and the skills required to thrive in the workplace go beyond hard skills. One of the ways to excel in the workplace is to understand when changes are happening and how to optimize that change for career growth.

Equipping your clients to thrive in a multicultural work environment is essential, and it starts with you understanding the dynamics of the world of work as we now know it. As a career development practitioner, you need to gain an understanding of cultural intelligence, apply it to your own work and then you will be better equipped to share it with your clients.

Webinar #1: Building Cultural Intelligence (Competency)-CQ

  • What is cultural competency
  • How does it apply in the workplace
  • How to build CQ as an individual
  • How to encourage CQ in the workplace as an employer
  • Creating an organizational culture that encourages and rewards CQ

Webinar #2: Diversity and Inclusion

  • What is diversity
  • What is inclusion
  • Why do we need both diversity and inclusion
  • Diversity and inclusion strategies – from “individual” and “corporate” perspectives

Webinar #3: Understanding Implicit Bias

  • What is implicit bias and systemic racism
  • How does it present in the workplace
  • Identifying and overcoming implicit bias in the workplace or when working with your clients
  • The consequences of implicit bias in the workforce and corporate organizations

What are people saying about Azumme’s webinar?

Danielle McCann , Career Learning and Development Advisor, Royal Roads University, BC

The pacing, content, and delivery of this challenging material was well thought-out. Azumme made many crucial concepts come to life by putting them in context and by gently reminding us of our humanness throughout. I have attended other workshops on similar topics and found that this 3-part approach was much more effective than a one-day marathon because I had some time to digest and reflect. 

Kalsey Root, Program Instructor, Calgary Immigrant Women's Association (CIWA), AB

This webinar will help me teach CQ to my clients as well as continue to work well with colleagues. It also helps me question and acknowledge my own biases and do better going forward. 

Kim Abram, Case Manager, ISS of BC, BC

 I have already had DEI training so it was a good summary and review. It’s a huge topic to cover in 3 hours, esp to have to accommodate for people coming from all different knowledge bases, so Azumme did a great job providing basic to more advanced information. She had a down-to-earth approach that I love, gave great examples, and came from a place of caring telling us not to feel guilty, sharing she also makes mistakes, and encouraging us to learn and change. She has a very supportive way of teaching. 

I work with immigrants with multiple barriers/hurdles and so this refresher reminds me of the many ways they can experience bias. It also reminds me to not be complacent, and to therefore check my biases, assumptions, and any micro-aggressions I might unintentionally be contributing. With refreshed knowledge, I can continue to contribute to my agency’s DEI efforts. 

Azumme Degun is a career development professional with expertise in immigrant career advisory, cultural intelligence, job search strategies, stakeholder engagement and diversity and inclusion advocacy. With a bachelor’s degree in economics and over 12 years of experience spanning banking, government and not-for-profit, she has an avid interest in seeing new immigrants settle into Canada. In her role as the Program Director-Career Mentorship Program with Edmonton Region Immigrant Employment Council, she leads a team that helps immigrant professionals leverage the power of mentoring in their job search while also helping managers and employers harness a global talent pool, locally.


Fidéliser et mobiliser : la gestion de carrière dans le secteur public

Auteur(s) Lisa Taylor
Éditeur CERIC
ISBN 978-1-988066-67-7


Une main-d’œuvre qualifiée, inclusive, agile et outillée est essentielle pour les employeurs du secteur public au Canada. Ce guide novateur offre plus de 40 activités économiques (certaines se font en 10 min) utiles aux gestionnaires du secteur public pour attirer et fidéliser le personnel. Rédigé comme un guide de voyage par Lisa Taylor, il met l’accent sur la diversité, l’équité et l’inclusion et reconnaît l’unicité du secteur public. De plus, il fournit des modèles de planification et des liens vers d’autres ressources.

La gestion de carrière – à tous les niveaux de la fonction publique – procure un levier stratégique pour stimuler le rendement, et ses répercussions ne se limitent pas à la satisfaction et à la fidélité des employés. Cela permet aussi d’améliorer la fonction publique, de cerner plus rapidement les moyens d’accomplir votre mandat et d’élargir les possibilités d’innovation.

Ce guide s’adresse à vous si, en tant que gestionnaire du secteur public, vous vous souciez de tels enjeux :  

  • Recrutement, rétention de talents
  • Aide à la transition (intégration, automatisation, planification de la retraite, etc.)
  • Développement des compétences et des candidats aux postes de direction
  • Partage des connaissances
  • Agilité, résilience, mobilité
  • Rééducation/perfectionnement professionnels – un atout dans un monde du travail en évolution
  • Protection/amélioration de la santé mentale et du bien-être
  • Accent sur la diversité, l’équité et l’inclusion

Obtenez votre copie

À propos de l’auteure

Lisa Taylor est présidente de Challenge Factory et du Centre for Career Innovation. Elle est l’auteure de The Talent RevolutionLongevity and the Future of Work et The Canadian Guide to Hiring Veterans, et de la série de guides Fidéliser et mobiliser 

*Veuillez cliquer sur le bouton CC pour obtenir la traduction en français.


Guide de référence pour les conseillers en développement de carrière intervenant auprès de la clientèle inuit

Inuit Guide French

Pinasuutitsaq – ᐱᓇᓲᑎᑦᓴᖅ est un nouveau guide de référence qui vise à optimiser les interventions en développement de carrière destinées à la clientèle inuit, tant en milieu nordique qu’urbain. Il a été élaboré par le Regroupement québécois des organismes pour le développement de l’employabilité (RQuODE), avec l’appui du CERIC et de l’Administration régionale Kativik.

Le but de ce guide est d’outiller les conseillers travaillant dans les communautés inuit ou avec des clients inuit, afin qu’ils soient en mesure de mieux cerner les particularités culturelles de leurs interventions auprès de cette clientèle, tout en améliorant la compréhension des principaux enjeux auxquels sont confrontés les Inuit en recherche d’emploi.

Ce guide propose des stratégies mettant l’accent sur les actions à privilégier et les pièges à éviter. Il se compose de quatre chapitres :

  • Mise en contexte : un résumé du contexte, des principaux défis liés à l’emploi et de la culture inuit
  • Défis : des pistes d’action ciblées selon 12 problématiques courantes
  • Stratégies : 50 stratégies et pratiques d’intervention efficaces en situation d’interaction avec la clientèle inuit, répertoriées selon 11 thèmes
  • Ressources : des références bibliographiques et d’autres ressources pour permettre l’approfondissement de thèmes ou de sujets variés
Inuit Guide French

Guide de référence pour les con seillers en développement de carrière intervenant auprès de la clientèle inuit


Une différence de potentiel : recruter, embaucher et employer des personnes handicapées

Partenaire du projet : Robert Burt Productions
Langues : Anglais et français

TERMINÉ – 2006

Le taux de chômage des personnes handicapées se situe à un niveau alarmant. Bien que ces personnes représentent un excellent basin de talents, elles demeurent non exploitées et en marge de la main-d’œuvre ordinaire.

La vidéo “Une différence de potentiel” examine les défis quotidiens que doivent relever les personnes handicapées, explique les raisons pour lesquelles les chercheurs d’emploi et les employeurs éprouvent des difficultés à établir des liens et dit comment on peut changer la situation.

La voie vers un emploi peut être difficile, mais de nombreuses relations fructueuses ont été établies entre chercheurs d’emploi et empli et employeurs. Des gens qui ont réussi offrent des analyses éclairantes, des solutions pratiques et des stratégies pour améliorer la situation de l’emploi sur le marché du travail d’aujourd’hui.

Produit et distribué par le CERIC avec le soutien de The Counselling Foundation of Canada.

Le documentaire (produit en anglais ainsi qu’une version française – traduction par voix hors champ et sous-titres) n’est plus disponible.


Steven Fletcher, adjoint parlementaire au ministre fédéral de la Santé

Le moment est venu pour les employeurs, les agences de service, les employés potentiels, le gouvernement et le public de consulter ce documentaire. Les messages qu’il fait passer sont poignants et responsabilisants et donnent à tous les groupes concernés un plan pour se diriger vers leur plein engagement.

James Vandervoort, instructeur, George Brown

Le réalisme et les approches pragmatiques font de ce DVD la meilleure vidéo pratique que j’ai vue jusqu’ici pour ceux qui travaillent dans le domaine des besoins particuliers et des handicaps.