Réflexion conceptuelle pour le développement de carrière (en anglais)

Dernière mise à jour : Mai 2020

AGSM, (2018). Design thinking could upgrade your career path. Here’s how… UNSW Business School.

Anderson, A. (2015). What Shaped My Career as a Leader in Design Thinking. SAP.

Brewer, A.M. (2020). Careers: Thinking, Strategizing and Prototyping. Emerald.

Brzezinski, G. (2019). Design Thinking can help you forge a new career path. Career Growth.

Buchanan, J. (2017). Carving Out a Career Path Using Design thinking. JWB/Design.

Burgman, R. (2019). Is Your Career a Wicked Problem. Inside High Ed.

Burnett, B. (2018). Documentation: Design Your Life and Career and Framework. UBC.

Clark, T. (2014). Redesign Your Career with a New Personal Business Model. Udemy.

Clark, S/ (2020). What Design Thinking Can Bring to Employee Experience Programs. CMS WIRE.

Davis-Laack, P. (2019). How I used design Thinking to reinvent My Career – Here’s Why It Worked. Career Evolution.

De Palma. (2016). Mentoring and design thinking for entrepreneurship learning. Cometare Research.

Dowd-Higgins, C. (2019). Reinvent Your Career with Design Thinking. Carolyn Dowd-Higgins.

Dunne, D. (2019). Think twice about ‘design thinking’. The Globe and Mail.

Fan, D. (2019). Embrace design thinking to advance diversity, equity and inclusion. Talent Management.

Firebrand Talent, (2017). How to Apply Design Thinking Principles for Your Career Success. Firebrand Ideas Ignition Blog.

Gale, A. (2019). Can design thinking transform your career. Management Today.

GlobalizeIt Staff. (2019). Career Development: Creating an Action Plan with Design Thinking. GlobalizeIt.

Goodman, G. (2017). Design Thinking More Than a Buzz Word. University of Denver.

Hirsch, A.S. (2017). Use Design Thinking to Better Your Career. SHRM.

Hunter Miller, B. (2017). What is Design thinking? The 5 Phases Explained (Definition and Example). Career Guide.

Interaction Design Foundation. (2019).  The Design Career Map – Learn How to Get Ahead in Your Work. Interaction Design Org.

Jongbloet, M. (2017). Shaping your career with design thinking. UX Collective.

Lamia, E. (2017). Next Time You’re Making a Career Move, Try Design Thinking. Career Planning.

Lauff, C. (2017). Applying Design Thinking to Your Life. Noteworthy, The Journal Blog.

Liedtka, J. (2018). Why Design Thinking Works. University of Virginia Darden School of Business.

Magidson, C. (2017). Design Thinking in Career and Life. John Hopkins. Career Business School.

Marten, M.M. (2014). Using Design Thinking to Craft Your Career: An Introduction . The Bamboo Project.

McDermott, B. (2020). Design Thinking Process. Renew HR.

Meier Mercer, O. (2019). Applying design thinking to talent mobility management: how to get started. Mobility Exchange.

Misra, A. (2019). Leveraging design thinking for enhancing employee engagement. People Matter.

Most, C., Gordon, L. (2019). Design Thinking Methods for Career Planning. Medium.

Prevette S. (2019). Career Development: Creating an Action Plan with Design Thinking. Skillshare.

Robson, P. (2018). Design Thinking & Careers. CDAA.

Saraf, D. (2017). How to Apply Design Thinking to Career Management. LinkedIn.

Stevens, E. (2019). What is Design Thinking? A Comprehensive Beginner’s Guide. Career Foundry.

Sweet, J. (2019). How to Create Colossal Career Success with Design Thinking. Forbes Coaches Council.


Le milieu de travail en évolution (en anglais)

Dernière mise à jour : Juillet 2020

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Ferrandon, P. (2020). Workplace 2020: Key trends for the future of work. HRD Canada.

Gatto, R.M. (2015). Changing Workforce Demographics. NAIOP.

Gitney, J. (2017). Workforce Trends Over the Next 10 Years: What It Means For Your Business. Group 50.

Gomez, M. (2014). How Career Development Programs Support Employee Retention. Association for Talent Development.

Graetz, F., Rimmer, M., Lawrence, A., & Smith, A. (2002). Managing organizational change. Queensland: John Wiley & Sons Australia Limited.

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Goldsmith, Ashley. (2019). The Changing Workplace: Business Is Personal. Forbes.

Gollom, Mark. (2020). 4-day work week with fewer hours, same pay could become a reality in some workplaces post-COVID-19. CBC.

Fox, Bob. (2020). Powerful Workplace Changes You Need To Know In 2020. Workdesign

Hankin, H. (2005). The new workforce: Five sweeping trends that will shape your company’s future. New York: American Management Association.

Hart, J. (2014). Big change vs little change in workplace learning. Learning in the Modern Workplace.

Harter, Jim & Rubenstein, Kristi. (2020). The 38 Most Engaged Workplaces in the World Put People First. Gallup.

Hatum, A. (2014). Demographic Changes in the Workplace. The European Business Review.

Heerwagen, J., Heerwagen & Associates, J.H., Kelly, K., and Kampschroer, K. (2016). The Changing Nature of Organizations, Work, and Workplace. WBDG.

Wright, Daisy. (2020). Take Your Knee Off Our Necks!. CareerMusings.

Heintzelman Sehgal, B. (2015). The Next Generation: How Returning Professionals Will Impact Today’s Workforce.

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Hirsch, Arlene. (2018). Taking Steps to Eliminate Racism in the Workplace. SHRM.

Holt, M. (2016). How to Cope with Change and Diversity in the Workplace. Chron.

Horn, John. (2020). Three Workplace Trends to Watch. Potentiality.

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Pascoal, Samantha. (2018). Workplace wellness programs help employees thrive. CareerWise.

Pasqua, Marco. (2020). How to Create Accessible Workplaces in 2020. PeopleTalk.

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Pichette, Jade. (2019). LGBTQ2+ minority stress in the workplace: How discrimination hurts health. CareerWise.

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Pophal, Lin Grensing. (2018). How to Handle 5 Generations in the Workplace. HR Daily Advisor.

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Intelligence artificielle et le développement de carrière (en anglais)

Dernière mise à jour : Dècembre 2019

Adamopoulos, A. (2019). To prepare today’s workforce for AI, they must understand it’s not a threat. TNW.

Admin, (2018). Creating a Career in Artificial Intelligence. Dcresource.

Amador, C. (2019). Future of Work: AI is Reshaping Managers Traditional Role. All Work.

Arora, S. (2019). Webinar Wrap-up: How to Build a Career in AI and Machine Learning. Simpl;Learn.

Ashley, M. (2018). Will A.I. Take Our Jobs? Will It Kill Us? It’s Time To Have That Human Conversation Now. Forbes.

Asokan, A. (2019). How AI-Powered Tools Can Shape Your Resume. Analytics.

Avers, R. (2019). Is AI Really a Threat to Traditional Jobs? readwrite.

Avila, V. (2017). The Machine Learning Career Path. I-Trek.

Baba, A. (2019). Scrutinizing Artificial Intelligence based Career Guidance and Counselling Systems: an Appraisal. Research Gate

Bahl, M. (2019). Who Will Train the Skills for Tomorrow’s AI Workforce? TLNT.

Balani, J. (2019). Making Your Mark in an AI-powered World: Conversational AI. PowerFly.

Barney, M. (2019). Artificially Intelligent Coaching Has Arrived. Training Industry.

Barney, M., and Madigan, J. (2019). Rethinking Coaching and Emotions with New Artificial Intelligence. ICF.

Barouki, M. (2019). 4 Ways Artificial Intelligence Will Elevate the Human in Human Resources. Pvisio.

Barrios, J. (2019). Three Ways Automated Hiring with AIU Will Change Your Business Analyst Job Search. Joe Barrios.

Bartleby, (2018). How an algorithm may decide your career. The Economist.

BasuMallick, C. (2019). How AI Will Transform Career Progression. HR Technologist.

Berg, A. AI and the future of work: Main changes to expect in the next years. ITProPortal.

Berman, B. (2019). Your next job interview could involve playing a game against AI. Big Think.

Bernard, D. (2019). Examples of how AI is Transforming Learning and Development. Virtual Speech.

Bernazzani, S. (2019). 10 Jobs Artificial Intelligence Will Replace (and 10 That Are Safe). Hubspot.

Biro, M.M. (2017). Future of Work: How AI Has Entered the Workplace. FOW.

Bolden-Barrett, V., Tornone, K. (2019). As AI infiltrates work, employers pay a premium for soft skills. HR DIVE.

Boutin, P. (2019). Future-proof your career with AI. Hewlett Packard.

Boyle, A. (2019). Study suggests AI’s disruptive effect on jobs will hit higher on economic and education scales. Geekwire.

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Bricker, R. (2019). Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Work. Thrive Global.

Browne, R. (2018). Five of the scariest predictions about artificial intelligence. CNBC

Broughton, K. (2018). Citizens recruits a career coach from IBM’s AI lab. American Banking.

Burke, L. (2019). Your Interview with AI. Inside Higher Ed.

Burkhardt, M. (2019). The Impact of AI on Inequality, Job Automation, and Skills of the Future. Towards Data Science.

Byrne, D. (2018). How to get a job in AI with no experience. Towards Data Science.

Canada, A. (2019). Thinking about a career in artificial intelligence? Here’s what you need to know. Lead.

Cantrell, A. (2018). A Computer Will Determine the Size of Your Next Paycheck. Institutional Investor.

Caprino, K. (2019). How to Write a Resume that Passes the Artificial Intelligence Test. Forbes.

Case, A. (2018). Why We Need to Stop Worrying About AI “Taking Over”. Medium.

Chakrabarti, M. (2019). Your AI Interviewer Will See You Now. Wbur On Point.

Chang, V.A. (2019). Will AI Take Over the World? Hackernoon.

Chen, A. (2019). How AI Curriculum Can Prepare Students for Success in a New World. Getting Smart.

Chowdhry, A. (2018). Artificial Intelligence to Create 58 Million New Jobs by 2022, Says Report. Forbes.

Ciccarelli, D. (2019). How to Future Proof Your Career in 9 Easy Steps. Go Skills.

Cilauro, F. (2019). AI in the Workplace: What Jobs Will Exist in the Future. AI Business.

Clark, B. (2019). What Will Artificial Intelligence Mean for Your Career? Further.

Clarke, R. (2018). Rethinking Career Development to Build Tomorrow’s Workforce. HR Review.

Constantin, G. (2019). Is Emotional Intelligence the Key to the Future. Thrive Global.

Cummings, M. (2016). This is what artificial intelligence will look like in 2030, according to one of the world’s leading experts. World Economic Forum.

Coates, K. (2018). Let the Robots Take Over: How the Future of AI Will Create More Jobs. Forbes.

Constantinou, M. (2019). Future-proofing your career: AI and the rise of soft skills. IMPACT.

Dalal, K. (2019). How to future proof your career in the world of Artificial Intelligence. Hindustantimes.

Dattner, B., Chamorro-Premuzic, T., Buchband, R., and Schettler, L. (2019). The Legal and Ethical Implications of Using AI in Hiring. Harvard Business Review.

Daugherty, P. (2019). What’s the Future of Work in the Age of AI. Wired.

Dawson, J. (2018). Expert interview: AI and human coaching – don’t be afraid of the bot. Saberr.

Davis, J. (2019). How to Prep Your Career for the AI Job Apocalypse. InformationWeek.

Denny, L. (2019). Choosing a career? These jobs won’t go out of style. The Conversation.

Dickson, B. (2017). How to prepare for employment in the age of artificial intelligence. TheNextWeb.

Dixon, S. (2019). Artificial Intelligence: Will it Impact Recruitment. Noomii.

Doyle, A. (2019). How Artificial Intelligence is Changing Your Career in Medicine. the balance careers.

Dunckelman, A., and Greenwood, J. (2018). AI might take your job – but it could save your career. The Globe and Mail.

Dworkin, R.W. (2019). Artificial Intelligence: What’s to Fear? The American Interest.

Edmund, C. (2017). This is when a robot is going to take your job, according to Oxford University. World Economic Forum.

Edu4Sure Team, (2018). What Is & How To Make A Career In Artificial Intelligence? Edu4Sure Team.

Elaraby, H. (2019). How to Achieve Meaningful Career Advancement. Entrepreneur.

Eldor, K. (2019). Are You Considering a Career in Augmented/Virtual Reality or Artificial Intelligence. Monster.

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Engel, A. (2019). Artificial Intelligence and Career Development. Noomii.

Everwise, (2018). Why Career Planning Matters. Everwise.

Faggella, D. (2019). A Pathway to Career Acceleration – Getting Started with AI. Emerj.

Felicetti, K. (2019). The AI field just got a big new player – and tech job seekers should pay attention. Monster.

Feloni, R., and De Luce, I. (2019). AI is going to change your career. IBM is showing how that can be a good thing. Business Insider.

Fisher, A. (2019). An Algorithm May Decide Your Next Pay Raise. Fortune.

Fisher Gale, S. (2018). The Dawn of the Robot Coach. Chief Learning Officer.

Fox, K., and O’Connor, J. (2015). Five ways work will change in the future. The Guardian.

Frank, M.R., Autor, D., Bessen, J.E., Brynjolfsson, E., Cebrian, M., Deming, D.J., Feldman, M., Groh, M., Lobo, J., Moro, E., Wang, D., Youn, H., and Rahwan, I. (2019). Toward understanding the impact of artificial intelligence on labor. Perspective.

Frattini, F. (2018). University launches world’s first AI career coach. Edtechnology.

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Galer, S. (2019). AI-Based Career Mentoring for the Masses. SAP.

Gallego, A., Krentz, M., Brooks Taplett, F., Tsusaka, M., and Yousif, N. (2019). How AI Could Help – or Hinder – Women in the Workforce. BCG.

Gaskell, A. (2019). The AI-Based Career Coach. DZone.

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Glass, S. (2018). The Sooner You Get Your First AI Job, the Better for Your Career. Entrepreneur.

Globerman, S. (2019). Artificial Intelligence will kill jobs – and create them. Fraser Institue.

Goldin, I. (2019). Will AI kill career development? WiseWords.

Goyal, A. (2019). How to use tech to eliminate workplace biases. Forbes India.

Greene, J. (2019). 21 Ways AI is Transforming the Workplace in 2019. Spoke.

Grossman, G. (2019). It’s time for workers to worry about AI. Venture Beat.

Grothaus, M. (2019). These are the few jobs that robots won’t take from us. Fast Company.

Half, R. (2019). 5 Strategies to Future-Proof Your Career and Embrace Digital Change. Robert Half.

Half, R. (2019). 59% of Workers Believe AI and Automation Will Have No Impact on Their Job. Cision.

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Halon, E. (2019). Gloat harnesses AI to transform the career ladder into a lattice. The Jerusalem Post.

Hao, K. (2019). The AI gig economy is coming for you. MIT Technology Review.

Hardy-Vallée, B. (2018). Hidden in Plain Sight: Revealing Career Development Opportunities with AI. Smarter Workforce.

Harwell, D. (2019). A face-scanning algorithm increasingly decides whether you deserve the job. The Washington Post.

Hasnan, L. (2019). Women’s jobs under threat from AI. The Asean Post.

He, E. (2019). AI at Work: Where Are We Now? And Where Are We Going? Forbes.

He, D., Guo, V. (2018). 4 ways AI will impact the financial job market. World Economic Forum.

Hedreen, S. (2019). How to Choose a Job That Won’t Be Replaced By Robots. Business News Daily.

Heilweil, R. (2019). Artificial intelligence will help determine if you get your next job. Vox.

Heltzel, P. (2019). What an IT career will look like in 5 years. CIO.

Hoffman, A. (2019). Career Counseling for Techies. Monster.

Hope, S. (2017). What will we do when artificial intelligence can provide a good coaching experience.  APECS.

Huang, R. (2019). How to get a job working with artificial intelligence/machine learning. The Next Web.

Hugo, L.S. (2019). Predicting Employment Through Machine Learning. NACE.

Hunt, S.T. (2018). Mapping Out the Future. HRO.

Hyken, S. (2017). Will AI Take Over the World. Forbes.

Ilfeld, J. (2019). Can an AI-Based Coach Increase Your Leadership IQ? Forbes.

Jacob, Y. (2018). On Being Human in the Age of AI – The role of coaching as a meaning-making intervention. Coaching Life.

Johnson, R. (2019). Artificial Intelligence and the New AI Economy. Best Colleges.

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Kabari, L., Agaba, F. (2018). An Intelligent Career Advisor Expert System. International Journal of Advanced Research and Publications.

Kadyrov, I. (2019). Your Next Job Interview May Be With an AI Robot. The Wall Street Journal.

Kak, S. (2018). Will robots take your job? Humans ignore the coming AI revolution at their peril. NBC News.

Kern, P., Rizoiu, M-A., McCarthy, P.X. (2019). Robot career guidance: AI may soon be able to analyse your tweets to match you to a job. The Conversation.

King, M. (2017). The AI Revolution on Campus. EDUCAUSEREVIEW.

Kolakowski, N. (2019). How A.I. Could Delete HR and Recruiting Jobs for Good. Dice.

Korolov, M. (2018). How AI will impact your IT career. CIO.

Krauth, O. (2017). The 6 most in-demand AI jobs, and how to get them. TechRepublic.

Krishnan, A. (2019). Artificial Intelligence in Career Development Space. Tejas.

Kumar, V. (2018). How to Get Your Career Started in Artificial Intelligence. Shiksha Knowledge Series.

Kuperman, L. (2018). How AI is Changing the Job Market. TalentEgg.

Landine, J., and Stewart, J. (2019). The Impending Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Workforce. CCPA.

Lepore, J. (2019). Are Robots Competing for Your Job? The New Yorker.

Levine, A.G. (2018). Not just for bots: The changing career landscape in AI. Science Magazine.

Liang, J., Ramanauskas, B., Kurenkov, A. (2019). Job loss due to AI – How bad is it going to be? Skynet Today.

Libert, B., and Beck, M. (2017. AI May Soon Replace Even the Most Elite Consultants. Harvard Business Review.

Liu, J. (2019). This algorithm can predict when workers are about to quit – here’s how. Make it.

Liu, J. (2019). A.I. is changing how much workers trust their managers – and that could be a good thing. make it.

Liu, J. (2019). 120 million workers will need retraining due to AI – but they may already have the skills employers want most. make it.

Liu, J. (2019). Finance jobs requiring A.I. skills increased 60% last year – here’s what they look like. Your Data Talks.

Llanasas, R. (2019). How to Start a Successful Career in AI. Careermetis.com

Loeffler, J. (2018). The Rise of AI and Employment: How Jobs Will Change to Adapt. Interesting Engineering.

Lok, J. (2019). Will AI Take Your Job or Transform Your Occupation? What the Experts Say. Carmen Career Advise.

Lombardi, G. (2018). Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Work. Marginalia.

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Guide Fidéliser et mobiliser : la gestion de carrière dans les organismes à but non lucratif et de bienfaisance

Partenaire du projet : Lisa Taylor (Challenge Factory)
Langues : Anglais et français

TERMINÉ – 2018

Cet outil bilingue aidera le secteur canadien des organismes à but non lucratif et des œuvres de bienfaisance à fidéliser ses employés et à renforcer ses capacités grâce à la gestion de carrière. Il s’agira d’une adaptation du populaire guide publié en 2017 Fidéliser et mobiliser : la gestion de carrière dans les petites entreprises. Les OBNL, qui comptent en majorité moins de 500 employés, font face aux mêmes difficultés que les petites entreprises au chapitre des ressources humaines (que l’on pense aux possibilités d’avancement limitées), mais ont aussi des caractéristiques propres (comme des parcours professionnels différenciés selon le genre).

Ce court guide s’adressera aux directeurs généraux et aux gestionnaires des ressources humaines d’organismes à but non lucratif et de bienfaisance, qui y trouveront un outil pratique de gestion de carrière pour leurs employés. Selon Imagine Canada, deux millions de Canadiens travaillent dans le secteur à but non lucratif. La portée du guide s’étend donc à une proportion non négligeable de la population active au pays. La publication du guide original s’était imposée à la suite d’un sondage Environics du CERIC, dans lequel 71 % des employeurs avaient affirmé détenir des responsabilités en matière de développement de carrière, alors que seulement 29 % avaient déclaré prendre des mesures en conséquence.

Le guide, qui est en cours de rédaction par Lisa Taylor, présidente de Challenge Factory et spécialiste de la gestion de carrière, profite du soutien des champions des connaissances que sont The Counselling Foundation of CanadaThe Lawson FoundationThe Muttart FoundationImagine Canada et l’Ontario Nonprofit Network. Un comité consultatif participe au choix du contenu de la publication, qui présentera les constatations tirées d’entrevues menées auprès de directeurs et de gestionnaires d’organismes à but non lucratif au Canada.

Dans ce guide :

  • Résultats d’études et statistiques en matière de développement de carrière (s’appliquant aux organismes à but non lucratif et de bienfaisance canadiens)
  • Stratégies pour offrir au personnel à temps plein et à temps partiel des possibilités d’avancement, de perfectionnement et d’épanouissement professionnel dans le secteur
  • Plus de 40 astuces, activités et mesures à faible coût pouvant être mises en pratique en aussi peu de temps que 10 minutes par jour
  • Sections spéciales abordant des problématiques particulièrement pertinentes pour les organismes à but non lucratif, comme la précarité d’emploi
  • Format novateur de « guide de voyage », feuilles de travail et références supplémentaires

Le guide pourra être téléchargé gratuitement et sera offert en version imprimée (15,95 $) et électronique (6,50 $) sur Amazon.ca et Chapters.Indigo.ca. Pour toute commande par lot d’au moins 10 exemplaires auprès du CERIC, vous obtiendrez un rabais de 30 %.

Fidéliser et mobiliser : la gestion de carrière dans les organismes à but non lucratif et de bienfaisance

Retain and Gain: Career Management for Non-Profits and Charities Playbook

Champions des connaissances

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Nous souhaitons remercier tout particulièrement les champions des connaissances suivants pour le rôle de leader qu’ils ont assumé :


Compétences en orientation professionnelle (en anglais)

Dernière mise à jour : mai 2017

Akkermans, J., Brenninkmeijer, V., Huibers, M., Blonk, R.B. (2013). Competencies for the Contemporary Career: Development and Preliminary Validation of the Career Competencies Questionnaire. Journal of Career Development. Vol. 40, No. 3, p. 245-267.

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Orientation professionnelle et justice sociale (en anglais)

Dernière mise à jour : avril 2017

Aldarondo, E. (2013). Advancing Social Justice through Clinical Practice. Routledge.

Arthur, N. (2014). Social Justice in the Age of Talent. International Journal of Educational and Vocational Guidance, 14(1), 47-60.

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Défis des immigrants en matière de développement de carrière (en anglais)

Dernière mise à jour : mars 2019

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Dernière mise à jour : septembre 2017

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Orientation professionnelle et questions autochtones (en anglais)

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