Le CERIC et l’ACPI présentent un événement sur la recherche d’emploi sans panique, le 23 octobre

Le CERIC est heureux de collaborer avec l Association of Career Professionals International (ACPI) afin de vous proposer une soirée en compagnie de Paul Hill, auteur du livre The Panic Free Job Search (Rechercher un emploi sans paniquer). Cet événement aura lieu à Toronto le mardi 23 octobre, de 17 h 30 à 20 h 30 (en anglais).

S’inspirant de son livre, M. Hill expliquera aux professionnels de l’orientation comment…

  • motiver et inspirer les chercheurs d’emploi en les guidant et en leur donnant confiance
  • amener les chercheurs d’emploi à se voir comme des candidats plutôt que des postulants
  • aider les chercheurs d’emploi à trouver un poste en appliquant une méthode tactique pour transgresser les règles établies et procéder à une recherche ciblée

De l’avis de ses plus fidèles partisans, Paul Hill fait partie d’une nouvelle catégorie d’experts en recherche d’emploi; il est déterminé à montrer aux professionnels comment gérer leur carrière de manière proactive en appliquant des méthodes éprouvées pour créer en ligne leur propre marque professionnelle. M. Hill est instructeur en chef et directeur de Transition to Hired, une division d’ ADV Advanced Technical Services Inc. (ADV).

Le CERIC travaille en collaboration avec des associations et des organisations triées sur le volet de partout au Canada afin de présenter une série d’événements axés sur le perfectionnement professionnel. Ces « miniforums » visent à inciter les praticiens du développement de carrière à s’engager dans les communautés au sein desquelles ils travaillent et à leur fournir des occasions d’apprentissage intéressantes et économiques.

Consultez le dépliant sur l’événement (en anglais) et inscrivez-vous sans tarder.



Le CERIC, en partenariat avec des leaders dans le domaine du développement de carrière, présente des webinaires afin de remplir notre mandat de renforcer les connaissances et les compétences des professionnels dans le domaine. Les webinaires offrent une occasion de développement professionnel pratique, accessible et abordable aux praticiens de partout au Canada et à l’étranger.

Vous pouvez obtenir des crédits de formation continue pour divers titres professionnels en participant aux webinaires en direct du CERIC. Renseignez-vous auprès de votre association.

Certains webinaires font partie de séries s’étalant sur plusieurs semaines.

Webinaires à venir

Outiller les jeunes pour les emplois d’aujourd’hui et de demain (en anglais avec sous-titres)

Lundis 23 septembre, 28 octobre & 25 novembre 2024 | 12H00 – 13H00 HE | Panélistes Objectif Avenir RBC

La narration intégrée à la culture : outiller des clients diversifiés pour les transitions de la vie (en anglais)

Mercredis 25 septembre, 2 & 9 octobre 2024 | 12H00 – 13H00 HE | Magdalena Mot

Nous annonçons régulièrement de nouveaux webinaires. Inscrivez-vous ici pour vous tenir informés des opportunités d’apprentissage.

Pour toutes questions concernant les webinaires, veuillez contacter apprentissage@ceric.ca.

Les webinaires du CERIC sont hébergés sur Zoom, découvrez-en plus dans notre FAQ.

Avez-vous manqué l’une de nos récentes séries de webinaires en direct?

Tous les précédents webinaires gratuits du CERIC continuent d’être accessibles à la demande et sans limite de temps. Jetez un œil à notre vaste sélection d’enregistrements gratuits pour faire progresser votre apprentissage et rester à jour.

Avez-vous manqué l’une de nos récentes séries de webinaires en direct?

À la demande générale, le CERIC, en collaboration avec nos associations partenaires et les présentateurs experts, offre désormais l’accès aux enregistrements de nos webinaires passés. Disponible dès maintenant, vous pouvez accéder à la demande à certains des séries de webinaires payants de 2020 et 2021!

Tous les précédents webinaires gratuits du CERIC continuent d’être accessibles à la demande et sans limite de temps. Jetez un œil à notre vaste sélection d’enregistrements gratuits pour faire progresser votre apprentissage et rester à jour.

Politique d’annulation

Veuillez noter que toute demande d’annulation pour les webinaires du CERIC doit être soumise par écrit à webinars@ceric.ca. Les demandes d’annulation doivent être reçues avant 17 h HE au moins deux jours ouvrables avant la date du webinaire. AUCUN REMBOURSEMENT ne sera émis après cette date. Des frais d’administration de 10 % du prix d’inscription seront déduits sur tout remboursement.

Les remboursements seront émis deux semaines après la réception de votre soumission écrite.

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Si des problèmes techniques au domicile ou au lieu de travail de la personne inscrite l’empêche de participer au webinaire, aucun remboursement ne sera émis. C’est la responsabilité de la personne inscrite de tester son ordinateur et de s’assurer que son équipement informatique est compatible avant le commencement du webinaire.

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Webinar: Remote Employment 3.0: Legitimate Opportunities to Work from Home – Feb. 26, 2013

Have you had clients ask you “Can you really work from home?”  and wondered how to answer?  Well, then this webinar is for you. Remote Employment is a real possibility and can open up new employment opportunities for a variety of clients. Those with disabilities find it liberating to be part of the workforce without them having to leave home.  Stay-at-home parents are making a living and making a life. People in rural and remote areas are able to contribute and engage in a whole new labour market. Older workers enjoy the freedom of flexible hours and no commute. Our challenge can be educating our clients to separate the scams from the opportunities.  This webinar will help you do just that.

You will:

  • Learn 5 simple steps to protect your clients from scams
  • See an example of a scam in action
  • Get three rules to share with clients to keep them safe
  • Learn which industries hire the most remote workers
  • Receive a free 20-page report of verified links to remote worker opportunities.

About the Presenter:

anne-marie_eventbriteAnne-Marie Rolfeis currently the Manager of Special Projects for the Employment and Education Centre (EEC) in Brockville, ON.  She is also currently working towards her MEd with a specialization in Distance Education at Athabasca University.  Earlier this year she heard clients asking if there really were opportunities for remote employment.  Having worked at home herself for over five years she knew there was and decided to put her research skills to the test.  During the eight weeks of extensive research she uncovered an incredible array of opportunities and now wants to share what she found with you.  She also produced a 20+ page book for remote employment opportunities that will be shared with those who attend the webinar.

Anne-Marie has over 20 years of experience in human services and a passion for providing top-notch training.  Feedback from participants includes: animated and straight to the point, lots of great information, comfortable, relaxed, engaging and fun to listen to.


Webinar: Remote Employment 3.0: Legitimate Opportunities to Work from Home – Dec. 5, 2012

Have you had clients ask you “Can you really work from home?”  and wondered how to answer?  Well, then this webinar is for you.  Remote Employment is a real possibility and can open up new employment opportunities for a variety of clients.  Those with disabilities find it liberating to be part of the workforce without the having to leave home.  Stay-at-home parents are making a living and making a life.  People in rural and remote areas are able to contribute and engage in a whole new labour market.  Older workers enjoy the freedom of flexible hours and no commute.  Our challenge can be educating our clients to separate the scams from the opportunities.  This webinar will help you do just that.

You will:

  • Learn  5 simple steps to protect your clients from scams
  • See an example of a scam in action
  • Get three rules to share with clients to keep them safe
  • Learn which industries hire the most remote workers
  • Receive a free 20-page report of verified links to remote worker opportunities.

About the Presenter:

anne-marie_eventbriteAnne-Marie Rolfeis currently the Manager of Special Projects for the Employment and Education Centre (EEC) in Brockville, ON.  She is also currently working towards her MEd with a specialization in Distance Education at Athabasca University.  Earlier this year she heard clients asking if there really were opportunities for remote employment.  Having worked at home herself for over five years she knew there was and decided to put her research skills to the test.  During the eight weeks of extensive research she uncovered an incredible array of opportunities and now wants to share what she found with you.  She also produced a 20+ page book for remote employment opportunities that will be shared with those who attend the webinar.

Anne-Marie has over 20 years of experience in human services and a passion for providing top-notch training.  Feedback from participants includes: animated and straight to the point, lots of great information, comfortable, relaxed, engaging and fun to listen to.


Webinar: Understanding What Our Clients Cannot Tell Us – Nov. 29, 2012

Webinar description:

Clients with undiagnosed developmental disabilities are often both misunderstood and misrepresented in employment counselling due to the lack of knowledge of disabilities such as FASD, Autism, ADD and ADHD.  Sensory training can help to bridge this gap.

Through hands-on interactive training, webinar participants will push themselves to their “sensory limits,” enabling those who deal with individuals with any brain-based disability to “understand” what it is like to live with sensory integration challenges on a daily basis.

Participants in the sensory integration training will:

  • Gain a better understanding of what it is like to have sensory impairments (sight, sound, touch, smell and taste)
  • Gain knowledge on the prevalence of sensory impairments and the impact it has on a person(s) you are supporting
  • Learn how to recognize the signs of sensory impairments
  • Learn strategies and supports to alleviate unnecessary sensory overload with simple changes for success
  • Gain practical tips to assist your clients through job coaching and employer education

Each participant will be sent a package of items to be used during the webinar

About the Presenter:

marilyn_evenbriteWith 31 years of advocating for “invisible” disabilities, Marilyn Leiterman brings a wealth of knowledge, education and experience to all of the training and consulting she undertakes for the understanding of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, Autism and ADHD. Three very distinct disabilities that often are “supported” by very similar strategies.

As a certified FASD trainer and advocate, sensory integration expert, graduate of the Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Education Diploma Program and mom of four children with disabilities, including ADHD, FASD, ODD and ASD tendencies. Marilyn teaches through a lifelong practicum and on a continuum.

FASD is being recognized at the most common developmental disability, yet the least understood, leaving many with “symptoms” of FASD, attempting to gain employment, yet often failing due to the lack of diagnosis and misunderstanding of this disability.

Marilyn is the principal owner, operator and trainer of Think FASSP.


Positive Psychology for Career Counsellors & Coaches, April 2013

Positive psychology is the scientific study of psychological well-being and happiness. It is a natural fit for career counsellors and coaches because it offers so many practical ways to improve the well-being, success and happiness of your clients.

Join us to learn how to incorporate positive psychology into your practice. The interactive webinars will be taught by two leaders in applied positive psychology, Louisa Jewell, MAPP, Positive Matters and Shannon Polly, MAPP, Accentuate Consulting

You will learn how to help your clients:

  • Increase psychological resilience
  • Reduce stress and anxiety
  • Increase positive energy
  • Achieve healthier thought processes
  • Improve psychological well-being and happiness

Choose to take one of two introductory sessions in October 2012 and/or the full series of webinars in April 2013.

Intro Webinar: Introduction to Positive Psychology and the PERMA Well-Being Model

Date: Wednesday, October 3, 2012
OR Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Time: 12 noon – 1:00 pm ET
Cost: $35/per person

Webinar Series: 4 webinars in total, 60 minutes each, once a week

Week 1: Leveraging Positive Emotions in the Counselling/Coaching Session
Week 2: Fixed vs. Growth Mindset
Week 3: Curiosity and FLOW
Week 4: Five Steps to Building Resilience

Date: Tuesdays, April 2, 9, 16, 23, 2013
Time: 12 noon – 1:00 pm ET
Cost: $199/per person for the entire series of 4 webinars

View our flyer for further details.


Webinar: Strategies for Effectively Interpreting Career Assessments in a Group Setting – Nov. 8, 2012

There is growing pressure in every sector for career professionals to see more clients – and to do this with fewer resources. Whether you are in a university, community agency or corporate office, one emerging strategy is to deliver assessment debriefs in a group setting. But how do you streamline the process without jeopardizing quality?

The Canadian Education and Research Institute for Counselling (CERIC) is delighted to bring you this original webinar with recognized North American expert Serena Santillanes. From the convenience of your desk, learn the current best practices to deliver a productive group debrief of an assessment interpretation.

Presenter: Serena Santillanes, M.S., NCC, MCC, President, Career Journeys, Inc.


Maximize your ability to assist more clients in their career development through group assessment interpretations in classrooms, workshops, virtual formats and more. This webinar is designed to offer career professionals strategies and techniques to be more effective when delivering career assessments in group settings. The following will be addressed in this session:

  • An overview of assessment types: skills, interests, personality, values (self-scorable, computer-assisted, card sorts and other exercises)
  • Individual vs. group interpretation – the similarities and the differences
  • Tips and strategies to help you throughout the process: pre-work, interpretation, follow-up


Handouts with strategies and tips


About the Presenter:

santillaresFounder of Career Journeys, Inc., Serena is a creator of career development programs for several prominent universities and corporate teams. She has also assisted hundreds of career transitioning adults in realizing their professional aspirations. An accomplished career specialist, Serena’s advice has been sought by news media including ABC and CBS for commentary on pressing topics such as the impact our tough economy has had on adults facing career transition.

As a career counselor, trainer and strategic program expert, Serena’s experience includes career program/product development and evaluation, creation and delivery of online career programs, team building, assessment selection and interpretation, adult career theory, career resources, and individual career counseling strategies. A career consultant and practitioner for over a decade, Serena has taken part in evaluating and designing customized career service programs for organizations like Southern California Edison, Scripps College and Caltech and has evaluated leading university settings for their needs and services offered to students and alumni.

In addition, she has developed and facilitated hundreds of Myers-Briggs Type Indicator®, Strong Interest Inventory® and career application workshops. Serena has also provided career services in corporate, non-profit and university settings such as: Wisconsin Private Colleges Career Consortium, The Drucker Graduate School of Management, Dominican University, California Institute for the Arts, Career Transition For Dancers, Edison International, and Pechanga Resort and Casino. She has served as adjunct faculty to the Santa Monica College Transfer Counseling and Career Centers as well as an adjunct faculty member at California State University, Northridge in the Educational Psychology and Counseling graduate program where she has prepared future career, college and psychology professionals in honing their skills.

Serena holds a Master of Science in Counseling, Career Counseling from California State University, Northridge and a Baccalaureate degree in Mass Communications from the University of California at Berkeley. Serena is Past-President of the California Career Development Association and featured speaker two years in a row for the San Diego Association of Psychological Type.



Work Effectively with Ambivalent Clients: Motivational Interviewing & Stages of Change, April/May, 2012

Help your clients overcome resistance to finding and maintaining employment. This model is the future trend for motivating job-seekers!

For those who want an overview of these techniques, we are offering:

Intro to Motivational Interviewing & Stages of Change

February 27-28, 2012
11:00 am – 2:00 pm ET (6 hours)

And for career practitioners who want to go more in-depth, there is:

Level 1 Training – Motivational Interviewing & Stages of Change

April 2, 16, 23, 30, May 7 & 14, 2012
12:00 pm – 3:00 pm ET (18 hours in total)

If you work with multi-barriered clients or those labeled “difficult” or “stuck”, this training will be particularly effective.

Presenter: Roxanne Sawatzky, President and Founder of Empowering Change

Roxanne’s vision is to see employment service providers across Canada and the U.S. use these proven principles with all demographics. She successfully managed a 3-yr, $1.3-million research study focused on using MI/SOC to overcome employment services client ambivalence, funded by the Province of Manitoba and Government of Canada.

For full details, view the flyer.


Positive Psychology for Career Practitioners, Oct. 2012

Positive psychology is the scientific study of the strengths and virtues that enable individuals and communities to thrive. It is a natural fit for career practitioners because it offers so many ways to improve the well-being, success and happiness of your clients. Research shows that happier people: enjoy better health, live a longer life, have closer friendships, are more creative and productive at work and in life, and achieve greater success.

You’ve heard of positive psychology, but how do you actually incorporate it into your practice and apply it to help your clients flourish? Join us for this webinar series taught by two leaders in applied positive psychology, Louisa Jewell, MAPP, Positive Matters and Shannon Polly, MAPP, Accentuate Consulting. This interactive series is recommended both for those new to positive psychology and experts. You will learn how to help your clients:

  • Increase psychological resilience
  • Reduce stress and anxiety
  • Increase positive energy
  • Learn healthier thought processes
  • Improve psychological well-being and happiness

For full details, view the flyer.


Webinar: The 5P Career Conversation – Sept. 24, 2013


The 5P career conversation was developed by Kris Magnusson (Dean of Education, Simon Fraser University) several years ago, and we have used it to great effect in a variety of settings. The idea is to start with a client’s strength (Pride), and draw from it their core motivations (Passion). Then, the conversation looks for opportunities to harness this passion in fairly immediate, practical ways (Purpose) and make sure everything is needed to capture the purpose effectively (Performance). The conversation ends with ensuring the client has a means by which they can gauge effectiveness and get feedback so that they can confidently know they are successful (Poise).


Presenter: Dave Redekopp, PhD, President, Life-Role Development Group Ltd.

Dave gets to do almost everything in career development – teaching, group counselling, product development, research, model-building, consulting – by virtue of being President of the Life-Role Development Group Ltd.  Too much fun, really.