Don McCaskill

CERIC_headshots_mccaskillDon McCaskill est né à Gladstone et a grandi à Winnipeg où il habite actuellement.

Il a obtenu un baccalauréat en éducation et un baccalauréat ès arts de l’Université du Manitoba. Dans le domaine de l’éducation depuis 18 années, il a fait ses débuts en tant qu’enseignant à la Division scolaire Frontier à Gillam, au Manitoba, où il a donné des cours de fanfare, de musique et de langue anglaise.

M. McCaskill a coordonné le programme études-travail de la Commission scolaire Frontier visant à enseigner aux jeunes adultes des compétences en milieu de travail. Il a également coordonné le Home Placement Program à l’intention des étudiants qui n’ont pas accès à des programmes d’études secondaires et le Program for the Education of Native Teachers (P.E.N.T.), un programme de formation pour les aspirants enseignants de la région.

Actuellement, il est directeur adjoint des programmes Senior Years and Career à la Commission scolaire Frontier. Il supervise maintenant les programmes d’études secondaires, d’éducation des adultes, d’études-travail, de santé, de bien-être et d’éducation physique, de placement à domicile et P.E.N.T. Par surcroît, il offre des services de soutien direct aux 25 conseillers scolaires de la division.

M. McCaskill a agi à titre de membre exécutif de la Manitoba Association of Secondary Teachers of At-Risk Students et a été membre du conseil du Centre de traitement des adolescents et des adolescentes du Manitoba. De plus, il a récemment été nommé membre du conseil de la Croix-Rouge au Manitoba et siège au conseil des gouverneurs de la Addictions Foundation of Manitoba.


Jennifer Browne

CERIC_headshots_jennifer_bDirectrice adjointe des services à la vie étudiante à l’Université Memorial, Jennifer Browne a fait preuve de leadership dans un certain nombre de domaines à son actif. Elle a œuvré en développement de carrière dans des organismes communautaires ou à but non lucratif, tout comme dans le milieu postsecondaire. Elle a, entre autres, dirigé le service de développement de carrière et d’apprentissage expérientiel à l’Université Memorial pendant la dernière décennie. Son intérêt et sa passion pour l’apprentissage par l’expérience lui ont permis d’orienter et d’élargir les perspectives d’apprentissage expérientiel qui sont liées ou parallèles au programme éducatif, pour les étudiants et les diplômés de l’Université Memorial. Elle a la chance de travailler avec une solide équipe qui a la volonté de fournir d’excellents services ainsi qu’un soutien aux étudiants, aux employeurs et aux partenaires communautaires. Elle figure également parmi les organisateurs fondateurs de l’International Experiential Learning Institute et anime l’événement depuis la première conférence tenue en 2013. Elle est titulaire d’un baccalauréat ès arts et d’une maîtrise en enseignement postsecondaire de l’Université Memorial, avec une spécialisation en services pour les étudiants.


CERIC Networking and Information Reception


Over 100 career professionals come together at the Toronto Board of Trade to network, share information and hear more about CERIC.


CERIC President, Robert Shea, announces CERIC’s current and upcoming initiatives.


CERIC’s Founding President, Donald Lawson, gives out complementary copies of Good Work! to students from the Pathways to Education Program.


Pathways to Education Program students show off their copies of Good Work!


The evening was filled with lots of networking and discussion.


Nancy Schaefer, author of Good Work!, is on hand to sign copies of her book.


The Reception included a draw for the publication « The History of Career Counselling in Canada »


Summer Skills Academy – Getting There


Bay Street is a major north-south road in downtown Toronto. Beginning at Queens Quay West in the south, the thoroughfare heads north to end at Davenport Road just north of Bloor Street. The Marriott is on the southeast corner of Bay Street below Dundas Street West.


The parking garage with the best rates is the Bay/Dundas Parkade, located on Bay Street, south of Dundas Street, north of Queen Street. The daily rate is $16.

The Marriott offers on-site parking for a higher rate.


From Dundas Subway Station (southbound from Bloor or northbound from Union on the Yonge line) walk west on Dundas Street to Bay Street. The Marriott is on the southeast corner of Bay Street below Dundas Street West. Approximate time from Dundas Station: 5-minute walk.

From St. Patrick Subway Station (southbound from Bloor or northbound from Union on the University line) walk east on Dundas Street to Bay Street. The Marriott is on the southeast corner of Bay Street below Dundas Street West. Approximate time from St. Patrick Station: 7-minute walk.


Airport taxis and limousines are available at Lester B. Pearson International Airport from all terminals. Travel time is approximately 45 minutes and the cost is approximately $60. The Airport Express shuttle picks up from the Arrivals level of each terminal and drops you off at Chestnut Street, which is one block southwest of the Marriott. Book discounted tickets online. Rate and schedule information is available at and look for the stop listed under “U of T Residence.”

The Billy Bishop Toronto City airport is only about a 10-minute drive away from the Marriott Eaton Centre and a cab costs approximately $20.


Travelling by train offers a convenient option with Union Station less than 1 km away from the Marriott. The bus is another alternative with the Toronto Coach Station located across the street from the hotel.


Summer Skills Academy – Testimonials

Here’s some of what participants had to say about last year’s Summer Skills Academy…

Jill Ferguson, Manager, University of Guelph

“The topic was very timely for our institution and the takeaways were relevant and can be easily adapted.” 

Dave Foster, Employment Counsellor, Skills for Change

“Very practical and inspiring. Helped me rethink how I want to approach my job and best assist my clients.”

Melissa Morrison, Employment Solutions Provider, YesYouCan Employment Consulting

“It was highly interactive and user-friendly. Hands-on tools and exercises were given that could be used as-is or accommodated based on needs.” 

Angie Mallory, Employment Counsellor, Employment Hamilton

“Thought it was great that breaks and lunches were shared with all participants so we could network with people in other sessions. I really enjoyed this, I thought it was not like any typical conference that I’ve been to in the past.” 

Kim Lawson, Community Living, Owen Sound and District

 “Just fabulous!!! Was even better than I had hoped it would be.” 

Stephanie Agosta, Career Services Co-ordinator, Interval House

“Empowering. A profound experience with long-lasting influence on my facilitation of workshops, interactions with clients and choices of new studies to pursue.” 

Shannon Wardeh, Employment Specialist, Region of Halton

“Fabulous experience, great tools and networking opportunity!” 


Summer Skills Academy – Guest Rooms

CERIC has negotiated a limited number of hotel room nights with the Marriott Toronto Eaton Centre for August 18 and 19, 2014.

Hotel room rates are subject to applicable provincial and local taxes and fees. Rates are in Canadian funds.

You will need a valid credit card at the time of reservation and your card will be charged for the first night’s stay at that time.

The following are the rates per night (before taxes):


Reservations for CERIC’s Summer Skills Academy are to be made by individual attendees directly with Marriott reservations at 1.800.228.9290.

Many other hotels are located within walking distance of the Marriott, including the DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Toronto Downtown.


Enjoy the excitement of downtown Toronto from a hotel in the heart of it all. Adjacent to the world-famous Eaton Centre and its shopping, the Marriott is perfect for a downtown Toronto escape – by yourself or with your family! A walking tour of downtown Toronto takes guests to the CN Tower, the new Ripley’s Aquarium, Royal Ontario Museum, Hockey Hall of Fame and Rogers Centre. For more information on events and attractions, visit Tourism Toronto.


Summer Skills Academy – Meals and Refreshments

When you register you will be given an option to notify us of any dietary issues. We work closely with the hotel to ensure that all reasonable requests are met but this is not always possible. We thank you in advance for your understanding. Breakfast and lunch are included on both days as are mid-morning and mid-afternoon refreshments where you will be able to network with delegates from other seminars.



Summer Skills Academy – Schedule

Please check-in upon arrival at the CERIC welcome desk on the conference floor, starting at 8:15 am. The conference floor is one level below and accessed from the right of the hotel registration desk on the main floor. The seminars will start at 9:00 am sharp and all seminar rooms are located on the conference floor. The schedule for both days is as follows:



Summer Skills Academy – Seminar Details

You register for one of the following seminars. This is the seminar you will be attending for the full two days. Some seminars have special requirements as noted and follow-up may be needed. Any handouts or other materials will be distributed on-site.


Daniel Cushing

Emotionally Intelligent (EI) Leadership: Discovering and Leveraging Your EI Strengths

Includes your own Emotional Quotient Inventory (EQ-i®) report and a one-hour post-seminar personal EQ-i® debrief.

Download a one-page overview of the Summer Skills Academy 2014


Summer Skills Academy – Work Effectively with Ambivalent Clients: Stages of Change & Motivational Interviewing

This seminar is designed to help you understand the Stages of Change (SOC) model and Motivational Interviewing (MI) and its relevance to your organization and your clients. Practitioners feel increased pressure to support “stuck” individuals in successfully attaching to the labour market. The challenge is that some individuals appear to have low readiness to change. We will provide you with practical methods to help these clients move forward using a collaborative, empowering, non-judgmental, non-confrontational and non-adversarial approach to overcome resistance to change.

SOC has been applied to a broad range of behaviours including weight loss, employment, and overcoming alcohol and drug problems among others.

MI, a method of interacting with clients who are ambivalent about making change in their lives, is a well-established, evidenced-based model with wide application in behavioural change: addictions, health behaviour, wellness, chronic disease management, and most recently, in the employment field.


Learn about the six stages in the change cycle and the Stages of Changewheel as they relate to employment. Originally developed by James Prochaska and Carlo DiClemente, the idea behind the SOC model is that people tend to progress through different stages on their way to successful change. On Day One, we will explore the following SOC and the techniques practitioners need to use in each stage of change:

  • Pre-contemplation (when an individual has no perceived need for change)
  • Contemplation (when an individual is thinking about making changes)
  • Preparation (when an individual is preparing for or becoming determined to make changes)
  • Action (the individual has made the change)
  • Maintenance (the individual is consistently making changes and maintaining the changes made)
  • Termination (the individual no longer needs to attend to the task of maintaining the change)


MI is a communication model developed by professors William R Miller, PhD and Stephen Rollnick, PhD. On Day Two, we will explore how to reduce client resistance and how to create the necessary conditions to change using MI. The focus will be on how to:

  • Minimize client resistance
  • Explore and resolve ambivalence
  • Elicit “change talk”
  • Apply the spirit and four processes of MI while working collaboratively with clients
  • Recognize, respond to and support client readiness


  • Help clients overcome their ambivalence toward looking for, obtaining and retaining meaningful employment
  • Have clients be ready and willing to avail themselves more effectively of the services you are offering
  • Help clients envision a better future and become increasingly motivated to achieve it
  • Help clients think differently about their behaviour and ultimately consider what might be gained through change
  • Use what you learn to increase work readiness, achieve higher program retention, initial employment and six-month employment rates


SSA-SawatzkyRoxanne Sawatzky, is the founder and lead trainer at Empowering Change Inc. She has successfully managed a three-year $1.3 million research study for the Province of Manitoba and Federal Government of Canada, which included 3,000 participants. She is experienced in project management, program development, implementing processes, curriculum writing and best practices development. Roxanne has completed her MA in Leadership, and also holds a certificate in addictions counselling and case management.

She recently completed a second research project with the Social Research Development Corporation in British Columbia; once again focusing on using MI with ambivalent clients. While there are many good MI trainers, membership in the Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers (MINT) is the only status accorded to training professionals. Roxanne went to Spain in June, 2009 and as a result of the training taken there, is now a member of MINT.