Starting later this week, CERIC will be heading across the country showcasing its redesigned ContactPoint and OrientAction websites at a range of conferences for career
A new manual supported by CERIC and funded by The Counselling Foundation of Canada offers a roadmap for how to create a successful youth employment program. […]
Career development professionals recognize they are missing critical skills and knowledge to effectively support an increasing number of clients with mental illness in their job search
With a record number of delegates and rave reviews, the Cannexus13 National Career Development Conference was another outstanding professional development experience
Did you know… There is a Canadian Education and Research Institute for Counselling – CERIC? This national organization was established in December 2001 and has entered into long […]
Canada’s virtual community dedicated to the professional development needs of career practitioners has relaunched, harnessing the power of social media, offering an updated
You are looking at the very first issue of Careering magazine – a resource by and for career development professionals in Canada! The magazine will provide reflection and […]