The newest edition of the Canadian Journal of Career Development (CJCD) has just been published, with five articles that range from ethical risk management in co-op […]
CERIC has awarded its project on Unlocking the Career Development Value within Experiential Learning to OneLife Tools, co-founded by Rich Feller and Mark Franklin. The project, […]
This digital-only issue of Careering, on the theme of Social Justice, highlights the importance of understanding the context in which people pursue education and work – or are […]
These questions for career professionals call for intentional action to address anti-Black racism Tracey Lloyd We are living through unsettling times. Almost a year into the pandemic and on the […]
New Brunswick’s Future Ready Learning K-12 strategy aims to meet needs of all learners Tricia Berry There is a sense of urgency as we face the educational, […]
Career professionals must come together to challenge systems that limit clients’ ability to reach their potential Tristram Hooley Life isn’t fair. The fact that life isn’t […]
To be an ally, we must first know who we are and what shaped us Natasha Caverley and Kathy Offet-Gartner “I tell my students, ‘When you get these jobs that […]
Zabeen Hirji is a strategic advisor to the business, government and universities sectors, and a director on corporate and not-for-profit boards. Prior to that she had a distinguished career at RBC, including […]