April 19, 2016

The path to executive: What’s different for women

By Maxine Clarke (Cannexus17 GSEP Award Winner) and Julie Chesley Presently, while 66% of business undergraduate females (Powell & Butterfield, 2013) and 78% of women in upper-level management roles (Vachon & Lavis, 2013) aspire to senior executive positions, women hold only 32% of senior management positions in Canada (Catalyst, 2014). Unlike their parents, the Millennial generation is showing signs of…
April 8, 2016

Cultural influences on impression management: A focus on internationally educated engineers

By Jelena Radan (Cannexus17 GSEP Award Winner) My tenure as a Mentor at Calgary Catholic Immigration Society exposed me to career counselling in a novel work setting, coaching skilled newcomers. In that role, I assisted newcomer professionals to embrace their strengths and to increase their knowledge about Canadian workplace practices. However, I recognized that an understanding of the obstacles that internationally educated…