October 6, 2020

The value of a career reflection guide for clients in challenging times

This tool can transform clients’ perspective, connect them to mental health and career development supports Nada Johnson As career development professionals, it is important that we […]
October 6, 2020

Cultivating a positive work culture in the midst of change

Nurturing team relationships remained a top priority as the University of Alberta Career Centre navigated a rapidly changing work context during lockdown Blessie Mathew and Amy […]
October 6, 2020

10 Questions with Canadian astronaut David Saint-Jacques

Prior to joining the Canadian Space Program, David Saint-Jacques practised family medicine in a northern Canadian village overlooking Hudson Bay. He was selected as an astronaut […]
October 5, 2020

Survey shows career professionals finding new ways to support clients, but mental health concerns and burnout emerge as risks

Canada’s career and employment services practitioners continue to find innovative ways to adapt to the COVID-19 pandemic and meet the needs of their clients and students […]