June 8, 2020

New literature search on “Career Development During COVID-19 and Beyond” released

It is undeniable that the COVID-19 pandemic has had unprecedented health and economic impacts. Simultaneously, the world is facing new realities in the labour market. CERIC’s […]
May 28, 2020

Design thinking to redefine your career: new CERIC literature search

“Design thinking is an innovation methodology – a series of steps for generating options, testing strategies, and getting feedback.” (Fast Company). In CERIC’s new literature search, […]
May 25, 2020

Looking to diversity to meet labour needs in Canada and the US

Case studies from the US and Canada show rural communities and industries are adopting creative approaches to attract new talent Kristin Kirkpatrick and Scott Fisher This […]
April 27, 2020

New 2020 edition of French guide to computing careers for students and advisors now available

CERIC has released an updated version of its French-language guide to computing careers, responding to strong demand for computing graduates in Canada and a changing technology […]