January 19, 2013

Theory corner: The need for ‘positive uncertainty’ in the globalization era

By Barbara Smith (Cannexus11 GSEP Winner) Over the past 40 years, there has been a dramatic increase in global connections within technological, economic and cultural spheres, which have in turn affected the production, trade and finance that shape the world of work. Looking closer, globalization is characterized by: the emergence of a single global market for credit…
January 19, 2013

[Online Exclusive] The Challenge of Getting References

By Donald Smith Career coaches have repeatedly seen clients fail to follow up on references from their former employer. This happens even though the client has […]
January 19, 2013

[Online Exclusive] Coaching Trailing Spouses – Helping Hannah reach for the stars!

By Nicole Miller When Hannah Leroy found out last November that her spouse, a retail manager, was going to be promoted to vice-president, her enthusiasm was […]
January 19, 2013

[Online Exclusive] BOOK REVIEW: Emotional Fitness Coaching

By Julia Lebedeva In this era of massive information, the latest technologies are transforming the way people work and live. Emotional fitness coaching, as set down […]
January 19, 2013

[Online Exclusive] Career Development in America: Two Perspectives

Buried by Career Anachronisms? By Sheryl Spanier, MS/CMF Have you ever, in the process of doing a mundane task, gotten a sudden blast of insight? The […]