November 12, 2018

Evolution of a career development association: Supporting practitioners on the journey toward professionalization

How the Manitoba Association for Career Development has helped CDPs develop skills, share resources and build capacity within the field By Deanna England The first meeting of […]
November 12, 2018

How Mental Health First Aid works and why it’s needed

This interactive program helps participants identify, understand and respond to signs of mental illness By Stephen James Landry One in five Canadians will experience a mental-health problem […]
November 9, 2018

Self-care can combat burnout for career development practitioners

How CPDs can develop a self-care plan to prevent compassion fatigue and burnout By Dr Michael Sorsdahl Career development practitioners (CDPs) are helping professionals who get […]
November 9, 2018

How CDPs can help clients with disabilities navigate legislative changes

Practitioners must stay informed about legislative changes and be aware of provincial programs to best serve their clients By Jaclyn Krane As career development practitioners, we are […]
November 9, 2018

Principles in Action: Uncovering interests to find the best career fit

By Lisa Noonan With a goal of bringing greater clarity and consistency to our national conversations about career development, CERIC developed a set of “Guiding Principles […]
November 9, 2018

Well-being-based career practices and interventions for preventing and treating mental illness

Career development practitioners should take a holistic approach, supporting their clients’ mental health while helping them navigate career planning By Derrick McEachern Career planning is a […]