In recognition of his leadership and contributions to career development in Quebec, Canada and around the world for over 30 years, Michel Turcotte received the Etta […]
A new national survey released by the Environics Institute for Survey Research reveals a bold portrait of Canada’s Millennials (those born between 1980 and 1995), that […]
A new CERIC-funded documentary examines career shift, transition and occupational change in later life. Called Redirection: Movers, Shakers and Shifters, the film shares the stories of […]
The Cannexus National Career Development Conference brought together a record 1,000 participants to Ottawa from Jan. 23-25, 2017 to exchange information and explore innovative approaches in […]
By Lucie Morillon This note comes to you during a period of tension following the US presidential election, a time when newcomers face new anxieties, when […]
The theme of the Winter issue of Careering magazine is “Cultural Perspectives on Career and Work: Understanding International Students and New Canadians.” Articles discuss opportunities and […]