The Decade After High School: A Parent’s Guide

The Decade After High School: A Parent’s Guide is now available for download as an eBook. This publication, authored by Cathy Campbell, Michael Ungar and Peggy Dutton, is a product of the “Stories of Transition: Exploring the Antecedents of Career and Educational Choices among Young Adults” Project – a CERIC Partnership Project in conjunction with Dalhousie University.


The Decade After High School: A Professional’s Guide

The Decade After High School: A Professional’s Guide is now available for download as an eBook. This publication, authored by Cathy Campbell and Michael Ungar, is a product of the “Stories of Transition: Exploring the Antecedents of Career and Educational Choices among Young Adults” Project – a CERIC Partnership Project in conjunction with Dalhousie University.


Upcoming Events

Upcoming Canadian Events

Interaction 2008 – Building Bridges of Understanding: 11th Biennial National Conference, Conflict Resolution Network Canada, Ottawa, ON. May 7-9, 2008

2008 CED National Conference, Canadian Community Economic Development Network (CCEDNet), Saskatoon, SK. May 21-24, 2008

The Canadian Association for University Continuing Education (CAUCE) Conference 2008, Continuing Studies at Western (The University of Western Ontario), London, ON. May 27-31, 2008

Canadian Society for the Study of Education 2008 Conference: Thinking Beyond Borders: Global Ideas, Global Values, Canadian Society for the Study of Education, Vancouver, BC. May 31-June 3, 2008

CACEE 2008 National On-Campus Recruitment Conference, CACEE [Canadian Association of Career Educators and Employers], Montreal, QC. June 1-4, 2008

Canadian Population Society – CPS Conference 2008, Canadian Population Society (CPS), Vancouver, BC. June 4-6, 2008

CAFCE 2008 Conference: Ride the Co-op Current, Canadian Association for Co-operative Education – CAFCE, Niagara Falls, ON. June 15-18, 2008

Upcoming International Events

National Mentoring and Befriending Conference 2008, Mentoring + Befriending Foundation, Manchester, England. May 22, 2008

ED-MEDIA 2008: World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications, Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), Vienna, Austria. June 30-July 4, 2008

Annual Conference of the International Mentoring Association: Reaching Higher: Developing and Sustaining Human Potential through Mentoring and Coaching , International Mentoring Association, Las Vegas, Nevada,US. April 23-25, 2008

Other Deadlines

The Canadian Association for Supported Employment 2008 Conference – Working Matters, The Canadian Association for Supported Employment, Vancouver, BC. November 13-14, 2008. Call for Proposal Submission Deadline: May 19, 2008.


New Programs & Initiatives

By Brenda Burman

Georgian College Announces Adjustment Services Initiative in Dufferin County

Georgian College’s Centre for Career & Employment Services in Orangeville, Ontario has launched a new initiative to assist individuals who are laid off, or with notice of lay off, as a result of the downturn in manufacturing, tourism, agriculture and forestry. The affected workers will have access to the services they need to strengthen their ability to secure new employment in the town of Orangeville and surrounding area of Dufferin County.


“Career” is a Life Management Concept

By Robert Manolson

“The term ‘career’ is a continuous process of lifelong learning, growth and development in all aspects of our life, whether it’s paid and unpaid work, learning, and the range of roles we undertake in our life. ‘Careers’ involve the balance of work experiences, family, community involvement, interests and hobbies, training and education and more, much more.”


A Day in the Life of an e-Facilitator

By Erin Leach

When I meet my fellow Career Practitioners and describe my job as an e-Facilitator, the most frequent response is, “So you really never meet with your clients face-to-face? How does that work?” Two years ago, when I started my online client work, I had similar questions. In past Career Practitioning roles I enjoyed greeting my clients in person with a smile and a handshake. When a client was in my office, their body language and expression told me almost as much as their words. As a new e-Facilitator I wondered how I could build a strong relationship with clients if they didn’t see me. Would I be able to pick up on subtle clues to my client’s thoughts and feelings through our online interactions? Now that I have assisted close to 200 online clients with their career concerns, this way of connecting with people has become natural and just as satisfying as my past face-to-face work.