Regional Voices

From British Columbia

Don’t Miss the Internationally Trained Professionals (ITP) Conference

On June 11th, join ENET for the Internationally Trained Professionals (ITP) Conference in New Westminster, British Columbia.

Delegates will have the opportunity to:

  • Share client success stories
  • Discuss the challenges experienced by many internationally trained professionals
  • Identify best practices for supporting these clients regarding settlement, credential recognition, developing Canadian job search skills, and skill upgrading
  • Learn about changes in regulations that might help and/or hinder foreign workers

The Keynote Speaker for this year’s ITP conference is Naeem “Nick” Noorani who is the Founder and Publisher of the Canadian Immigrant Magazine and author of “Arrival Survival Canada”.

To find out more about the 2008 Internationally Trained Professionals Conference, visit


From Ontario

Job Fair at CNIB

by Carolyn MacDiarmid

Canadian Council on Rehabilitation and Work’s WESP employment program is holding its first annual job fair at CNIB in Toronto – 1929 Bayview Avenue, north of Eglinton. WESP (Workplace Essential Skills Partnership) is implemented in partnership with CNIB and is an employment program for job seekers with any type of disability living in the GTA. We are expecting over 20 employers at the event who are seeking to employ persons with disabilities (thus far 17 have confirmed). While we are targeting this stakeholder group, this event is open to the general working-age public. Have your clients join us on May 14 from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. for job searching and fun. They will be eligible to win one of 12 fabulous door prizes!


Carolyn MacDiarmid has been employed with the Canadian Council on Rehabilitation and Work (CCRW) for 11 years. She has worked in various capacities, supporting the organization’s mission of promoting and supporting the meaningful and equitable employment of persons with disabilities. As a published author, she has written material that emphasizes the abilities and “employability” of job seekers with disabilities.

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Building Communities through Language Learning

By Khaled A. Islaih

Technology is changing the way we live and learn. Over the last few years, technology has induced many drastic changes in family, workplace and community life. For example, the number of people hired, and even married, through electronic channels rose significantly over the last few years. In our daily life, checking e-mail has become an important habit for most of us. In education, computer assisted learning is now considered as a fundamental requirement for better learning outcomes. Unlike traditional instruction, technology facilitates collective learning, breaks cognitive barriers between learners and educators and opens new learning pathways. It allows educators and learners to explore new learning pathways.


Virtual Snapshot of a Professional Community

By Marc Verhoeve

There has been a great deal written in the past few years about professional networking. Because of the physical and time demands of today’s workplace, it is increasingly difficult to nurture a Face-to-Face (F2F) community. Therefore, the effective use of the Internet has provided a powerful vehicle for creating a virtual professional community. This article is an examination of the electronic backbone to an effective professional community.


Social Networks, Web 2.0 and the Job Search

By Rob Straby

One of the fascinating things I have learned from both my observations of people and review of literature is the nature of social networks. Whether one considers a job search campaign, the development of a new business, the growth of a new political campaign or party, or a community initiative, social networks provide the foundations through which change does (or does not) happen! In order to understand how the Web2.0 is revolutionizing career management, we need to start by understanding the power of social networks.


e-Career Counselling – Reaching and Engaging Clients in a New Way

By Tannis Goddard

In a recent interview (Fall 2007), Jennifer Browne, President of Contact Point, pointed to the growing potential for technology to help reach clients in non-traditional ways. e-Career Counselling is a new and emerging practice based on an integration of career counselling, adult learning and online instructional theories. By changing the space from an office or classroom to a secure virtual learning environment on the Web, new approaches are being developed that allow practitioners and clients to meet and work together across time and space to collaboratively address clients’ career needs.


Upcoming Events

Upcoming Canadian Events

ATA Guidance Council Conference 2008, , Banff Park Lodge, Banff, AB. Nov 20 – 22, 2008.

Career Education Society of BC – CES 31st Annual Fall Conference, Vancouver, BC. Nov 20 – 21, 2008.

NATCON 2009: National Consultation on Career Development and Workforce Learning, Toronto, ON. Jan 19 – 21, 2009.

Internationally Educated Professionals (IEPs) Conference 2009, Toronto, ON. Feb 20, 2009.


Upcoming International Events

2008 AUSTRALASIAN FACILITATORS NETWORK (AFN) CONFERENCE: Pushing the Boundaries: Facilitation Frontiers, Bathurst, New South Wales, Australia, Nov. 26 – 28, 2008.

The 4th Annual MPACE Conference: Ride the Wave To Success!, San Diego, California, Dec 10 – 12, 2008.

Center on Education and Work’s Careers Conference 2009: From Inspiration to Application, Madison, Wisconsin, Jan 26 – 28, 2009.

Upcoming Deadlines

Early Bird Registration: Nov. 14, 2008, CANNEXUS 2009 National Career Development Conference, Toronto, Canada (April 6-8, 2009)

Call for Proposals: Nov. 28, 2008 , Building Tomorrow Today 2009: From Good…to Great – Best Practices in Career Development

Call for Proposals: Nov. 30, 2008 , International IAEVG Conference 2009: Coherence, Co-operation and Quality in Guidance and Counselling, Jyväskylä, Finland


Upcoming Events

Upcoming Canadian Events

Vocational Rehabilitation Association of Canada – Ontario Society 2008 Annual Conference: “Exploring Mental Health, Addiction & Return to Work”, The Canadian Association of Rehabilitation Professionals – Ontario Inc., Vaughan, ON. September 19, 2008