Using Values Assessment in Career & Organizational Development Monday, January 22, 01 from 2-5 pm in the Annex Lounge

By popular request from past NATCON years, Catherine Mossop will conduct a special 3-hour training session on Values assessment using the Valuescards system.

In 3 hours you will learn how to use a tool that will dramatically enhance your career/life counselling skills, in a quick, fun to use form. You will be able to clarify personal values as the basis for your clients’ decision making and make clear links to organizational life immediately upon returning to your consulting practice.


Career-LifeSkills Resources Inc.

Make the Right Choice…

Did you know that our 5-day MBTI qualifying program is the most content rich, experientially based workshop in North America? You will leave this course well prepared to immediately put type theory into practice with:


Publications + Products

Building Effective Partnerships
by Scarborough Network of Immigrant Service Organizations (SNISO), Manual – 2000

Intentional Group Counseling: A Microskills Approach, 1st Edition
Allen E. Ivey, Paul B. Pedersen, Mary Bradford Ivey, Wadsworth Publishing, 2001, ISBN/ISSN: 0-534-52651-9

Joining Together: Group Theory and Group Skills
David W. Johnson and Frank P. Johnson, Allyn & Bacon, 2000, ISBN: 0-205-30859-7

Program Evaluation: An Introduction 3rd Edition
David Royse, Bruce A. Thyer, Deborah Padgett and T.K. Logan, Wadsworth Publishing, 2001, ISBN/ISSN: 0-8304-1536-X

Times Change – A Career Planning Workbook for Women
By Times Change Women’s Employment Service, 365 Bloor Street East, Suite 1704, Toronto, Ontario, M4W 3L4. Phone: (416) 927-1900. CD ROM – 2000.


Conference Sketches

By Patricia Harper, Vice President , Ontario Association for the Application of Personality Type (OAAPT)

OAAPT 2000 Conference: Type, Teams, Leadership and Conflict Resolution

OAAPT held its annual conference in downtown Toronto at Ryerson Polytechnic University’s Oakham House on November 4th and 5th 2000. Owing to the immense popularity of this year’s presenters, the Thomas Lounge was filled to capacity and registrations had to be closed off to the disappointment of many. We were delighted to have participants join our Ontario members from British Columbia, Manitoba and New York.


Introducing…The Canadian Journal of Career Development

By Robert Shea, Memorial University of Newfoundland

It is with great pleasure that during this years NATCON conference that we will announce a significant partnership between Memorial University of Newfoundland and Contact Point. This partnership will signal a new launch of the Canadian Journal of Career Development.

The Journal was originally established at Memorial University of Newfoundland in late 1999 and since that time the expressions of interest from the career development community both in Canada and abroad has been phenomenal. The interest was so great that it became apparent that if we were to launch a truly professional, peer reviewed publication that would be the quintessential publication on career development research in Canada and abroad that we would have to partner this initiative. We are truly fortunate to have secured such a committed partner as Contact Point. This new partnership will provide an opportunity to reach the several thousand current users of Contact Point and provide an existing national internet vehicle to carry on the original concept.


Upcoming Events

HRPAO 2001 Annual Conference and Exposition – Human Resources Professionals Association of Ontario (HRPAO), Toronto, ON. February 21 – 23, 2001

Going for Gold – International Association for Education and Vocational Guidance (and others), Vancouver, BC, March 6 – 9, 2001

Integrating Living and Learning in Work – Asia Regional Association for Career Development (ARACD), Singapore, March 10 – 13, 2001

ACA Annual Conference 2001 – American Counseling Association, San Antonio, TX, March 16 – 21, 2001

Remembering Our Past, Living Our Present – Celebrating Our Future, WITT National Network, Banff, AB. March 23 – 26, 2001

Opportunities Conference 2001 – Toronto, ON. April 4 – 6, 2001


New Programs and Initiatives

The Ryerson Tri-Mentoring Program

Ryerson University is developing a new program that addresses and minimizes the unique challenges of many students in Ryerson’s multicultural community. The Tri-Mentoring Program will help non-anglophone, first generation or recent immigrant students during their transition into post-secondary education and as they prepare to career-related employment. The program endeavours to enhance the rates of retention and employability of a historically disadvantaged population by addressing the factors related to their attrition and securing employment.


Practitioner’s Corner

By Trina Burge, Provincial Coordinator, WORKink Alberta

What is WORKink?

WORKink is a national Internet site for job seekers with disabilities, career counsellors, and employers. Essentially, WORKink is an employment resource tool where all of WORKink’s exciting features are offered at no cost.


Career Coaching

By Caroline Veldhuis

When most of us hear the word “coach”, we think push-ups. But in the last decade almost 250,000 people around the world have had a little push towards personal success thanks to coaches helping them with everything from navigating their careers to planning their retirement. There are nearly 10,000 professional coaches practicing outside the athletic arena, and the profession is growing fast. For people working or training to work as career development practitioners, career coaching is a lucrative and rewarding niche one might want to consider as an area of professional practice.


Canadian Practice Firms Network

Practice Firm: A Unique Concept in Employability

Since 1995, the practice firms have given the opportunity to almost 5000 Canadians to update their knowledge and acquire hands-on work experience while conducting an active job search. Throughout their activities, the participants benefit from the professional support of resource personnel.
The concept of the practice firm was born in Germany during the fifties. It plunges unemployed individuals in a simulation of the commercial activities of a real business trading with more than 3200 PF in 31 countries and their 28 counterparts situated in Quebec, Nova Scotia, Ontario and British Columbia.