The History of Career Counselling in Canada – A Year 2000 Project

By The Counselling Foundation of Canada

In the early days of a new century and a new millennium, many of us are caught up in the reflective mood sweeping our nation and the nations of the world.

The Counselling Foundation of Canada believes a historical snapshot of the career counselling community in Canada would be an appropriate “celebration” of the many achievements and the multitude of contributions made by individuals, agencies, organizations and institutions who have, over the last century, created the professional community to which we belong.


Publications + Products

Taking Charge of Your Career Direction Career Planning Guide, Book 1, 4th Edition, Robert D. Lock, Wadsworth Publishing, 2000 – ISBN/ISSN: 0-534-35617-6

Theory and Practice of Group Counseling, 5th Edition, Gerald Corey, Wadsworth Publishing, 2000 – ISBN/ISSN: 0-534-34821-1


New Programs and Initiatives

By Elaine Clow-Martin

Way to Go! Project – Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board

The Way to Go! Project was conceived by The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board, to assist all students in finding satisfying and rewarding career paths, in high demand career areas. The Board has had a historical vision of addressing the needs of industry for a skilled workforce, to enable future economic development in the school community, the Province, and country as a whole. This “thinking outside the box” towards meeting employer’s needs for a skilled workforce is much more proactive, relative to some other school districts’ more traditional approach to providing career advice.


Conference Sketches

By David Clemens

OSCA ’99
Annual Conference of the Ontario School Counsellors’ Association

With 460 delegates and 90 presenters conducting 60 workshops and 19 carousels, OSCA ’99 – Living the New Millennium, held in Toronto on November 18 – 20, 1999 was a huge success!


Upcoming Events

Create! Motivate! Innovate! – Ontario Society for Training and Development (OSTD), Toronto, Ontario, November 15 & 16, 1999

PLAR 99 – Learning Has No Boundaries – Canadian Labour Force Development Board, Vancouver, BC, November 15 – 17, 1999

OSCA ’99: Living the New Millenium – Ontario School Counsellors Association (OSCA), Toronto, ON. November 18 – 20, 1999


Book Club

What Works – Career Building Strategies for Special Needs Groups,

By Cristy Hayden, Published by: Alberta Advanced Education and Career Development (1999) – Available from: Learning Resources Distributing Centre (Catalogue Item #383109)
12360 – 142 Street, Edmonton, Alberta T5L 4X9 – Telephone: (780) 422-5775 Fax: (780)422-9750

This comprehensive resource provides pragmatic strategies, practices and resources to assist career counsellors when working with individuals who fall into a special needs group.

The special needs groups covered in this guide include the following:

  • aboriginal people
  • ex-offenders
  • immigrants and visible minorities
  • older workers
  • persons diagnosed with mental illness
  • persons with developmental disabilities
  • persons with learning disabilities
  • persons with physical disabilities
  • social assistance recipients
  • women
  • working poor
  • youth

Each special needs group has one complete chapter dedicated to its needs and considerations. The topics included in each chapter include the following:

  1. General characteristics of the special needs group.
  2. Employment issues or barriers which characterize the special needs group.
  3. Suggestions of “best practices” for the career counsellor to utilize.
  4. Effective program strategies.
  5. Relevant Internet sites.
  6. Likely cases in which two special needs groups may intersect.

This guide has been written on the assumption that individuals using it will already have basic career counselling skills and have access to career development and labour market information. It is assumed that career counsellors are working from a client-centered approach, striving to meet the individual needs of the client.

This guide has been written as a reference guide, rather than a “how to” guide. Presented in a binder, each special needs group is separated by a clearly identified divider, making quick reference to each of the special needs groups extremely easy.

Each chapter includes quotations from various sources, contributing to the information included in the main text. Basic and easy to read facts are included in the margins which help bring clarity to the concepts being discussed.

In an effort to have us consider our own values, assumptions and biases as counsellors, each chapter includes a section titled “Am I a barrier?” Here you will find a list of questions that encourage us to consider how our own perceptions may be influencing the counselling or group process.

Each chapter includes a comprehensive list of resource organizations, web sites, videos and selected bibliography, relevant to the particular group. These lists can open doors to a multitude of resources you may choose to access to expand your knowledge and skills. For those clients wanting to work independently towards their own career goals, these lists would serve as a comprehensive source of Canadian resources available.

This is truly a user friendly reference guide written for career counsellors spanning various levels of experience and expertise. This guide provides a Canada-wide perspective, making it applicable and useful in all provinces throughout the country. As career counsellors, we are continually challenged by the barriers faced by the individuals with we work with. This guide is a valuable resource to assist us in addressing these issues.



Cristy Hayden B.Sc., D.C.D., C.P.R.W. is a career practitioner, working on Vancouver Island, BC. She can be reached


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By Tina Moncado


Where have all the counsellors gone? If it is the first Wednesday of the month and they are from the Greater Vancouver area, then you’ll most likely find them at NETWERCC. NETWERCC stands for Networking, Education and Training for Workers in Employment, Rehabilitation and Career Counselling. NETWERCC provides monthly seminars and newsletters. Begun in 1985 by Ellen Edwards (originally called APON), the intent is still the same today. It is the chance for professionals in the employment and vocational rehabilitation fields to network and access training.


Practitioner’s Corner

By Pauline Pitcher

A Call to Counsel Foreign-Trained Professionals and Tradespeople

For the past two years, I have worked as an Employment Counsellor/Facilitator with JVS of Greater Toronto in partnership with Skills For Change in the delivery of an Employment Assistance Services Program targeted towards foreign-trained professionals and tradespeople. Human Resources Development Canada funds the program. Recently, there have been several initiatives to profile this group such as featured articles in the Toronto Star and the quarterly H.R.D.C. publication, The Pulse. In addition, Skills For Change has a program known as Access to the Trades and Professions. One of its many efforts has been the coordinating of several focus groups to discuss and report findings on the systemic barriers foreign professionals and tradespeople face in respect to employment.


Publications + Products

Hand Me Down Dreams: How Families Influence Our Career Paths and How We Can Reclaim Them, by Mary H. Jacobsen. Harmony Books, 1999. ISBN: 0-609-60231-4

You’re Certifiable: The Alternative Career Guide to More than 700 Certificate Programs, Trade Schools and Job Opportunities, by Lee & Joel Naftali. Fireside Books, 1999. ISBN 0-684-84996-8

Profile Desktop 2000 (Software). Nelson, Thomson Learning, 1999 – ISBN 017-608-469-X. More details at or 1-800-667-4964