Upcoming Events

Enneagram 99: Making Connections – International Enneagram Association, Toronto, ON., August 5 – 8, 1999.

Partners For Prosperity: Creating Community Wealth – Ontario Municipal Social Services Association, Toronto, ON. September 29 – October 1, 1999.

Transition to Work for the New Millenium – Canadian Vocational Association, Swift Current, Saskatchewan, October 21-24, 1999.

OSCA ’99: Living the New Millenium – Ontario School Counsellors Association (OSCA), Toronto, ON. November 18 – 20, 1999.


Book Club

Straight Jobs, Gay Lives: Gay and Lesbian Professionals, the Harvard Business School, and the American Workplace

By Friskopp, Annette, and Sharon Silverstein, 1995, Scribner.

Interviews with gay and lesbian alumni of the Harvard Business School (HBS) woven into a discussion of the gay and lesbian experience both at the school, and in the world of work after graduation. Chapters on discrimination, being closeted/coming out at work, networking, success, gender, race and ethnicity, HIV/AIDS, and the unique experiences of gay professionals. Excellent reading guide at the end, including books, theses and academic papers. There is also a “gay workplace resource guide” with US listings.



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Job Ads

Resume Advisor (Part-time)

The University of Toronto Career Centre is currently seeking a part-time Resume Advisor. For more information on this position, please visit the Job Board at Contact Point

Deadline is August 6, 1999.


Practitioner’s Corner

By Keltie Creed

I work exclusively online, and have done so since the fall of 1997. I have never met most of my clients. I never make eye contact with them, seldom hear the emotion in their voices. But I do get to know their minds, their way of expressing themselves, their hopes and dreams. We work together on action plans, resumes, interview preparation, decision making and a myriad of other issues. They do find work. On the surface, it may seem like my practice is something far removed from your own, but in reality, the work that we do is probably very similar. The difference is the tools that we use, and the medium of communication.


Counselling the Released Young Offender

By Brigid Murphy

  • Lack of normal life experiences
  • Inadequate role modelling
  • Discrimination
  • Employer attitude’s
  • Inadequate education
  • Illiteracy
  • Poor social skills
  • Cultural differences
  • Perceived reality
  • Negative self concept
  • Poor work attitude
  • Marginalization
  • Identity confusion
  • Values clash
  • Low self esteem
  • No support systems/no family
  • Language barrier
  • Alcohol or substance abuse
  • History of emotional, physical, sexual abuse
  • Developmental disabilities
  • Gender confusion
  • History of failures
  • Emotional instability
  • Young dependants
  • Lack of vocational skills
  • Depression
  • Involved with child and family services
  • Physical appearance
  • Learning difficulties
  • Stereotyping
  • Medical problems
  • Economically and socially disadvantaged

The top three critical barriers noted by NYIC are: lack of education due to early independent living and the need to focus on meeting basic survival needs; no personal support networks – family or otherwise; and no financial resources. For others it is: court ordered client resistance; lack of work experience; confusion about vocational choice; health issues; poor adaptation skills; lack of problem solving skills; low self esteem; lack of trust; and, an unstable home life.


Upcoming Events

Building Tomorrow Today – Alberta Regional Consultation for Career Development – Alberta Career Development Action Group, Edmonton, AB, April 28 – 30, 1999

Opportunities – ONESTEP Events Management, Toronto, ON., May 6 – 8, 1999

CALSCA National Meeting – Canadian Alliance of Life Skills Coaches and Associations, Prince George, BC., May 21 – 24, 1999

Careers Exploration Showcase – Skills Canada, Kitchener, ON., June 1 & 3 – 4, 1999

The Second Spirituality in the Workplace Conference – Centre for Spirituality at Work, Toronto, ON., June 2 – 4, 1999

1999 CACEE Recruitment and Career Services Conference – Canadian Association of Career Educators and Employers (CACEE), Thunder Bay, ON., June 6 – 9, 1999

Enneagram 99: Making Connections – International Enneagram Association, Toronto, ON., August 5 – 8, 1999


Job Ads

Career Development Officer

The University of Toronto at Mississauga is looking for a Career Development Officer. For more information on this position, please visit the Job Board at Contact Point

Apply as soon as possible.

Job Developer

Woodgreen Community Centre of Toronto is looking for a Job Developer responsible for the implementation of the Targeted Wage Subsidy Program, self marketing and job training for unemployed individuals in the community. For more information on this position, please visit the Job Board at Contact Point.

Applications must be received by April 28, 1999

Instructor(s) – Native Community Worker / Early Childhood Education (NECE)

The Anishinabek Educational Institute is seeking Instructor(s) for the delivery Native Community Worker / Early Childhood Education (NECE) at the Munsee-Delaware Nation. For more information on this position, please visit the Job Board at Contact Point.

While applications will be accepted on an ongoing basis, placements start as early as May 26, 1999


Academic and Career Choice For Lesbian and Gay Young Adults

By Margaret Schneider and Joan McCurdy-Myers

Over the past few decades, gay and lesbian people have become increasingly visible. This has resulted in a growing awareness, particularly among counselling professionals, of the impact of being lesbian or gay on an individual’s life. The influence of sexual orientation on academic and career choices is an area which has only recently received notice.


Publications + Products

Basic Counseling Responses: A Multimedia Learning System for the Helping Professions (CD-ROM, Video, and workbook) by Hutch Haney and Jacqueline Leibsohn, Brooks/Cole-Wadsworth Publishing, 1999.

Canada’s Best Careers Guide, Frank Feather, Warwick Publishing Inc., 1999. ISBN -1-894020-42-1

Developing a Career Information Centre, Canadian Career Information Association, 1999.

The Guide to Internet Job Searching, Margaret Riley Dikel, Frances Roehm and Steve Oserman, VGM Career Horizons, 1999. ISBN – 0844281999



By Heather Sterling

CAETO – An overview

The Canadian Alliance of Education and Training Organizations (CAETO)/Alliance canadienne des organismes d’éducation et de formation (ACOEF) is an incorporated, not-for-profit, “umbrella” association of national education and training organizations, that provides its members with opportunities to identify and build partnerships related to education and training policies and programs.