Online Resume Course Pilot (August 1997): Summary Report

By Kerry Mahoney

Introduction, Rationale and Staffing:

As with many innovations, a long-time need, coupled with a chance discovery, set the stage for change. Throw into the mix a staff member (me!) with an interest in, and some experience with, online education and what do you get? An online resume course, of course!

New co-op students are overwhelmed when they arrive on campus and are told that resumes are due in just a few short days. In the past, our Department, Co-operative Education & Career Services, has attempted to assist these students through advance resume tips brochures and early face-to-face seminars. However both were lacking from a personal attention and timing perspective.



By Dauna Atkins, International Association of Career Management Professionals

Formed in 1989, the goal of the IACMP is to enhance the image, credibility of the profession and to provide a structure for each member to enhance his/her skills as a professional. The Association has developed and adopted standards of ethical practice, competency standards and a certification process administered by the International Board for Career Management Certification.


Conference Sketches

By Janis Foord Kirk

Perhaps the greatest challenge is changing the picture people have in their heads, Ontario’s ex-premier, Bob Rae, told career and employment specialists when they gathered in Ottawa recently NATCON, the National Consultation on Career Development.

Too many people are “looking in the rear view mirror” at the world in which they grew up, Rae observed. They’re expecting to find a national economy and finite resources. To find that incomes keep rising for a broad spectrum of people. They’re expecting to be part of a thriving middle class of mostly white males, among families with moms at home, and dads at work.


1998 OCC Career Development Award

Congratulations to Contact Point Board Member Sahri Woods Baum for being the recipient of the 1998 Ontario College Counsellors (OCC) Career Development Award. Sahri received this award at the 24th NATCON Conference held in Ottawa this past January. The OCC Career Development Award recognizes the significant contribution made by the award recipient to the practice of career counselling in Canada.


Orientation to Trades and Technology Curriculum and Resource Book: A way in for women

By Marcia Braundy

Threaded throughout, are units to assist women to develop the additional skills to assist their success as they enter these career domains; where the needs to “Recognize, Adapt and Influence Workplace Culture, ” “Develop and Practice Assertive Skills”, “Deal Effectively with Harassment” and “Develop and Maintain Occupational Fitness” are still essential to effective career development for women in trades and technology fields.


New Programs and Initiatives

By Liz Igoe

Youth at Work

We at Operation Springboard are pleased and excited to introduce our newest employment program. This program, Youth At Work, an HRDC at risk youth assessment centre, is an enhancement to our already existing employment programs. Youth At Work is funded by HRDC and is run in partnership with Centennial College and the Scarborough YMCA.


Upcoming Events

Kindling the Spirit – Career Education in Uncertain Times – Association of Career Centres in Educational Settings (ACCES), Toronto, ON. April 24, 1998

Promoting Excellence in Organizational Career Development, Performance Coaching, Executive Coaching and Career Transition Services – International Association of Career Management Professionals (IACMP), San Francisco, CA, April 24 – 26, 1998

Life Skills Conference – Canadian Alliance of Life Skills Coaches and Associations (CALSCA), Prince Albert, Saskatchewan, May 15 – 18, 1998

Ontario Association of Help Centres (OAHC) Annual Conference, London, ON. May 19 – 21, 1998

Click and Go: Moving at the Speed of Technology Forum – New Brunswick Career Development Action Group, Fredericton, NB, May 28, 1998

Bright Perspectives – Canadian Association of Career Educators and Employers (CACEE), Montreal, Quebec, May 31 – June 3, 1998

Reshaping Career Development for the 21st Century, National Career Development Conference, Drake Hotel, Chicago IL July 1 – 3, 1998


New Programs and Initiatives

Interactive Training Inventory

Introducing the Human Resources Development Canada Interactive Training Inventory (ITI), a new database of educational and training opportunities available on the Internet.

This electronic database is currently designed to cover all of Ontario and is currently being promoted in the Toronto/York Region areas by the Possibilities Project. The ITI database has the potential for National implementation.


Job Ads

Youth Development Officer

The Anishinabek Educational Institute is seeking a self-directed and motivated professional with a strong background in youth program development and delivery to research, plan and coordinate a community and web-site based initiative. This is a full-time, one-year contract position with possible extension. For more information on this position, please visit the Job Board at Contact Point.

Applications must be received by March 31, 1998.

Executive Director

The Ontario Association of Youth Employment Centres is seeking an Executive Director. The Executive Director is responsible for the daily operations of the Association under the direction and approval of the Board of Directors. The successful candidate will have direct management experience including staff supervision; highly developed communication skills, extensive administrative experience and familiarity with policy development; experience in developing understanding of the role and function of the not-for-profit sector. Experience in a career and/or employment counselling environment is preferable. For more information on this position, please visit the Job Board at Contact Point.

Applications must be received by April 9, 1998.