
Roll Out the Employer Welcome Mat to LGBTQ Jobseekers: Diversity Matters, Inclusion Is Us

By Brien K. Convery

Diversity is understood by many as “the condition of being different” whereas inclusion is thought to be “the act of making a person part of a group.” These two concepts hinge together as a dynamic force for innovative business leaders and employees to embrace. The positive returns to individuals, business and the community are multifold.


What the gig economy means for career development: New CERIC literature search

The transformation to a gig economy is well underway with an increasing number of short-term positions and self-employed individuals. Are we prepared for a future of freelance work? CERIC’s latest literature search Gig Economy and Career Development explores what the gig economy means to the future world of work and how career professionals can support their clients in thriving in the gig economy.

Topics covered in the literature search include:

  • The digital workforce in the gig economy
  • Workers rights in the gig economy
  • Research and policy implications for the gig economy
  • Gig economy and millennials
  • The impact of the gig economy on the gender income gap

There are 47 literature searches now available, including Career Development Theory and Career Management Models, Economic Benefits of Career Guidance, Parental Involvement in Career Development, Labour Market Trends, Mental Health Issues in the Workplace, and more.

Featuring comprehensive listings of key research and articles in career development, literature searches highlight critical points of current knowledge.

As a student, academic or practitioner in the field, literature searches are helpful if you are researching the latest thinking or proven best practices. They are also valuable if you are considering a submission to CERIC for project partnership funding in order to gain an overview of major work already done in your area of interest.


Nominate a career development leader for the Etta St John Wileman Award by June 30

The Etta St John Wileman Award for Lifetime Achievement is designed to recognize and celebrate individuals who have devoted their lives to enhancing the field of career development. If you know a leader who has made a significant and sustained contribution to the field, complete the nomination form by June 30, 2018.

The award seeks to:

  • Honour individuals who have established themselves as leaders within career development.
  • Recognize trailblazers who combine being a mentor, educator, advisor, advocate and role model.
  • Encourage people in Canada and around the world to celebrate those who have contributed so much to the career development profession.

Presented on a less than annual basis at the Cannexus National Career Development Conference in Ottawa, the award is given in the name of Etta St John Wileman. In the early 20th century, Wileman was a champion and crusader of career, work and workplace development in Canada.

Past recipients of the award have included Marilyn Van Norman, Denis Pelletier, Norman Amundson, Mildred Cahill, Bryan Hiebert, Donald Lawson and Michel Turcotte.


CERIC debuts new and improved website

At CERIC, our goal is to provide current resources and information that are useful and relevant to Canada’s career development professionals. We are always looking for new ways to improve in every aspect of what we do. To that end, we are excited to announce the launch of our new website,

The site has been redesigned and updated to provide an improved user experience, making accessibility a top priority. The new design simplifies navigation, taking the information from our original website and placing it right at your fingertips.

By building a responsive and compatible layout for all platforms, we have improved the functionality of the site for both desktop and mobile users, as we recognize that increasingly you access our site from smartphones. The site has not only an updated, streamlined look to it, but is hosted on a higher performance server, which will significantly increase its speed and efficiency.

We hope you’ll enjoy a fresh presentation of everything CERIC has to offer and invite you to visit the site and explore the full spectrum of its new and improved features.

If you have any feedback, please let us know via our contact page. We also encourage you to tweet us @ceric_ca, or connect with us on any of our other social media platforms.


New CERIC literature search explores refugee career development

Career development is important for newcomers and refugees in integrating into a new society and achieving economic well-being. However, making a successful transition is a challenging process. CERIC new literature search on Refugees’ Career Development Issues focuses on this particular group and how career professionals plays a significant role.

Topics covered in the literature search include:

  • What career counsellors need to know about refugees
  • Narrative career counselling for people with refugee backgrounds
  • Helping newcomer students achieve success in secondary school
  • Syrian refugees in Canada and their struggle to find work
  • Social justice counselling and advocacy with immigrants

There are 46 CERIC literature searches now available, including Career Development Theory and Career Management Models, Economic Benefits of Career Guidance, Parental Involvement in Career Development, Labour Market Trends, Mental Health Issues in the Workplace, and more.

Featuring comprehensive listings of key research and articles in career development, literature searches highlight critical points of current knowledge.

As a student, academic or practitioner in the field, literature searches are helpful if you are researching the latest thinking or proven best practices. They are also valuable if you are considering a submission to CERIC for project partnership funding in order to gain an overview of major work already done in your area of interest.

View all of the literature searches.



An Interview with Contact Point’s First and Current Presidents

Question Catherine Mossop: Jennifer Browne:
Tell us about yourself. What is your job title and description of your role? I am the President sage Mentors Inc. We design Mentoring programs to accelerate the development of talent within Corporate, Government and Health Services organizations. I am currently the Director of Career Development & experiential Learning at Memorial University of Newfoundland. We provide career services to over 17,000 students. We are focused on experiential learning and assisting increasing student’s awareness of the skills they are developing from their various employment and volunteer experiences. I am fortunate to work with a creative, energetic staff who love working with students.
What have been Contact Point’s biggest successes in your view? Contact Point has had a number of successes over the years. The first one being that Contact Point was the first website of its kind in Canada. The second success is that it started out being practitioner-driven and remains that way even now. Finally, Contact Point is accessed “globally”, by practitioners from many different countries. It is the resource for career professionals everywhere in the world. I think our biggest success has been remaining in existence for 10 years. In an age where websites come and go frequently, Contact Point has withstood the test of time and has a solid following of career practitioners across the country. If it wasn’t useful it wouldn’t exist. With thousands of subscribers, both Anglophone and Francophone, Contact Point is filling a need in this field.

Listening to those in the field and doing our annual survey is a huge success as well. This is a huge piece of research that assists us in being on the pulse of what is going on in career development in Canada and what are the needs of the practitioners.

What do you envision for Contact Point in the future? What role do you think Contact Point will play as the field changes and develops? Contact Point might want to look at profiling innovations in new career types and styles. Mentorship is well established for populations such as youth at risk, but next to nothing is being done at the corporate or government levels in support of the various career management and mobility issues in the workplace. Also, Contact Point may want to communicate information and new ideas on how to manage work and life very differently or have open global discussions on new ways of managing work. I don’t mean just taking a computer home and working from there. I am referring to how people engage in teams, how they engage in knowledge transfer; how they are moved into management, how they move into building specialists, how do people learn from each other; how does education fit. All of these areas need new exploration. Contact Point will play a major role in identifying the trends and issues as they are emerging in the field. Remaining connected with the users and being responsive to their needs will ensure Contact Point remains a vital resource for practitioners who want to stay current and get the resources they need.

I believe the future of Contact Point is providing a dynamic and engaging website that allows more interaction between users, more professional development opportunities facilitated through the website, and continuing to be responsive to the changing needs of those in the field.

Read more of this interview in the upcoming fall issue of the Contact Point Bulletin Newsletter.

Publications and Products


Where’s My Oasis?: The essential handbook for everyone wanting the perfect job
Rowan Manahan
Vermillion, September 2004
ISBN: 0091899982

How To Ace The Brain Teaser Interview
John Kador
McGraw-Hill, September 2004
ISBN: 0071440011

What Color Is Your Parachute? 2005: A Practical Manual For Job-Hunters and Career-Changers 
Richard Bolles
Ten Speed Press, September 2004
ISBN: 1580086152

Stuff You Don’t Learn in Engineering School: Skills for Success in the ‘Real World’
Carl Selinger
Wiley-IEEE Press, October 2004
ISBN: 0471655767

Career Development and Counseling: Putting Theory and Research to Work
Robert W. Lent, Steven D. Brown
Wiley, October 2004
ISBN: 0471288802

Career Warfare: 10 Rules for Building a Successful Personal Brand on the Business Battlefield
David D’Alessando
American Media International – McGraw-Hill Audio, October 2004
ISBN: 1932378545

It’s Your Career–Take Control!
Catherine B. Beck
Davies-Black Publishing, October 2004
ISBN: 0891061835

Overcoming Job Burnout
Beverly A. Potter
Ronin Publishing, October 2004
ISBN: 1579510744


Other Publications:

Global Employment Trends for Youth 
International Labour Office, Geneva
August 2004



What’s New


Contact Point Launches its 2004 Survey!

As practitioners in this fast paced, ever changing field of career development, we focus most of our attention on those we provide services to, and rarely have the chance to step back and reflect on our field. Here is an opportunity for you to do just that. Share your thoughts and voice your concerns on the field, the changes unfolding, the challenges that impact you, and how you see the future.

Let us know how Contact Point can continue to provide you with the information and support you need to do your job better in light of these changes. Your input is extremely important to our understanding of current and emerging needs in the field, and how best we can respond to them. Please take the time to fill in the questionnaire below. It may up to 20 minutes to complete, depending on your responses, but be assured your feedback is vital

The survey opens on November 1, 2004 and will run for approximately 4 weeks.

Watch for summary results in the Winter issue of the Contact Point Bulletin, due in January 2005.

Don’t miss your chance to win some great prizes!

Everyone who completes the survey will have their names entered into a draw to win 1 of 40 copies of the book called “So…tell me about yourself” A Guide to Successful Interviews published by Canadian Career Partners.

Be among the first 100 people to complete the survey and have your name entered into a draw to win 1 of 3 Mentoring Resource Series sets published by Les Éditions de la Fondation de l’entrepreneurship. This set contains Mentoring and the World of Work in Canada: Source Book of Best Practices and 5 Mentoring Resource Series guides.



To complete the survey, click on the link below.

Contact Point Survey