Hot Links: The Changing Nature of Careers

Future Shock? The Impact of Automation on Canada’s Labour Market

Published by the C.D. Howe Institute in March 2017, this report assesses the impact of technological change on Canada’s labour market over the past 30 years and highlights its implications for the near future.


Career Briefs

New CERIC study identifies “impressive” post-secondary career service models

A new national CERIC study has identified seven publicly funded Canadian universities and colleges with the most “impressive” models of career services. The study, undertaken by Dr Peter Dietsche and Jim Lees of PSE Information Systems, also examines the level of institutional commitment across the country to providing career services for post-secondary students.


10 Questions for Natan Obed

Natan Obed_picture from

Natan Obed is the President of Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami. He is originally from Nain, the northernmost community in Labrador’s Nunatsiavut region, and now lives in Ottawa. For 10 years, he lived in Iqaluit, Nunavut, and worked as the Director of Social and Cultural Development for Nunavut Tunngavik Inc. He has devoted his career to working with Inuit representational organizations to improve the well-being of Inuit in Canada.