Publications + Products

The Decade After High School: A Parent’s Guide
Cathy Campbell, Michael Ungar and Peggy Dutton
Published by CERIC in collaboration with Resilience Research Centre, School of Social Work, Dalhousie University – 2008
ISBN: 978-0-9687840-7-5


Conference Sketch

By Anne Markey, CACEE

CACEE 2008 National On-Campus Recruitment Conference, June 1-4, 2008

Over 300 delegates joined together in Montreal June 1-4, 2008, to learn from more than forty-five sessions focusing on the post-secondary school to career transition. Despite the damp weather, golfers, walkers and shoppers enjoyed the pre conference social activities.


The Renovated Virtual Classroom: Adult Education Through Online Learning

By Joanne Elliott

In many professions, on-going professional development is critical to updating and improving existing skills, keeping up with new information, and also keeping one’s certification current. Indeed, there are many ways to approach professional development: workshops, continuing education courses, in-house presentations, and conferences. Much professional development is through in-person situations, but more opportunities are available through on-line means. With busy lives and full-time work, online professional development is increasingly attractive for working adults, especially as technology steadily improves, and further reaches into remote communities.


Stories of Transition: What Happens in the Decade after High School?

By Cathy Campbell

There is no doubt that young people today face what has been described as a complex and circuitous transition into the workforce (Bowlby & McMullen, 2002). Compared to previous generations, they are faced with higher expectations (Andres, 2002), more choices (Schwartz, 2004), and the requirements for more post-secondary education that is becoming increasingly expensive (Berger, Motte & Parkin, 2007). Perhaps worst of all, there are no guarantees that a good job awaits a young person who has invested a lot of time and money into post-secondary education (Côté & Allahar, 2007).