The Future is Now

By Di Wright

No one can accurately, or consistently predict the future. That said, it is important , like Richard Worzel- known as “The Futurist(, recommends that you have plan B and even C ready to be implemented, especially when it comes to your career.


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The Power of Assessments

by Ken Keis, MBA

True Assessments do not create results; they only document what is already true!

Our entire lives operate around measurement. Without it we simply cannot function. Think about our modern world? Without measurement, our economies and lives would literally collapse. People’s lives around the world have been transformed using this strategy of assessment


Webinars: Opening Doors to Training

by Miranda Vande Kuyt

Webinars are the answer!  I state this with confidence.

Don’t have time to go back to school? Take a webinar! Live too far away to attend training? Take a webinar! Need to reach remote clients? Host a webinar!  Want your staff to stay current with what leading career practitioners are teaching? Send them to a webinar!