Early entry deadline December 7 for Inspiring Approaches to First Nations, Métis and Inuit Learning

Just a quick reminder…

The early entry deadline for Inspiring Approaches to First Nations, Métis and Inuit Learning is quickly approaching. Enter by December 7th and you will be eligible to win an Early Entry Award of $500.

Maybe you have a dream about wilderness skills training, or you have come up with a new approach to early childhood learning; perhaps you have designed a distance mentoring program, or have a new way to bring music to your school, or developed an approach to career and workplace training tailored for Aboriginal people. As long as your focus is learning, inside or outside the classroom, we want to hear about it!


Intentional Practice: Using Self-Reflection to Enhance Career Satisfaction

By Joanne Elliott and Jessica Gregg

Individual Reflective Practice

As career counsellors, it is not an easy task to identify the different components of our craft. Often, we draw on intuition to guide us as we counsel clients using skills we have developed over the years. When we introduce an element of critical reflection, we can make this intuitive practice more effective and fulfilling.


Upcoming Events

National Consultation on Career Development and Workforce Learning (NATCON) 2011

February 15 – 17, 2011

Toronto, ON

The Conference Board of Canada



Conference Sketch: Association of Career Professionals International Annual Conference

By Heather Turnbull

October 24 -31st, 2010, marked a unique gathering of the Association of Career Professionals (ACP) International, a not-for-profit organization serving hundreds of members who deliver career services worldwide.
Holding its annual conference for the first time aboard a cruise ship, ACP International delegates from six countries and three continents experienced a rare combination of thought-provoking programming interspersed with relaxed networking opportunities with colleagues, all in Eastern Caribbean ports of call.


Conference Sketch: Newfoundland and Labrador Association of Career Practitioners 2010

By Renee Pike

The Newfoundland and Labrador Association of Career Practitioners (NLACP) is gaining momentum, which was evident from the 120 delegates attending the second annual conference in St. John’s, on October 22-24. This year’s theme, “Overcoming Barriers – Empowering Lives!”, went beyond finding the perfect résumé to focus on some of the more complex issues facing those who fail to form a secure attachment to the labour force.


Giving a Face to Campus Career Services

By Laura Henshaw

Career Services at Brock University, Ontario, had a busy year in 2008. The department changed its location and launched a Facebook page for their newly designed avatar, Jack McIsaac. An avatar is a graphical image that represents a person and can be used for gaming purposes such as online games or video games, or non-gaming purposes like Facebook or Second Life. Jack was – and continues to be – a great help in getting the word out about the Career Services’ location, resources and events.