Social Workers and Non-Traditional Careers: Making the Links

By Marlene Pomrenke and Heather Morris


Results of a recent study completed by the authors indicate that social workers have congruent values and skills that fit for many non-traditional employment opportunities in social work (Pomrenke & Morris, 2010).  To complement and expand on these findings we examined the challenges for social work students in their career journey.


Retirement Re-Visited

By Juanita Hennessey

What if you worked your whole life at a job you disliked? What if you never figured out what you wanted to do with your life? What if you knew, but circumstances prevented you from realizing your dream? Are there opportunities in later life to undo the regrets of your past?


Career Practitioner Supervision Training: For Your Current or Prospective Role

By Cheri Butler

The Career Practitioner Supervision curriculum was developed by the National Career Development Association (NCDA) with Sandy Manoogian as the lead author and Judy Hoppin serving as consulting editor at the request of the Japan Career Development Association (JCDA). The intent of this professional supervision training, to be released in the fall of 2011, is to introduce the practice of clinical supervision to career practitioners.


One Stride Closer: Psychological Considerations of the Immigrant Career Transition

By Basak Yanar

Each year Canada welcomes some 200,000 immigrants – over half of which are “skilled” – eager to develop successful careers in their new country.1 Government initiatives and settlement agencies provide a wide array of programs designed to facilitate their entrance into the Canadian labour market. Although 80% of Canada’s immigrants succeed in finding full-time employment after two years of arrival2, this career transition is often defined by underemployment, casual and part-time positions, forced occupational change, and/or lower levels of income.


Parental Involvement in Children’s Career Exploration: A Cannexus12 Session

By Gilles Paquette

Parents have a significant influence on their children from a very young age. Keeping parents engaged early on is important. If you are planning to attend Cannexus12 January 23-25, 2012 in Ottawa, you will have over 100 concurrent sessions to choose from. I wanted to point out this particular session which is in line with our theme in this Fall issue of our Bulletin. Allow me to start with this great quote:


Parenting and Social Media Systems With Job Search

By Chris Kulbaba

As I was sitting with one of my six children the other day, inevitably we started to discuss the fact of her going back to school to start Grade 11. “How can I figure out what I want to do?” I started to answer with some directions, and then thought better of it – I took off my parenting hat, and put on my facilitator visor instead – and asked her to let me think it through with her – can we just have some dialogue? What we came up with was a few ideas and points that I would like to share with you – I have highlighted the four best we came up with.