The Super Series


In 1957, Donald Super proposed his now-famous Career Development Stages:

Growth 0 – 14

  • Try multiple experiences
  • Form self-concept
  • Develop an understanding of the meaning and purpose of work

Exploration 14 – 24

  • Recognize and accept need to make career decisions
  • Become aware of interests and abilities
  • Identify possible work fields
  • Secure training

Establishment 25 – 44

  • Achieve full competence in occupation through experience/training
  • Consolidate and improve status in the occupation
  • Advance vertically or horizontally

Maintenance 45 – 65

  • Preserve skills through in-service/continual training
  • Develop retirement resources/plans

Decline 65 +

  • Adapt work to physical capacity
  • Manage resources to sustain independence

Donald Super: The Psychology of Careers [1957]

In addition, Super proposed his holistic concept of Career; career is the total of all life-activities that create fulfillment. Job is only part of one’s career; other segments are family, hobbies, spirituality, physical fitness, community activities, and personal space.

Super indicated that these categories required redefinition. Just prior to his death in 1994 [at the age of 83], he admitted that he “did not think of himself as being in the Decline stage of his model. ….He described himself, rather, as always ‘innovating’ and one who wanted to be the cutting edge of his specialty” [N.C.D.A. Journal, 1997].

In this twenty-first century, we are aware of dramatic changes in these life stages. Senior elementary and secondary school students are required to be more destination-driven as regards their careers. The “Establishment-Maintenance” population, focusing on e-recruiting, e-resumes, virtual portfolios and career coaches, continue to be in dramatic flux, as is documented by the 1999 statement from the Alberta Human Resources and Employment : “New workforce entrants can anticipate having from 12 to 25 jobs in 5 different industry sectors”. The “mature workers” have become a major economic variable; the Conference Board reports that roughly one in three working-age Americans will soon be “mature” [age 45 to 64].

It is our goal to publish in next 5 issues of The Contact Point Bulletin a “Super Series” of articles focusing on the full spectrum of career development stages. We shall revisit each stage in the light on the new paradigms, and share innovative street-level initiatives that reflect these changes. Each issue will be devoted to one of the Super Stages. Readers are invited to submit articles about their perception of the new paradigm in any of the above Super stages, or to share practical “practitioner-practice” that reflects these changes. If interested, send us an e-mail to

Marc Verhoeve
Editorial Committee
The Contact Point Bulletin


Upcoming Events

Upcoming Canadian Events

BC’s Annual Career Development Conference: CDC 2008, Career Management Association of BC (BCCMA), Vancouver, BC. March 4-7, 2008

Workplace Health 2008: The Battle for Mental Well-being, The Conference Board of Canada, Toronto, ON. March 26-27, 2008

CANNEXUS™ 2008: National Career Development Conference, CERIC – Canadian Education & Research Institute for Counselling, Montréal, QC. April 14-16, 2008

Ontario Co-operative Education Association (OCEA) 2008 Annual Spring Conference: “Synergy: Connecting for Tomorrow” , OCEA – Ontario Co-operative Education Association, Mississauga, ON. April 20-22, 2008

VSS Online Annual Spring Conference: Learning: Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere, The Virtual School Society (VSS), Vancouver, BC. April 22-24, 2008

Building Tomorrow Today 2008: Career REVolution, Career Development Association of Alberta, Alberta Employment Immigration and Industry, Alberta Education, Alberta Advanced Education and Technology, and Oteenow Employment and Training Society, Edmonton, AB. April 30-May 2, 2008

Upcoming International Events

Counselling Arabia Conference 2008: Exploring Human Potential, Counselling Arabia, Dubai, United Arab Emirates. March 25-27, 2008

2008 AJST Annual Conference, AJST-Association of Job Search Trainers, Tampa, Florida, US. April 2-5, 2008

Annual Conference of the International Mentoring Association: Reaching Higher: Developing and Sustaining Human Potential through Mentoring and Coaching , International Mentoring Association, Las Vegas, Nevada,US. April 23-25, 2008



What’s New

Congratulations to Our Survey 2007 Winners!

For the 2007 Contact Point/OrientAction survey, we asked questions that focused on a variety of topic areas including several questions about the different features available on the website. Results from the survey will be posted on the Contact Point website in the next few weeks, so please check back!

Thank you very much to everyone who took the time to fill out the survey and provide their feedback. Your support is greatly appreciated.

We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate our survey winners:

A Difference of Ability: Recruiting, Hiring and Employing People with Disabilities

Andrew Bassingthwaighte
Crystal Beach, ON

Good Work! Get a GREAT JOB or be your OWN BOSS: a young person’s guide


Sharon Rogers
Inuvik, NTKelly Kozar
Kitchener, ONAnna De Grauwe
Oshawa, ON

Genevieve Graham
Toronto, ON

Denise Feltham
Toronto, ON

Evelyn Ironside
Ottawa, ONJohn Rooke
Mississauga, ONJennifer Mackey
Mississauga, ON




Are You Interested in Reading Articles in French?
Don’t miss the last issue of the OrientAction Bulletin!

The Fall edition of the OrientAction Bulletin includes articles on a variety of subjects: Preparation for Retirement and Identity, Emotional Health, A Review of the 16 PF, 5th edition (a psychometric test) and more. Please visit to view the newsletter.

Share your expertise by submitting an article for the OrientAction Bulletin to


Last Updated on Thursday, 26 February 2009 16:03


What’s New


Contact Point’s 2005 Survey Results Are In!

Contact Point is pleased to announce that the preliminary results from the 2005 survey are now available. Once again, we collaborated with our french language site, OrientAction to develop a survey with questions that would help us better understand the career practitioners who use Contact Point and OrientAction. This year we worked at making the survey smaller and less time-intensive, yet still asking some interesting questions of those in the field. We also asked respondents to provide suggestions for the topics they would like to see covered on Contact Point and OrientAction. We will use those responses to target our content on the website and upcoming issues of our newsletters. We would like to thank all of the survey participants who took the time to fill out the questions and provide their comments.

Read the results here.


The New Edition of the Canadian Journal of Career Development is now Available!

The Canadian Journal of Career Development is pleased to announce the release of Volume 4 Number 2. This issue includes the following articles:

  • Career Planning and Development for Students: Building a Career in a Professional Practice Discipline
  • Relentless Accountabilities and Co-’authoring’our Professional Lives
  • Career Development of First-Year University Students: A Test of Astin’s Career Development Model
  • The Longitudinal Effect of Information Seeking on Socialisation and Development in Three Organisations: Filling the Research Gaps

View the new issue of the CJCD here.


Share Your Thoughts! Answer Our New Poll

How many times in your working life, will you change careers? Answer our poll on the main page of the website or at


Last Updated on Friday, 27 February 2009 13:17



What’s New


Contact Point Launches the Career Counselling & Development National List!

Are you looking for a place where you can discuss career related issues with other professionals? Do you want to network with other practitioners? After several months of beta-testing, Contact Point is excited to launch a national email mailing list for practitioners in the Career Counselling and Career Development field.

The Career Counselling & Development National List is an on-line forum where practitioners from all across Canada can network, share information and best practices, and discuss issues which affect their profession.

For more information or to subscribe, visit Contact Point’s Mailing List page.


Introducing Regional Voices

Regional Voices, the Bulletin’s newest feature, highlights interesting local news and events from various parts of Canada.

Read more here.


Share Your Thoughts! Answer Our New Poll

Given a choice, would you prefer that your current position offer more money or work-life balance?

Answer our poll on the main page of the website or at



What’s New


Write an Article for the Contact Point Bulletin

Contact Point is looking for writers interested in submitting articles for an upcoming issue of the Bulletin newsletter.

The Bulletin offers articles on a variety of topics relevant to career practitioners and the field of career counselling. The newsletter also features book reviews, conference sketches, organization snapshots, and new publications and products. Most of the content submissions for the Bulletin have been contributed by volunteers. The newsletter is a quarterly publication available four times a year on-line and twice a year in hard copy.


Fall 2005

This issue of the Bulletin will feature articles and content focusing on professional development opportunities available for practitioners. The deadline for submissions is September 15, 2005.

Potential themes include:

  • Professional Development Opportunities for Practitioners/New tools or workshops available
  • The value of a degree (B.A. degree or Masters degrees)
  • Keeping up-to-date professionally with a small budget
  • How to keep skills current while not in the field

Winter 2005-06

The Winter edition of the Bulletin will feature content related to new trends and information, best practices, and new research in the Career Counselling/Career Development field. The deadline for submissions is December 15, 2005.

Potential themes include:

  • Latest career development theories or trends
  • Career Strategies for the 21st Century/The workplace in the 21st century
  • Counsellor challenges and effective strategies
  • Tips on effective counselling styles, techniques or interventions

To submit an article or for more information, please contact Amber Taverner


OrientAction Spring 2005 Bulletin is Available On-line!

Looking for articles and resources in French? Abonnez-vous aussi au Bulletin d’OrientAction!

Vous pouvez également consulter le Bulletin en ligne à l’adresse suivante :

Ne manquez pas le dossier spécial sur l’approche orientante dans l’édition du printemps 2005!


Share Your Thoughts! Answer Our New Poll

Thinking about work-related activities, what time of the year is the busiest for you?

Answer our poll on the main page of the website or at




What’s New


Contact Point Launches its 2005 Survey!

It’s that time of year again! Many practitioners in the field of career counselling and career development are familiar with Contact Point’s annual survey. Last year, we received over eight hundred responses, in English and French, from career professionals from across every sector and province of Canada (and even internationally). This year, the 2005 survey offers you a chance to share your thoughts not just about the Contact Point website, but about the issues and challenges in our field that impact you. We look forward to sharing this perspective with practitioners, and using the results to better target our content and services to our users. We have great prizes this year including an iPod shuffle!

Meet Our Board of Directors

Contact Point is directed by an energetic and dedicated volunteer Board of Directors comprised of individuals from across Canada. Our Board Directors bring with them a wealth of experience and knowledge from a variety of sectors including: the secondary and post-secondary education sector, the private sector, and the not-for-profit sector. Click here to view the Board Directors section.

Share Your Thoughts! Answer Our New Poll

What do you like least about your job? Answer our poll on the main page of the website or at




What’s New

Cool Tools Now Online

Earlier this year we began including ice-breakers and exercises in the Contact Point Flash! e-circular. These have been popular, so we will be adding them to our database as well. We welcome suggestions from our readership, and this month BC career practitioner Cidnee Johnson shared one of her favourites. A warmup that can be done individually or in teams, it gets the intellectual juices flowing while also increasing awareness of BC geography. Check out the BC Places Quiz ice-breaker, or any of the other Contact Point Cool Tools. Share one of your favourites!

Private Practice as a Career Development Practitioner:
Stages · Requirements · Tasks

Private Practitioners and Independent Consultants now have a forum for networking and support. You can meet online to brainstorm, consult with each other and discuss issues that affect your business or private practice. Facilitator Neil Baldwin has prepared some potential topics for discussion. Please join us for the first session on Wednesday November 28 at 3 pm Eastern Time, in the Contact Point C-SPACE.




What’s New


Contact Point Celebrates 10 Years

In 1997, Contact Point was launched at a national conference sponsored by The Counselling Foundation of Canada. It was the first website of its kind to offer a unique online space for interaction and networking among career professionals across Canada, as well as provide relevant information, professional development opportunities and resources. At the time, Contact Point offered a beacon of opportunity – to connect individuals from many different regions of the country, to assist practitioners in staying current and up-to-date, and to raise the profile of the career counseling/career development field. One Contact Point supporter commented that

“Contact Point will go a long way to help bring together career counsellors … I believe something as basic as a professional looking web site helps raise the collective self esteem of the Career Counsellors who use it …The bottom line is that Contact Point will be an important vehicle to advance both the profession in general, and the quality of service it provides to the public.”

Now, 10 years later, Contact Point remains an integral component of the career counselling field in Canada. One user stated that

“Contact Point has become very important …as it stays consistent. So many online resources come and go.”

Practitioners who have used the site since the beginning continue to return to access new articles, information, and resources. Another Contact Point user summarized their experience by saying

“I have used it since the beginning and have never been disappointed, always find something of value every time I access the site!”

Contact Point has continued to grow in usership and content – the online Bulletin newsletter is now sent to over 5500 subscribers and features articles and information based on topics suggested by Contact Point survey respondents. Furthermore, Contact Point continues to support practitioners in the field by providing them with the tools they need to assist their clients and do their jobs better. One practitioner commented that

“Contact Point makes me feel more connected to my industry and my peers. I feel empowered as a career developer after reading/participating on your site.”

Through the years, Contact Point has also endeavoured to work with many organizations and has established several successful partnerships. In 2002, Contact Point and Société GRICS collaborated on the development of OrientAction, a website dedicated to providing career counselling/career development articles and information in French. More recently, Contact Point has partnered with CERIC (the Canadian Education and Research Institute for Counselling) and is pleased to once again be a part of national conference sponsored by the Counselling Foundation of Canada, the CANNEXUS conference taking place in April.

One of the key elements of Contact Point’s ongoing success has been the people who remain dedicated and committed to the organization. Contact Point would like to extend a very special thank you to The Counselling Foundation of Canada for their continued support. We would also like to thank our Board of Directors and all of the volunteers over the years who have offered their time, experience, and expertise to ensure that Contact Point remains a valuable and important entity in the career counselling/career development community. Finally, we would like to acknowledge all of the users who continue to visit and utilize the website.

Please stay tuned to the website for several special initiatives to celebrate this important occasion.


The Survey Results Are In!

In collaboration with our french language site OrientAction, we developed a survey with questions that focused on several areas including demographic and background information of respondents (sector, geographic location, job function); professional needs of career professionals; and practitioners’ familiarity and use of technology resources and tools such as researching information on the Internet, participating in online discussion groups, purchasing resources or products online, and participation in online courses or professional development activities.

Again this year, we asked respondents to provide suggestions for topics they would like to see covered on Contact Point and OrientAction. These responses will be used to develop topics and themes for upcoming issues of our newsletters. Readers will find a list of upcoming themes featured in the spring issue of the newsletter which is due out in April. We would like to extend a special thank you to all survey respondents who took the time to fill out the questionnaire and provide their feedback.

Finally, we would also like to congratulate our survey winners:


$100 Chapters or Renaud-Bray Gift Certificate

Judith Thomas
Toronto, ON

Roberta L. Mason
Victoria, BC

$25 Chapters or Renaud-Bray Gift Certificate

Anne Gillis
Charlottetown, PEI

Tyna Beriault
Montreal, QC

Dave Moore
Peterborough, ON

Allan Revich
Toronto, ON

Antoine Roy
Gatineau, QC

Read the survey results here.


Are You Interested in Reading Articles in French?
Don’t miss the last issue of the OrientAction Bulletin!

The fall edition of the OrientAction Bulletin includes articles on a variety of subjects with a special attention to the evolution of our field:


  • Looking for a new concept of guidance and career counselling adapted to our time
  • Are career counsellors in a professional development process?
  • Online Assessment: TIP, a test about interests related to work and personality
  • Tool Review: A collection of self-assessments and activities for students
  • Share your expertise by submitting an article for the OrientAction Bulletin

Please visit to view the newsletter.




What’s New

Write an Article for the Contact Point Bulletin


Contact Point is looking for writers interested in submitting articles for an upcoming issue of the Bulletin newsletter.

The Bulletin offers articles on a variety of topics relevant to career practitioners and the field of career counselling. The newsletter also features book reviews, conference sketches, organization snapshots, and new publications and products. Most of the content submissions for the Bulletin have been contributed by volunteers. The newsletter is a quarterly publication available four times a year on-line and twice a year in hard copy.

Summer 2006

This issue of the Bulletin will feature articles and content focusing on students and youth. The deadline for submissions is June 21, 2006.

Potential topics include:

  • What are employers looking for today from students?
  • University students transition from school to work
  • How to get younger people/students to buy into the concept of career development at a younger age
  • What can we do to have parents more involved in the process?  What information do they need?


Fall 2006

The Fall edition of the Bulletin will feature content related to counselling tools and techniques. The deadline for submissions is September 15, 2006.

Potential topics include:

  • Solution focussed counselling techniques
  • New and innovative counselling techniques/methods
  • Counselling toolbox
  • Innovative ideas for motivating clients
  • Culturally specific counselling/skills


Winter 2006/07

This issue of the Bulletin will feature articles and content focusing on management, staff development and team development. The deadline for submissions is December 15, 2006.

Potential topics include:

  • Leadership Development
  • Team Building Exercises
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Workplace Conflict Management
  • Staff Development Ideas


Spring 2007

The Spring edition of the Bulletin will feature content related to career practitioners and the field of career counselling/career development. The deadline for submissions is March 15, 2007.

Potential topics include:

  • What is the job market like for career counsellors
  • Setting up a private practice
  • How to develop your own position
  • Bio’s of people working in the field
  • Challenges in the field
  • Future of the field


To submit an article or for more information, please contact Amber Taverner at


OrientAction Spring 2006 Bulletin is Available On-line!

Le Bulletin du printemps 2006 est en ligne!

Vous y découvrirez les résultats du sondage annuel dOrientAction et de Contact Point, des articles sur la psychométrie, sur la prospection d’emplois, sur l’enseignement en ligne ainsi qu’une présentation du lancement du Canadian Education and Research Institute for Counselling (CERIC).

Une version PDF du Bulletin est également offerte dans un format mieux adapté pour l’impression et avec une agréable mise en page.

La prochaine édition du Bulletin est déjà en préparation avec des articles sur l’utilisation de l’imagerie mentale en orientation, les faits saillants du récent Colloque sur l’approche orientante, un nouvel outil informatisé pour la gestion de carrière et bien d’autres sujets.

N’hésitez pas à nous soumettre un article si vous souhaitez partager vos connaissances, votre expertise professionnelle ou une réflexion qui concerne notre champ d’intervention. Envoyez votre suggestion de sujet à

Merci pour votre participation!


Share Your Thoughts! Answer Our New Poll

Have you conducted a counselling session on-line? Answer our poll on the main page of the website or at