[Online Exclusive] New Mantra for Education: Career Readiness

By Phillip S. Jarvis

Student success is every educator’s highest priority, but the interpretation of success is ambiguous. With only 44% of students still fully engaged in high school, down from 76% in Grade 1 (Gallup) [1], and half of out-of-school 16-25 year-olds unemployed or in precarious, low-wage, no-benefits jobs [2], it’s clear that despite best intentions education is not fully succeeding in preparing our youth for success beyond school.


How does working style impact hiring success among military veterans?

New CERIC-funded research will produce one of the first quantitative studies of veteran career transition and help us understand how communication style may be affecting how military candidates are hired for civilian positions. The project titled “A Question of Style – Does Working Style Impact Hiring Success Among Veterans in Canada?” is being led by Challenge Factory, a Canadian research, coaching and consulting firm, and it will deliver findings to coincide with the 2017 Invictus Games.


Free webinar on Hope-Centred Career Interventions with Norm Amundson and Tannis Goddard

CERIC is offering a free webinar with Dr Norman Amundson and Tannis Goddard on Hope-Centred Career Interventions on June 5, 2017. The Hope-Centred Career Interventions project wrapped of earlier this year with a final report showing how deploying specific hope-centred career interventions can positively influence the actions of unemployed adult jobseekers with low hope and high barriers.