Career development in plant agriculture

By Vijay Kumar Bhosekar (Cannexus13 GSEP Award Winner)

Due to the continued growth of the global population and the consequent expanding need for study of food crops and agriculture in general, the outlook for plant agriculture and agriculture experts is excellent. Past agricultural research has created higher yielding crops, crops with better resistance to pests and plant pathogens, and more effective fertilizers and pesticides. Research is still necessary, however, particularly as insects and diseases continue to adapt to pesticides and as soil fertility and water quality continue to need improvement. This article will discuss career opportunities and the labour market in the field of agriculture.


Improving your employability in tough economic times

By Jen Davies (Cannexus13 GSEP Award Winner)

Youth unemployment in Canada has rarely been worse. In an economic period that has seen retirement savings shrink, Boomers aren’t retiring as expected. Long-time program funders like the federal and provincial governments are cutting the number of dollars they are spending on summer jobs programs and even on ongoing employment-related services, so there are fewer openings and recent graduates are competing for positions with recently laid-off experienced workers.


Mentoring Internationally Trained Counsellors to Serve Newcomers

by Shelly D’Mello

The Counselling Foundation of Canada provided a multi-year grant to The Mennonite New Life Centre of Toronto (MNLCT) in April, 2009 to support its Mentoring Internationally Trained Counsellors program. The MNLCT sought this funding, in part, to promote the dissemination and replication of an existing model for mentoring internationally trained counsellors. The end goal is to increase the number of practicing counselling professionals with language and cultural proficiency to effectively serve newcomers to Ontario.