Moving Online at CAPS: Your U of A Career Centre

By Blessie Mathew

Over the past few years, CAPS: Your U of A Career Centre, the central career services office at the University of Alberta, has entered the world of online learning. The process involved continued thought and effort around issues like determining the demand for online services and structuring and positioning online learning to balance with and, in some cases, enhance in-person services. We were also compelled to find ways for staff with varying technological expertise to learn new technology, create high-quality career education and translate their advising and facilitation skills to a new environment, all while maintaining previously existing responsibilities.


Use of Email for Career Coaching

By Amanda Harrington

I used to think that e-coaching was coaching by email, and back in 1999, I wrote about use of email for mentoring and coaching.1 There was not much research then about this use of email, and not much has changed. However, there is an increased and increasing use of email in practice, as any Google search will evidence.


Cybercounselling: Personal and Professional Reflections on an Emergent Practice

By Rob Straby

I have a passion for continuous learning in order to provide better career outcomes for the clients and students I serve. It was never my intention to become a “cybercounsellor” (e.g. work that I do with others that involves being in separate locations using some form of Internet communications), I have evolved in this direction while pursuing my passion.


Career Counselling in a Digital World

By Lawrence Murphy and Dawn Schell

A recent international research report, commissioned by the UK Commission for Employment and Skills, suggests that “changes in technology have the potential to increase the efficiency of service delivery within the career support market, to enhance existing services, and to develop new paradigms of career support”.1 This report cites a plethora of research supporting the idea that the whole range of career services can be effectively offered in an online format.


The Ethics of e-Counselling

By Roberta Neault and Miranda Vande Kuyt

Counselling and coaching, even in the traditional face-to-face format, are relatively new “professions.” e-Anything is even newer—it’s not that many years ago that text messaging, emails, Skype and online banking did not exist. As counselling has expanded, and technologies have continued to develop, a moment in history, when what was previously inconceivable is already being done, has arrived. However, just because something is do-able or because someone else is doing it, doesn’t make it right. It’s important to consider the ethics of e-counselling and e-coaching.


New Tool for Moving Deaf and Hard of Hearing Youth into Post-Secondary Education or the Workforce

by Christopher T. Sutton

In 2009, The Canadian Hearing Society (CHS) received funding from The Counselling Foundation of Canada to undertake its Transitioning Deaf and Hard of Hearing Youth to Employment Project. This initiative was launched to develop a tool to aid deaf or hard of hearing students to prepare for the transitional phase from high school to post-secondary education or the workforce. This instrument would also be an asset for parents, caregivers and educators of these students as well as career service professionals who provide services to this client group. During the consultation phase, stakeholders suggested the creation of a central website would be preferable to relying on printed literature or materials. As a result CHS set out to develop a website to serve as a central linkage to the array of services and resources that would facilitate the transition of deaf or hard of hearing students from high school to post-secondary education or the labour market.


What Jargon Means: The Career Practitioner’s Web Analytics Tip Sheet

by John Horn

Web Analytics That Inform Career Services

Knowing how to analyze and measure the online presence of a career centre – or any service, for that matter – provides practitioners, managers, marketers, and front-line staff with the information needed to best serve clients. When measured effectively, understanding how clients access a website, what they do within the site, and where they go when they leave can impact everything from web-content to marketing strategies to in-person programming and advising. Wrapping our heads around the definitions, terminology and jargon of web analytics, however, can be challenging. What precisely is a “bounce rate” or an “impression” anyway?


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Careers in Oil and Gas

Information  for graduates, employers,  teachers, career counsellors and parents on careers in the oil and gas industry, a sector that employs over 500,000 people, directly and indirectly in Canada.  Resources include labour market information, training, working conditions, occupational summaries and jobs.

Canada Works 2025

What should decision-makers do today to best position Canadian workplaces for success in 2025? In this report, Deloitte Canada and the Human Resources Professionals Association (HRPA) partnered to address this question by developing detailed scenarios depicting what Canadian society might look like in 2025.

New Tool Aids Deaf Students Moving into Post-Secondary, Workforce

The Canadian Hearing Society has developed a tool to aid deaf or hard of hearing students to prepare for the transitional phase from high school to post-secondary education or the workforce.

Manual and Discussion Guide for Internationally Trained Psychologists

The goal of this guide is to increase the number of practicing counselling professionals with language and cultural proficiency to effectively serve newcomers.


A free online library of careers related film, news and information, based in the UK. Its case study films show real people doing real jobs across all sectors and aim to inform both careers advisers and job- seekers.