Good Work! Facilitator’s Guide is now available!

Good Work Facilitator’s Guide is a new resource for career practitioners and teachers to accompany and compliment Good Work! Get A GREAT JOB or BE YOUR OWN BOSS. The guide helps professionals who teach learners and clients to acquire the related skills to find a job or start a business. The Guide is written by Nancy Schaefer, President, Youth Employment Services YES. Click here to purchase this invaluable resource.


Cannexus Pre Conference Workshops Announced

CERIC is pleased to announce 2 pre-conference workshops at Cannexus 2009. The workshops will take place on Sunday April 5, 2009. Registrants have the opportunity to sign up for either CHOICE A: “SHOW ME THE MONIES!” or CHOICE B: “REWRITING ACTIVE ENGAGEMENT”. Each workshop is $150.00 (inclusive of taxes). 


Upcoming Events

Upcoming Canadian Events

The Duty to Accomodate: Effective Management of Employees Affected by Mental Health Issues, Stress or Addiction, The Canadian Institute-Conferences and Events, Toronto, ON. January 27-28, 2009

Human Resources Professionals Association (HRPA) Annual Conference & Trade Show 2009, Toronto, ON. January 28-30, 2009.

Public Sector Human Resources 2009., Conference Board of Canada, Ottawa, ON. February 3-4, 2009

Internationally Educated Professionals (IEPs) Conference 2009., Progress Career Planning Institute, Toronto, ON. February 20, 2009

2009 Community Futures Treaty Seven Disability Conference, Community Futures Treaty Seven, Calgary, AB. February 23-25, 2009

B.C.’s Annual Career Development Conference: CDC 2009., Career Management Association of BC (BCCMA), Vancouver, BC. March 3-4, 2009

Saskatchewan Teachers Federation Conference: Integrity, Autonomy, Community: Balancing Autonomy in Professional Relationships., Saskatchewan Teachers Federation, Saskatoon, SK. March 20-21, 2009


Upcoming International Events

Center on Education and Work’s Careers Conference 2009: From Inspiration to Application. , Center on Education and Work, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin,US. January 26-28, 2009

22nd Annual Conference of the International Mentoring Association: Reaching Higher: Developing and Sustaining Human Potential through Mentoring and Coaching., International Mentoring Association, Las Vegas, Nevada,US. February 4-6, 2009

2009 Michigan Career Education Conference: Mapping to College and Career, Ferris State University, Big Rapids, Michigan, US. February 8-10, 2009

19th Annual National APSE Conference. The Winners’ Circle: Everybody Works! Everybody Wins!, Association for Persons in Supported Employment (APSE), Oklahoma, USA. March 25, 2009


New Programs and Initiatives

New Certificate Program in Nova Scotia! Distance/ Online Services – Workplace Skills Initiative

Submitted by Susanna Burns

The field of career development is evolving and expanding today as never before. The demands of a rapidly changing economy make it imperative for practitioners to keep pace with new models for the practice of career development.

Over the last two years, a group of career development practitioners have been working with adult and continuing educators at Dalhousie University College of Continuing Education, in Halifax, to design a new professional certificate program.

The Career Practitioner Certificate (CPC): The result of this collaboration is the Career Practitioner Certificate program scheduled to begin in 2009. The CPC is an attempt to bring together may of the short courses, previously offered in the province, into a program which will provide graduates with a recognized credential that addresses the core competencies for career development practitioners as set out in the Canadian Standards and Guidelines.

The program is designed to meet the need for both new and experienced practitioners to gain a credential while deepening their knowledge, skill and confidence in delivering and managing effective employment services for a wide range of clients. This innovative, practical, 110- hour program will help service providers survive the changing landscape of career development.

Design and Delivery: The CPC program is offered by blended delivery: inclass sessions are held one weekend per month (sometimes includes Friday), and online sessions run over the course of four to six weeks. The program includes five core modules, two electives and a written project. The core modules are:

  • Introduction to Employment Services (online)
  • Communication (classroom)v
  • Work Search Skills (classroom)
  • Labour Market Information (LMI) (online)
  • Assessing Client Employability Needs and Case Management (classroom)

The two required electives may be selected from a variety of sources including, but not limited to, those offered by the College of Continuing Education.

The written project will include research and practice with an emphasis on application and competency development.

Adult Learning Model: Building on the principles of adult learning and teaching the Career Practitioner Certificate program will combine theory and practice through highly interactive, dynamic experience- based classes and online forums. Participants will find that they learn as much from each other as from the highly skilled instructors. The Instructors bring a wide range of career development experience and a strong commitment to teaching and to expanding opportunities for professional development in the field.

Who will benefit? This program will be of benefit to individuals working in the broad field of career development in such roles as:

  • career/employment service providers
  • career educators
  • career coaches
  • career development practitioners
  • career management practitioners
  • human resource professionals

It will also be of interest to people wanting to enter the field. To learn more about this exciting new venture, visit: (look under Continuing Management Education), or give us a call at (902) 494-2375.


Susanna Burns is the Program Director, Certificate in Adult Education, Dalhousie University, College of Continuing Education.

Internship in LGBT Counselling

Submitted by Laurie Chesley

Over a decade ago, Family Service Toronto underwent a process of organizational readiness in preparation for the integration of David Kelley Services (DKS), then known as the Toronto Counselling Centre for Lesbians and Gays (TCCLG).

It was a process of self-assessment to undertake changes in all aspects of governing the agency, delivering programs and training staff and volunteers. From that process come some of our most important learnings which inform how we currently carry out our mission.

Now, thanks to a grant of $150,000 from The Counselling Foundation of Canada to support three interns and $45,000 from CERIC to support partner agencies, we will be sharing our expertise in providing LGBT services with organizations in smaller and rural settings across Canada who need to introduce or enhance programming for LGBT people in their community.

In September, Family Service Toronto will introduce the Internship in LGBT Counselling Services, hosting three consecutive one-year internships in LGBT counselling with DKS in order to make the following impact:

  • Provide highly specialized training to three new MSW graduates who want to serve clients in LGBT communities
  • Prepare three corresponding partner agencies to develop LGBT counselling services in their community
  • Provide learning seminars of interest to organizations who want to develop skills and competencies required to serve LGBT clients

Please see for further information.


Laurie Chesley, M.S.W., R.S.W. Manager, David Kelley, LGBTQ & HIV/AIDS Counselling, Family Service Toronto, 355 Church St., Toronto, ON M5B 1Z8. Phone (416) 595-0307 ext 272.


Conference Sketch

By David McKay

The Art of Networking and its Value as a Career Management Tool

Canadian Society for Training and Development Durham (CSTD – Durham Chapter)

November 20th 2008. Less than 48 hours before the event, the scheduled speaker sent an email from the airport—a death in the immediate family prompted a last minute cancellation. Immediately the chapter executive activated their networks and put an all-call out for an eleventh hour replacement.