diverse group of young people working in modern officeCareering

Allyship in career development: An honour, privilege and responsibility

To be an ally, we must first know who we are and what shaped us 

 Natasha Caverley and Kathy Offet-Gartner 

 I tell my students, ‘When you get these jobs that you have been so brilliantly trained for, just remember that your real job is that if you are free, you need to free somebody else. If you have some power, then your job is to empower somebody else. Toni Morrison (2013) 

author headshotsToni Morrison’s quote provides a foundation to explore the topic of allyship. Specifically, anti-oppressive practices such as engaging in allyship aid in challenging oppression, racism and colonialism that harm BIPOC (Black, Indigenous and people of colour) clients. At the same time, Morrison’s remarks are a call to action for individuals to engage in advocacy and join efforts geared toward reconciliation, equity and inclusion. This article invites readers to join in the important reflective practice of allyship  in the spirit of working with and alongside BIPOC individuals and groups who face oppression and discrimination in society. 

Self (social) location 

My name is Natasha Caverley. I am a multiracial Canadian (of Algonquin, Jamaican and Irish heritage) who resides on the unceded traditional territory of the W̱SÁNEĆ people on the Saanich Peninsula in British Columbia, Canada. I am a cis-gender educated woman who endeavours to seamlessly live and work as a “boundary walker” – walking softly within and between diverse cultures as a helper, recognizing that allyship is a source of strength that can aid in uniting voices and populations across cultures and the lifespan. 

My name is Kathy Offet-Gartner. I am a white, cis-gender, educated woman, who is privileged to be a mother and nana/Kukom. I have a home, a stable job and an occupation that I love. I live and work on the hereditary homelands of the Niitsitapi (the Blackfoot Confederacy: Siksika, Piikani, Kainai), Îyârhe Nakoda and Tsuut’ina Nations, which is home to the Métis Nation of Alberta, Region III. As a counsellor, I have worked with and alongside BIPOC clients for nearly four decades. I am aware of the many privileges that I have – both earned and bestowed. I am also cognizant of the power that these many privileges accord me and strive to use them as an ally. Allyship is not mine to proclaim, it is accorded to me by those I work and interact with, like Dr. Natasha Caverley. 

Don’t miss Part II of this article: Allyship terms, tips and tools to support career development work

In earlier editions of Careering magazine, Jodi Tingling (2020) shared suggestions on how to assist BIPOC clients. It is an important read and sets an excellent stage for this article. Likewise, Lindsay Purchase (2020) wrote – in the Tips and Training section of CERIC’s CareerWise website – a wonderful piece on including social justice in our career development practices. Together, these two seminal pieces provide much of the preamble to this article. Both articles remind us of the oppression and “ism’s” BIPOC clients face on a daily basis – a weight they should not have to bear on their own, but far too often do. To assist BIPOC clients and individuals and groups who face oppression, allies are needed who can and will use their power and privilege(s) to challenge the status quo (e.g. the colleague who makes an offhand discriminatory remark; the policy that privileges one individual or group over another). 

What is allyship? 

Allyship requires listening, seeing, reflecting, learning about, appreciating and respecting all aspects of cultures and identities. This begins with each of us examining our own cultural identities and influences: where we come from; how we got to where we are; at whose expense we arrived; our values, beliefs, principles, biases and self (social) locations. To be an ally, we must first know who we are, and what and who shaped us, addressing the good, the bad and the ugly we find, so that we can acknowledge all of oneself. Understanding oneself and the historical and present-day influences on who we have become better prepares us to accept the “other” and their realities, influences and truths. Even though we might not be able to relate to another person’s perspective, it is vital to recognize their experiences of racism and oppression are real, hurtful and far too common. 

Engaging in allyship 

Allyship requires action and using one’s power and privileges to confront injustice and oppression. It is not good enough to call oneself an ally; one must be an ally. In Dare to Lead (2018), Brené Brown shares that if we want to learn about race and oppression, we must first listen. Brown also states that difficult conversations take courage and reminds us that silence is never courageous. In Strong Helpers’ Teachings: The Value of Indigenous Knowledge in the Helping Professions, Cyndy Baskin (2016) echoes the same sentiment. Inspired by the works of Brown (2018) and Baskin (2016), and many others, allyship is about  

  • Examining your own social location, privilege and worldview: Be aware of your biases, values and cultural norms, and how these shape your worldview. Recognize that worldviews influence how we selflocate and how we locate others. Know the privileges and power you hold.  
  • Expanding your knowledge: Expand your knowledge about ways of life that are different from your social location. Learn about the impacts of oppression, racism, discrimination and stereotyping. Never assume that an individual and/or group feels oppressed. Hence, never speak for an individual and/or group’s lived experiences and never take credit for what is not one’s own (e.g. cultural appropriation). Ask, listen and learn. 
  • Using power and privilege effectively: Endeavour to live and work in the service of others; choose carefully how to use what powers and privileges that we have in a “good way.” This includes a willingness to share power and privileges with individuals who do not possess them. Ensure actions are always focused on assisting individuals whose voices are silenced, and not for personal gain. Do not expect praise for doing what is right. 
  • Honouring BIPOC ways of healing and helping: Recognize differences between BIPOC helping and mainstream helping. Use a strengths-based approach that recognizes individuals and groups of people have competencies, including resilience, which they can draw on to identify and address their own concerns. 
  • Being open to receiving feedback – actively listening and learning anew: Examine blind spots and check common assumptions. Ensure there are congruent and mutually held expectations within the helping relationship. Do not dismiss or de-emphasize social and political systems that affect clients’ challenges and needs. Actively seek feedback. 
  • Engaging in anti-oppressive practice: Engage in activism on a structural and system-wide level. This includes calling out oppressive practices and language even if there are personal and professional consequences. Challenge ideas such as the “colour blind” myth (ignoring and failing to take culture and diversity into account). Choose to be uncomfortable rather than silently complacent. Surround yourself with like-minded people who will assist in the fight for justice, harmony and equity. 
  • Maintaining a learner’s stance and curiosity: Be humble; own your errors and faux pas. We cannot know everything we need to, so use mistakes as learning opportunities. 

Angela Davis (n.d) states, “In a racist society, it is not enough to be non-racist, we must be anti-racist.” Drawing from this quote, allyship is about transforming awareness and words into tangible actions. From recognizing one’s own social location and privilege to challenging system-wide oppressive, racist and colonial laws, policies and practices, allyship is an ethical responsibility as citizens and professionals. 

Dr. Natasha Caverley is the President of Turtle Island Consulting Services Inc. She holds an MEd in Counselling Psychology and a PhD in Organizational Studies from the University of Victoria. 

Dr. Kathy Offet-Gartner is a Registered Psychologist whose counselling research, teaching and practice focuses on strengths-based, culturally informed career-life development. 


Baskin, C. (2016). Strong Helpers’ Teachings: The Value of Indigenous Knowledge in the Helping Professions (2nd ed). Toronto, ON: Canadian Scholars’ Press. 

 Brown, B. (2018). Dare to Lead: Brave Work. Tough Conversations. Whole Hearts. New York,  Random House.

 Davis, A. (n.d.). Angela Y. Davis – Quotes – Quotable Quote. goodreads.com/quotes/8731136-in-a-racist-society-it-is-not-enough-to-be 

 Morrison, T. (2003, November). The Truest Eye: On The Greater Good. O, The Oprah Magazine, 4. 

 Purchase, L. (2020). Tips and Training: Resources on Career Development and Social Justice (Part 2). Careerwise. careerwise.ceric.ca/2020/10/01/resources-on-career-development-and-social-justice-part-2/ 

 Tingling, J. (2020). Supporting the Careers of Individuals who are Black, Indigenous, and  People of Colour. Careering. ceric.ca/2020/10/supporting-the-careers-of-individuals-who-are-black-indigenous-and-people-of-colour/ 

Zabeen Hirji chats with participants at CivicAction’s YouthConnect event in 2017. YouthConnect helps youth prepare for the future of work through free online skills-building events focused on job searching, networking, and financial literacy. Careering

10 Questions with Zabeen Hirji, Future of Work Executive Advisor at Deloitte

author headshotZabeen Hirji is a strategic advisor to the business, government and universities sectors, and a director on corporate and not-for-profit boards. Prior to that she had a distinguished career at RBC, including Chief Human Resources Officer from 20072017. Current roles include Executive Advisor Future of Work at Deloitte, Board Chair of CivicActiona city-building organization, and executive-in-residence at Simon Fraser UniversityHirji is a long-standing champion of building inclusive prosperity through unlocking the potential of people and has been recognized for her leadership through numerous awards.    

Hirji will be delivering the opening keynote address at CERIC’s virtual Cannexus21 conference on Jan. 25, 2021. Cannexus is a bilingual, national career development conference that explores innovative approaches in the areas of career counselling and career and workforce development. 

In a sentence or two, describe why career development matters. 

Career development is about lifelong learning, skill building and choices about the work we do. Work provides meaning to our lives. Career development is about creating our best meaning. What’s life without personal growth?  

Which book are you reading right now and why did you choose it? 

Promised Land by Barack Obama. Need I say moreHow you build power, not by putting others down, but by lifting them up. This is true democracy at work, democracy earned, the work of everybody. 

Other takeaways: Leadership is not a title; it is actions and behaviours. (Obama’s team was filled with passion-driven people in the background.) Also, do what’s right, not what’s easy.  

What was your firstever job and what did you learn from it?  

McDonalds customer service, $2.10/hour. Part timeshortly after my family immigrated to Canada. It wasn’t glamorous, but I learned teamwork and taking initiativeIt helped me integrate into my new home.  

What do you do to relax and how does it help you? 

I love hosting conversations – during COVID in my garden or via ZoomRelaxation is about breathing new life into yourself, and authentic conversations with colleagues, friends and family give me energyConventional response: PilatesSelf-care is good for my soul.  

What is one piece of advice you have for Canadians as we navigate these challenging times?  

Don’t waste a good crisis. Dare to dream of the world you want and act boldly to make change. Leadership has become more human: Make it a leadership movement. 

What is the most unusual job interview question you’ve ever been asked and how did you respond? 

Q: Where are you from?  A: Vancouver. Q: Where are you really from? A: Vancouver, and you, where are you really from?  

What’s something you want to do in the next year that you’ve never done before? 

Create a social movement to make meaningful change toward equity, diversity and inclusive prosperity for all. 

Who would you like to work with most and why? 

My father, who died when I was 11. A loving dad, brilliant entrepreneur, feminist ahead of the times, who touched so many lives through his volunteer leadership. He lived a balanced, happy life and taught me about paying it forward.  

Which talent or superpower would you like to have and how would you use it? 

Self-care: healthytasty eating, exercise, meditation, enough sleep, time with friends and family, being kind. Why? To be my best self for myself and for others. I’d encourage younger women to build this superpower. 

What do you consider your greatest achievement and why? 

My two children, now in their 20s. They care about people, help others and judge their success by their own standards.   

Two female graduates taking a selfieCareering

Equipping international students to navigate culture difference in job search

Students need to become their own brand ambassadors to help align their experiences with employers’ needs

Jolene Sangster and Karn Nichols

author headshotsThe seed for this vital conversation was planted back in 2018 when we observed an international student participate in an interview competition. Chidi brought over four years’ experience and was pursuing a graduate degree. On paper, this student met all requirements of the job. He had the direct work experience to be successful in the role. The second candidate in this competition was a domestic student who was pursuing an undergraduate co-op degree. This individual also benefitted from a strong professional network facilitated by her parents. There was no denying that the domestic student leveraged her privilege and portrayed a level of confidence throughout the interview. She was also able to use examples that related to the interviewer’s worldview.

Regardless of the number of hours Chidi had spent planning, preparing and practising for the interview, it was obvious he would never be able to successfully compete against this candidate. Although he answered all questions appropriately, including identifying examples to educate the employer on the alignment of his experiences abroad to the Canadian context, he was still unsuccessful.

Due to the structure and design of the interview, the employer missed the opportunity to lean in and uncover the important nuances of Chidi’s international experience. Conversely, Chidi was unable to dive into the deeper, richer elements of his work history and demonstrate how his worldview could offer unique breadth and depth of experience and knowledge that would positively impact the organization.

Chidi’s level of confidence and ability to navigate the nuances of the interview simply did not compare to the domestic student, who was able to leverage her domestic privilege and network to easily relate and communicate her experience to all aspects of the interview. It was not lack of confidence or preparation for the international student; it was simply the invisible force that was working against him. Perhaps it was the interviewer’s inability to relate to Chidi’s worldview or Chidi’s inability to relate the interviewer’s worldview. Cultural nuances were present as we watched the interview competition unfold.

young man sitting outside train station looking at phone
Navigating cultural differences

In a school that hosts over 3,300 students from 80 countries, this story plays out in our career services office daily. Saint Mary’s University (SMU) is known as one of the post-secondary institutions with the highest proportion of international students in Canada (Maritime Provinces Higher Education Commission, 2020). From preparing for interviews, to presenting their pitch during corporate tours or having coffee chats with industry leaders and employers, students default to the behavioural tools that are familiar to them.

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This impact is demonstrated in a number of ways: students from countries that traditionally practise rote learning and memorization in school often find it difficult to “be themselves” in an interview; cultures that are grounded in a high power distance, where “lower-ranking” subordinates defer to those in power, tend to minimize job titles or dismiss previous leadership experience to avoid perceived conflicts; acting “shy” as a form of politeness or coming across as aggressive when the student was simply trying to be direct in respect of the employer’s time, are other common points of tension.

To help international students reach their fullest potential, we have had to dig into the context of what it takes to successfully compete in the Canadian job market. We often hear employers defining the soft skills and core competencies their businesses need. How do we best assist our students in demonstrating that they are the right person for the job, despite cultural differences?

A framework to support students

Cross-cultural differences between the interviewer and interviewee can affect interview judgment and evaluation (Manroop, Boekhorst & Harrison, 2013). What is our role as career coaches in mitigating this impact? What role do we play with students, employers and within our career development profession? It is our view that we need to nurture a more holistic approach to our roles. This starts with naming the unconscious bias that exists within ourselves, as well as throughout the systems in which we work. As career coaches, we need to provide a framework to support students and newcomers who are seeking employment, so they are well equipped to present themselves as competent candidates regardless of past cultural influences.

We have developed a framework called You Inc. that offers students the ability to explore, create and own content, enabling them to become the best brand ambassador of themselves. We know that in order to be successful, it is important for businesses to be thoughtful about their strategy. What is their mission and vision? Who is their target audience? What is their brand? In the same way, we ask students to consider their strategy. This approach applies the elements of planning a business to students’ career development. It allows students to discover and define the sweet spot where passion and purpose intersect while being intentional in identifying and developing strategies to communicate this to their target audience.

This work provides them with the fodder to develop their own “mission statement” and become grounded into their power. It has been gratifying to watch the students identify who they are at their core and what attributes of their authentic selves they are able to offer to an employer. Students have the ability to lead from a place of authenticity rather than fitting into a cookie-cutter mold of the do’s and don’ts for successful interviewing or networking.

We further strengthen the students’ ability to deliver on this strategy by facilitating opportunities for them to meet with employers and industry leaders through events such as corporate tours, speaker series and world cafes. Through these platforms, we have been able to witness the energy and alignment that occurs when students connect more deeply with employers because they have agency. Students operate much more effectively as their own brand ambassadors.

Our engagement with the student begins with the completion of a Self Inventory followed by a series of evidence-based activities. This foundation for success is built upon a number of fundamental steps including completing an environmental scan, evaluating market competition as well as other factors such as industry, societal and customer trends. This preliminary research offers students the opportunity to work from a place of curiosity and a desire to ask provocative questions. Simply put, they have gathered the data to ensure that they are well armed to step out into this new world.

This ownership of You Inc. is a framework that has created a foundation for students and an opportunity for employers to navigate within a contextual system without influence of past cultural norms or differences. International students can succeed in the Canadian job market when they are given the right tools to help them effectively express their value to employers.

Jolene Sangster is an Employment Coach for Graduate Career Services with the Sobey School of Business and has over 10 years of experience in the career services industry. She specializes in supporting students in developing career search strategy plans, identifying appropriate skills for resume writing and creating opportunities to strengthen networks. 

Karn Nichols is the Manager of Graduate Career Services with the Sobey School of Business. She enjoys leveraging her 20 years as a human resource professional to work with both students and employers to create the conditions for strong labour force attachment within Nova Scotia and beyond.


Laxmikant Manroop, Janet A. Boekhorst & Jennifer A. Harrison (2013) The influence of cross-cultural differences on job interview selection decisions, The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 24:18, 3512-3533, DOI: 10.1080/09585192.2013.777675

Maritime Provinces Higher Education Commission, 2020  http://www.mphec.ca/research/trendsmaritimehighereducation.aspx

Smiling young woman and man handshake.Careering

Working with employers to support non-traditional hiring 

Workforce development can bridge the gap between businesses with labour shortages and skilled workers without post-secondary degrees

Denisse Alejo

author headshot

The benefits of diversity and inclusion in the workplace are undisputed, and now, more than ever, workplaces are paying attention to race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability and other dimensions when hiring. However, despite an increased focus on building more equitable workplaces, many employers continue to exclude candidates without formal post-secondary education. Also, many candidates facing barriers to higher education also belong to the very same underrepresented communities whom employers are focused on hiring, retaining and promoting.

Research tells us that only about 60% of students who start a post-secondary program will complete their degree or diploma (Grayson & Grayson, 2003). Yet, Canadian post-secondary education is a common requirement listed on job descriptions for even the most junior positions. Newcomers who have completed a degree outside of Canada face an additional barrier, as it can be more difficult to obtain recognition for international credentials. The bias favouring candidates with a post-secondary degree (especially one obtained within Canada) can impede many thoughtful, eager and skilled individuals from accessing sustainable and meaningful career pathways.

At the same time, we are witnessing labour shortages – particularly in the tech sector.  According to the Information and Communications Technology Council (ICTC)’s Revised Labour Market Outlook Report for 2022, increased demand for employment in the Canadian digital economy will total 102,000 workers between 2020 and the end of 2022 (ICTC, 2020). ICTC confirms that the demand for tech talent has grown nationwide and warns that the current Canadian IT workforce is aging rapidly with the skills shortage expected to worsen.

How can workforce development organizations work with employers to ensure they do not miss out on great talent, and work with diverse individuals to prepare them to be productive and valued members of their work teams?

“The bias favouring candidates with a post-secondary degree … can impede many thoughtful, eager and skilled individuals from accessing sustainable and meaningful career pathways.”

For workforce development agencies, working with employers is key to the success of our programs, but employers have value beyond just providing jobs. NPower Canada involves employers in designing programs that equip jobseekers with marketable and relevant skills for in-demand, junior IT roles. Employers inform every stage of program design and delivery, from developing curriculum and assessment tools to co-delivering training to job placement and post-hiring mentorship.

Involving employers in designing programs and curriculum is essential for meeting the challenges and labour market disruptions that we are facing. It is also key to ensuring that those completing employment programs have the skills needed to secure sustainable employment. At each of the following stages, workforce development agencies can help meet employer needs while advocating for skilled jobseekers who do not have post-secondary degrees.

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  1. Consultations with employers

NPower Canada develops its curriculum through frequent and ongoing consultations with employers to identify their junior-level IT hiring needs and skills requirements. By understanding employer needs and the future trends they forecast, we can design programs to equip participants with the key skills and credentials needed for in-demand roles. Deep involvement of employers in curriculum design also builds trust and buy-in around the program quality and outcomes. The result is that even those candidates without Canadian post-secondary credentials are considered and hired for a variety of positions.

  1. Developing skill-specific programming

We work to understand the technical skills and professional attributes employers need for key roles. This informs our development of micro-credentials: accessible, short-term, project-based courses and certifications. Micro-credentials allow individuals to demonstrate competency in key areas and earn industry-specific certifications that can support their career advancement.

Following consultations with our employer partners, NPower Canada has built several IT and digital micro-credentials into its programs, providing no-cost access and learning supports to program participants. For youth who have not completed post-secondary, or are facing other barriers to employment, these are key to securing entry level positions and continued career growth.

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic meant an immediate pivot to online delivery for many workforce development programs. The growth and accessibility of micro-credentials through digital platforms like Coursera, LinkedIn Learning, Microsoft Learn and others provide opportunities for individuals to upskill, outside of traditional colleges and universities.

  1. Skill marketing for non-traditional hires

NPower Canada advocates for jobseekers without post-secondary degrees through a strengths-based approach, marketing its graduates to employers by focusing on skills rather than credentials. NPower Canada equips jobseekers with project-based, work-simulated, applied learning to hit the ground running once hired. When graduates interview with employers, they can speak to the skills they have gained by completing these projects and can concretely explain how they would apply their newly acquired technical knowledge to their job duties. By demonstrating their readiness to perform these roles, at or above the standard that employers expect, NPower Canada’s candidates are able to reassure hiring managers of their skills and qualifications, despite lacking a four-year degree.

  1. Full-cycle recruitment services for employers

From the beginning of the talent acquisition process, NPower Canada adds value by providing employers with candidate pre-screening, referral, interview scheduling and post-hire quality checks, all at no cost to the employer.

Once offers are made and new hires are in place, NPower Canada consults with supervisors on how the candidates are performing during their first three months of employment. These touchpoints throughout the probation period help us identify areas of strength and opportunities for growth, helping youth to be confident and successful, while ensuring that employer expectations are met. NPower integrates feedback into continuous program improvement

Consultation with our employer partners sheds light on youth talent being driven, motivated and willing to work hard to earn their place in the tech industry. This encourages employers to consider a new (non-traditional) pool of candidates within the tech space.

NPower Canada also provides immediate on-call support to navigate challenges that may arise in the workplace. This affords both the youth and the employer opportunities to work through challenges and build trusting employee and employer relations. Ultimately, this pro-active approach to supporting workplace success helps to achieve strong job performance and retention outcomes.

A proven approach

By demonstrating to employers that non-traditional candidates can perform equal to or better than hires with more conventional qualifications, NPower Canada has influenced employers’ hiring practices to become inclusive of candidates with less formal education.

Several employers that NPower Canada initially engaged as hiring partners had traditionally only hired candidates with four-year Canadian post-secondary degrees. However, upon recruiting candidates from NPower Canada with less formal education, often for short-term paid co-ops or internships, many of these once-skeptical employers were won over by the work ethic, positive attitude, skills and eagerness to learn demonstrated by these youth. This led to employers expanding their hiring practices to candidates without post-secondary degrees.

By proving to employers that non-traditional candidates represent a compelling, custom-trained pipeline of talent, NPower Canada has also helped these employers diversify their workplaces, developing more inclusive hiring practices, talent acquisition outcomes and work environments. Of the 182 NPower Canada graduates hired by CIBC, TD and RBC since 2015, 105 (58%) identify as female, transgender and/or non-binary, 172 (95%) are racialized and 77 (42%) are immigrants and refugees. These inclusive hiring outcomes far surpass industry norms in what continues to be a cis white male-dominated field.

Though NPower Canada’s model has proven to be a framework that supports non-traditional candidates in securing and sustaining meaningful employment, there are also challenges that arise. Specifically, insights from industry have been based on employment needs of organizations largely based in Toronto and more recently Calgary. Other regions of the country will have distinct industry talent needs and labour market challenges, necessitating the continued adaptation. Additionally, building trust and deepening employer relationships takes staff time that can be difficult to carve out with increasing front-line program demands.

While we continue to work to address these challenges, our program results encourage us to keep advocating for hiring practices that are inclusive of candidates without traditional credentials. Workforce development professionals can continue to support jobseekers’ career development through deep engagement with employers in program development and delivery.

Denisse Alejo is NPower Canada’s Director, Employer Engagement, responsible for growing the organization’s placement strategy from inception to action over the last five years. Her team is responsible for placing over 2,000 diverse youth into Junior IT and digital roles with some of Canada’s top employers. Alejo leads the Account Management and Alumni Services team across Canada, consulting with employers to understand their talent strategy and hiring needs, and to support their diversity targets. 


Grayson, J., & Grayson, K. (2003). Research on retention and attrition. The Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation: Montreal, QC. https://www.tru.ca/__shared/assets/Grayson_2003_research_on_retention_and_attrition23683.pdf

ICTC. (2020). The Digital-led New Normal: Revised Labour Market Outlook Report for 2022. https://www.ictc-ctic.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Outlook-ENG-FINAL-8.24.20.pdf

diverse group of people having meeting in industrial-style officeCareering

Anti-racism from the inside out: Challenging white supremacy in the workplace

How the Kootenay Career Development Society is working to confront institutionalized racism within its own walls

Malorie Moore

author headshotIn her 2017 book, Why I’m No Longer Talking to White People about Race, Reni Eddo-Lodge states: “The perverse thing about our current racial structure is that it has always fallen on the shoulders of those at the bottom to change it. Yet racism is a white problem. It reveals the anxieties, hypocrisies and double standards of whiteness. It is a problem in the psyche of whiteness that white people must take responsibility to solve. You can only do so much from the outside.”

Reni Eddo-Lodge is correct; the responsibility to challenge white supremacy within organizational structures lies with folks who have the power to make these changes. This refers to people in management and executive-level positions, particularly if they are white. It is with this statement in mind that I have written this article, and my hope is that it might inspire other organizations with predominantly white management and board structures to take action. Please note that I am not an expert, and as an organization we are at the very beginning of our anti-racism journey. This article is not a how-to guide by any means, but rather a transparent account of how our organization has started to challenge institutionalized racism in the workplace.

A note on white supremacy

Please note that for the purposes of this article, any references to the term white supremacy refers to a complex set of societal structures, systems and attitudes. In her 2020 book Me and White Supremacy, Layla F. Saad describes white supremacy in the following way: “White supremacy is a racist ideology that is based upon the belief that white people are superior in many ways to people of other races and that therefore, white people should be dominant over other races. White supremacy is not just an attitude or a way of thinking. It also extends to how systems and institutions are structured to uphold this white dominance … White supremacy is far from fringe. In white-centred societies and communities, it is the dominant paradigm that forms the foundation from which norms, rules and laws are created.”

Who are we?

The Kootenay Career Development Society is a non-profit organization that operates across multiple rural communities in the East Kootenays in BC. We have approximately 60 staff, and our staff, board and management teams are predominantly white. While we have been engaged in a number of practices that emphasize a commitment to diversity and inclusion for a number of years, both in our service delivery and recruitment, it was not until the spring of 2020 that we took a step back to critically evaluate our organizational stance on the topic of anti-racism.

How did our process begin?

This process began at the initiative of a manager who is a person of colour. While I applaud my team for their openness to listen and subsequently act, if we conceptualize racism as a white problem, this work could, and should, have been undertaken sooner by a white manager. I mention this to highlight the fact that the labour of anti-racism work is often shouldered by BIPOC (Black, Indigenous and people of colour) folks, as well as to encourage other white people reading this to take action sooner. One of the biggest challenges in dismantling racism in the workplace may be taking that first step, and as well-intending white people, we can’t allow ourselves to hesitate to take action for fear of not having all the answers.

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Our first steps

Our first step was to create an Anti-Racism Working Group. The purpose of this group was to identify and take action on a number of anti-racism strategies in a timely manner. In order to meet this goal, we needed to meet often (2-4 times per month) and include managerial staff with decision-making capacity. From the beginning, we had members of our executive management team, including our Executive Director, involved as active participants in this working group. These meetings led us to undertake several projects.

“… we can’t allow ourselves to hesitate to take action for fear of not having all the answers.”

With input from our entire staff team, we created a statement of solidarity to voice support for the Black Lives Matter movement. We also crafted an Indigenous land acknowledgement to include in our email communications and share at the beginning of staff meetings and other gatherings. Both the statement of solidarity and the Indigenous land acknowledgement can be found on our webpage and were shared on social media. Anticipating some pushback from staff or community members, we brainstormed ways to respond to defensive or racist comments. However, we received far less pushback that we had originally anticipated, and most of the feedback was overwhelmingly positive.

Regarding service delivery, we recognized the need to involve front-line staff in ongoing education around topics of racism and white supremacy. We shared resources with staff and encouraged professional development through courses such as Indigenous Canada and in-house training on cultural competency and safety. We allotted work time for an employee book club, where staff read or listened to the Thomas King Massey lecture series, “The Truth about Stories: A Native Narrative,” and met on a bi-weekly basis to discuss their learnings.

Most notably, we organized anti-racism training through the Alberta-based group Future Ancestors. While KCDS provides annual diversity and inclusion training to staff, the anti-racism training was different. It used language that encouraged white people to take active responsibility for their complicity in a society that is built on a foundation of anti-Black racism and colonialism. We are taking time each month as a team to review this training and explore how we can incorporate our learning in our roles as service providers. Some recent conversations have focused on the importance of reflecting on our own biases throughout the service delivery process and making an effort to be aware of oppressive language and choose our words with care.

As a management team, we attended our own anti-racist training, where we had the opportunity to have our statement of solidarity dissected and examined. We were encouraged to be specific as to how we were going to live up to the ideas expressed in this statement. We responded to this by ensuring that our strategic plan included a goal for more diverse hiring, as well as better serving clients that are under-represented in our area. We are still in the process of refining our strategic plan and I acknowledge that we have more work to do in defining these goals further and ensuring that we are avoiding vague or coded language.

Finally, we acknowledged that as a predominantly white management team, we do not have the tools or resources to make all the “right” changes. We acknowledged that to be effective, we needed help. To this end, we made the decision to hire an external consultant to support us in identifying the areas we need to change in order to evolve into a more anti-racist organization.

And there you have it; the early stages that we as an organization are taking to challenge white supremacy in our workplace. We have made mistakes (and will continue to do so), but I am grateful to say that the fear of making mistakes has not stopped us from trying to change for the better.

Malorie Moore is a Registered Social Worker employed with the Kootenay Career Development Society. Here, she draws upon her background in mental health and working with marginalized populations to support the clinical development of the organization and front-line staff. Moore loves living in the Kootenays, where she spends her free time canoeing, climbing and playing in the mountains.

university students working together in study podCareering

Helping international students ‘find their voice’ through identity exploration

Self-awareness can positively affect students’ employment outcomes

Antonio Fadda

Career development tailored to international students is a necessary component of a broader institutional educational strategy that involves many stakeholders. However, barriers hamper co-operation between organizations that offer career and personal development services to international students (e.g. higher-education institutions, non-profit and grassroots organizations). Drawing from my experience as a career development facilitator in a grassroots organization called Empower International Students, I discuss the importance of identity exploration and I present an innovative tool that can be used by career practitioners to help international students and newcomers “find their voice” in their career development.

Barriers to employability

It is essential for career professionals to understand the experiences of international students in their host country to leverage identity exploration as a career development tool. In Canada, the academic environment is generally welcoming to international students. Approximately 93% of students are satisfied (55%) or greatly satisfied (38%) with their Canadian educational experience (Canadian Bureau, 2018). However, outside of school, students might encounter various forms of discrimination, including career-related discrimination. International students have to quickly adapt to a relatively unknown and unpredictable job market in a position of disadvantage (compared to domestic students).

Two of the most apparent barriers are a lack of experience in the host market and the absence of a social and professional network in the host country. A third barrier is employers’ misperceptions or lack of awareness of work policies and legislation relating to international students (Berquist et al., 2019). For example, our students often report that employers have serious concerns about the legal framework to hire a student with a post-graduation temporary work permit. These challenges have contributed to creating a student population that is highly concerned about their employability prospects.

“It is essential for career professionals to understand the experiences of international students in their host country to leverage identity exploration as a career development tool.”

International students also directly experience career-related discrimination. Employers are about 40% more likely to select a candidate with an English-sounding name versus someone with an “ethnic” name (Banerjee et al., 2018). Further, international students who identify as visible minorities or BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, people of colour) might face additional challenges (Statistics Canada, 2020).

Finally, annual tuition fee increases are far higher for international students than domestic students. While there is a 2% yearly increase cap in tuition fees for domestic students in BC, there is no regulation for international students’ fees. This issue has ethical implications for our profession because post-secondary institutions’ rationale for increased tuition fees is expanding support services (including career support) dedicated to international students. However, students have also reported that they have not seen significant changes in the quality and quantity of support dedicated to them (Hyslop, 2019).

Furthermore, sudden and unexpected increases in tuition fees might push students to work more than the 20 hours/week permitted by their visa. This tense financial situation has predictable consequences for their well-being and future employability prospects.

Given this scenario, institutions should not set unrealistic expectations of idyllic integration, but rather strive to equip international students with crucial skills in cultural competence, self-awareness/advocacy and self-determination. The extension of career services should be key to these educational objectives, in line with the International Student Barometer’s indication that “future career impact” has become students’ primary motivator for studying abroad (Ripmeester, 2019, as cited in Reichert, 2020).

The key to career success and empowerment

One of the main goals of higher education is developing self-aware and socially conscious individuals who can confidently transfer their skills from the classroom to the workplace. Ideally, students are ready to enter the workforce with a sense of empowerment from knowing who they are and what they have gained from their academic journey. However, the current situation is far from ideal.

More from Careering

Equipping international students to navigate culture difference in job search

Developing trans-inclusive career resources for students

Working with Muslim clients: Adopting multicultural and social justice counselling competencies

In this respect, educational and career objectives intersect. Career professionals need to recognize that international students’ personal and socio-cultural development is substantially different from that of local students. International students need to have opportunities to explore their cultural identities (and even the biases that affect them).

The students’ language is rarely that of identity. They would rather talk about changes in their confidence, motivation, perceptions and worldviews. However, as career practitioners and advisors, we should be aware that these developments are ultimately connected to identity development. As such, the formation of realistic identity positively influences students’ employment outcomes and career success, promoting experimentation in critical decisions concerning relationships, purpose and integrity (Widick et al.,1978).

Helping students explore identity

Identity development is well-grounded in developmental psychology and advising theory. As Chickering noted, identity is the most central and yet the most elusive component of student development (Chickering as cited in Widick et al., 1978, p. 24). This can present a greater challenge to international students. They are not only negotiating their development into adulthood, but they also have to deal with a transforming cultural identity within a new and unfamiliar cultural environment. Career advisors must understand that international students are developing (often with internal and external conflicts) a realistic self-representation of a new identity.

At Empower International Students, a grassroots, community-based organization, we are committed to increasing international students’ employability skills in their transition to the Canadian job market. Empower International Students is devoted to empowering international students with career education that helps them “find their authentic voice.”

Empower has recently partnered with an innovative program designed and run by Options Community Services and sponsored by Immigration, Refugees, Citizenship Canada, called HuH – Humans Understanding Humans. HuH’s team of social scientists, designers and newcomers have developed digital conversation cards based on multiple theories of cultural dimensionality (Humans Understanding Humans, n.d.). Participants can start a conversation and examine their cultural background and experiences using the prompts outlined on the cards. The topics connect the exploration of personal and cultural identities with career goals and career development attitudes.

HuH conversation cards adapted to career development (Cards graphics HuH team).

The card content is discussed in video meetings with pairs of participants. This way each participant has the opportunity to share his/her story, increasing their confidence and self-acceptance of their cultural identity while reflecting on their career goals. HuH digital conversation cards can be a valuable tool to allow students to find their authentic voice and not get sidetracked during that complex identity transition from post-secondary to the workplace. They are easy to use and they allow for the creation of interactive chats and meaningful connections.

This project is a first attempt that only scratches the surface of an important issue in career development: that of creating new advising practices that connect career education with the exploration of cultural identity. What is certain is that career development can (and should) become an important tool to promote the greater educational goal to create culturally conscious and socially aware individuals. To reach this goal, international students and newcomers need the right tools to explore their developing identities as settlers who bring an invaluable and unique cultural background to their host country. The recognition of this background is the precondition for self-efficacy and success in their career exploration.

Antonio Fadda is an Employment Consultant at Work BC Burnaby Edmonds and a Career Services Facilitator at Empower International Students. He has been an advocate and active participant in several non-profit and institutional programs dedicated to empowering newcomers and international students.


Banerjee, R., Reitz, J. G., & Oreopoulos, P. (2018). Do Large Employers Treat Racial Minorities More Fairly? An Analysis of Canadian Field Experiment Data. Canadian Public Policy, 44(1), 1-12. doi:10.3138/cpp.2017-033

Berquist, B., Hall, R., Morris-Lange, S., Shields, H., Stern, V., & Tran, L. T. (2019). Global perspectives on international student employability. Retrieved from https://www.ieaa.org.au/research/global-employability

Canadian Bureau for International Education. (2018). The Student’s Voice: National Results of the 2018 CBIE International Student Survey. Retrieved from https://cbie.ca/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/Student_Voice_Report-ENG.pdf

Hyslop, K. (March 1, 2019). How much is too much tuition for BC’s International Students? Retrieved from https://thetyee.ca/News/2019/03/01/BC-International-Student-Tuition-Too-Much/

Humans Understanding Humans. (n.d.) Digital conversation cards. Retrieved from https://wearehuh.com/cards/

Reichert, P. (2020). Internationalization and Career-focused programming for international students: a qualitative study of universities in Canada (Unpublished doctoral thesis). University of Calgary.

Statistics Canada. (2020). Labour force survey, July 2020. Retrieved from https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/daily-quotidien/200807/dq200807a-eng.htm

Widick, C., Parker, C, and Knefelkamp, L. (1978). Arthur Chickering’s vectors of development. New Direction for Student Services4, 19-34.

man typing on laptopCareering

Working with Muslim clients: Adopting multicultural and social justice counselling competencies

Career professionals need to consider the diverse cultural identities and needs of Muslim jobseekers

Walaa Taha

Islam is one of the fastest-growing religions in the world, and within Canada, the Muslim population is rapidly expanding. According to the Pew Research Center (2011), Muslims account for 3.2% of the Canadian population, and their global population is expected to increase by 35% by the year 2030. As the Muslim population increases in Canada, there is a growing need for culturally responsive counselling services that consider its values and challenges (Qasqas & Jerry, 2014). Such challenges include the experience of trauma that some Muslim immigrants carry from war-affected countries, as well as the effects of Islamophobia that many immigrant and Canadian-born Muslims experience as a marginalized minority group in a Western country (Qasqas & Jerry, 2014; Rothman & Coyle, 2018, 2020). This is especially important in the post-9/11 world and due to repercussions from the “Trump era” in the United States, during which negative and inaccurate media representations of Islam have led to the further marginalization of Muslims globally (Qasqas & Jerry, 2014).

Muslims belong to various different cultural, ethnic and geographic regions, which influences the ways in which Islam is practiced (Qasqas & Jerry, 2014; Williams, 2005). The diversity within Islam renders inaccurate any sweeping generalizations about adherents to this faith and may play a role in how Muslims experience discrimination and prejudice (Qasqas & Jerry, 2014). For instance, an individual from Sudan who identifies as Black, Muslim and Arab (i.e. Arabic-speaking) may experience more challenges due to the intersectionality of their identities, as compared to a white-passing Muslim from Albania or Russia. This is not meant to negate any individual or group experience, but rather to highlight that within minoritized groups, there are nuanced differences that influence the degree to which one may experience discrimination and prejudice. Therefore, it is imperative that professionals providing counselling services are aware of and understand the diverse cultural identities of Muslims, as well as the sociopolitical contexts of Muslim clients (Collins & Arthur, 2010; Qasqas & Jerry, 2014).

Read more from Walaa Taha

Religion, spirituality & counselling: A Muslim graduate student’s view

Navigating my professional identity as a social justice-oriented counsellor: ‘The professional is political’

In a survey conducted by Environics Institute (Neuman, 2016), Canadian Muslims – especially women and youth – identified discrimination and stereotyping as challenges they continuously face. More specifically, one in three Canadian Muslims reported experiencing discrimination in the past five years in various settings (e.g. workplace and schools) due primarily to their religion or ethnicity. However, the report also found a trend in increased religious observance among Muslims over the past decade, especially among those who are 18-34 years old (Neuman, 2016, p. 3). Furthermore, most Canadian Muslims strongly identify with both their Canadian and Muslim identities, and about half report that being Muslim is more important. Such statistics reflect the importance of addressing religious and spiritual matters in counselling practices, as Muslims tend to view their religion as an important part of their identity and everyday life. For many Muslims, their religious identity is inseparable from the challenges they face in Canadian society, especially in relation to stigmatization and/or discrimination.

“It is imperative that professionals providing counselling services are aware of and understand the diverse cultural identities of Muslims …”

It is important for career development professionals to address such cultural issues that play a significant role in working with Muslim clients. Generally, this process occurs from the onset of working with a client. Practitioners are encouraged to (re)assess what questions they ask, which is tied to the information they are (or are not) eliciting from clients. Are we including questions about religion/spirituality in our initial interviews with clients? Are we asking about the role family plays in one’s decision-making, which includes career and other life choices? When we ask such questions purposefully and with an open mind, we engage in the process of challenging the dominant worldview (i.e. asking questions that consider various systems and influences rather than just those coming from a Eurocentric and individualistic worldview). This also provides clients with the space to self-identify their values, without practitioners assuming a direction due to the clients’ cultural/religious identity (i.e. label).

Below are some considerations to keep in mind when working with Muslim clients, while adopting aspects of the Multicultural and Social Justice Counselling Competencies (Ratts et al., 2016):

Increase awareness of attitudes and beliefs:

1. It is critical that counsellors are aware of their own perceptions, stereotypes and beliefs of Islam and Muslims.

  • Where do your perceptions stem from? Are you engaging in a critically conscious process when adopting certain perspectives about a significantly large group of people?

2. Counsellors must also be aware of the statuses they themselves hold as members of marginalized and privileged groups.

  • If you hold statuses aligned with the dominant culture (i.e. white, Christian, male, able-bodied), how does this affect your work with a Muslim female, for example, who is also a person of colour and disabled?
  • How do aspects of your identity in general reflect your position in working with Muslim clients of varying backgrounds?

3. Recognize the negative influence of oppression and discrimination on the mental health and well-being of Muslim clients (individual level) and the wider Muslim community (systems-wide level).

  • This reflects the importance of acknowledging the connections between the intrapersonal, interpersonal, institutional, community, public policy and international/global levels.
colleagues talking at cafe
Increase knowledge, skills and action:

4. Recognize your responsibility as a counsellor to increase your knowledge of a culture and/or religion, while maintaining a stance of cultural humility. Adopting this approach removes the burdensome task clients may experience when having to continuously explain and defend their beliefs.

  • You can learn about the general principles of Islam (Ali et al., 2004) from Muslim researchers, and seek out credible sources from Muslim scholars and authors, to avoid misinformation.
  • Recognizing your limitations despite seeking such knowledge will show you are curious and open-minded, and allow room for clients to share their knowledge as they are comfortable and willing.

5. Actively seek to learn about the rich Islamic traditions and conceptualizations of the soul (Rothman & Coyle, 2018) as there is a growing field of Islamic psychology and work related to Muslim mental health.

  • Such approaches may helpful, as many Muslims face barriers when utilizing Westernized models, which they may not be suitable or congruent with Islamic beliefs or foundational principles (e.g. models not integrating the importance of the soul and connection to God when addressing clients’ well-being and life goals).

6. Guide Muslim clients to reflect on the effects of internalized oppression and Islamophobia (Suleiman, 2017) and how to challenge the Euro-settler and colonial views of oneself and one’s community.

7. Advocate for change by working in community settings to address systemic barriers.

    • This includes collaborating and partnering with Muslim organizations to learn more about counselling strategies and models from an Islamic conceptualization, addressing racism/Islamophobia within workplaces, and so on.

Given the increasing Muslim population in Canada, professionals providing counselling services are encouraged to consider the application of multicultural and social justice counselling competencies when working with Muslim clients. Overall, this includes increasing our awareness of our own and others’ attitudes and beliefs toward Muslims, as well as the effects of discrimination on this population. Furthermore, it is critical to increase our knowledge, skills and action, and to constantly reassess the role we play as professionals, to best support Muslim clients while considering their diverse cultural identities and needs.

Note: Links include resources such as research completed with Muslim clients and/or by Muslim researchers. Please feel free to reach out to author, Walaa Taha, by email at wtaha@ucalgary.ca, for questions or assistance regarding finding more information to support Muslim clients.

Walaa Taha is a graduate student at the University of Calgary, pursuing a MSc in Counselling Psychology. Her interests include counsellor education and training, with a focus on multicultural counselling competencies, and the intersection of Islamic psychology and Muslim mental health. 


Ali, S. R., Liu, W. M., & Humedian, M. (2004). Islam 101: Understanding the religion and therapy implications. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice35(6), 635.

Collins, S., & Arthur, N. (2010). Culture-infused counselling: A fresh look at a classic framework of multicultural counselling competencies. Counselling Psychology Quarterly23(2), 203-216. https://doi.org/10.1080/09515071003798204

Neuman, K. (2016). Survey of Muslims in Canada. Toronto: Environics Institute. https://www.environicsinstitute.org/projects/project-details/survey-of-muslims-in-canada-2016

Pew Research Center. (2011). The future of the global Muslim population projections for 2010–2030. https://assets.pewresearch.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/11/2011/01/FutureGlobalMuslimPopulation-WebPDF-Feb10.pdf

Qasqas, M. J., & Jerry, P. (2014). Counselling Muslims: A culture-infused antidiscriminatory approach. Canadian Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy48(1).

Ratts, M. J., Singh, A. A., Nassar‐McMillan, S., Butler, S. K., & McCullough, J. R. (2016). Multicultural and social justice counseling competencies: Guidelines for the counseling profession. Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development44(1), 28-48.  doi: 10.1002/jmcd.12035

Rothman, A., & Coyle, A. (2018). Toward a framework for Islamic psychology and psychotherapy: An Islamic model of the soul. Journal of religion and health57(5), 1731-1744. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10943-018-0651-x

Rothman, A., & Coyle, A. (2020). Conceptualizing an Islamic psychotherapy: A grounded theory study. Spirituality in Clinical Practice. Advance online publication.  https://doi.org/10.1037/scp0000219

Suleiman, O. (2017). Internalized Islamophobia: Exploring the faith and identity crisis of American Muslim youth. Islamophobia Studies Journal4(1), 1-12.

Williams, V. (2005). Working with Muslims in counselling: Identifying sensitive issues and conflicting philosophy. International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling, 27(1), 125–130. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10447-005-2258-7

illustration of two hands, black and white, holding small globe,Careering

Allyship terms, tips and tools to support career development work

Applying a social justice lens to career development work enables practitioners to assist clients while challenging the status quo as allies and advocates

Natasha Caverley and Kathy Offet-Gartner 

author headshotsBeing referred to as an ally is a gift. It is a privilege and an honour, but also humbling and daunting. Once allyship is recognized, the ally carries the responsibility to walk the talk and to never assume allyship is like clothing that one can remove at will – just as those who are and have been oppressed cannot remove the object of their oppression. Allyship is a journey, not a destination. It comprises critical reflexivity, cultural awareness, cultural safety, cultural agility and cultural competencies in understanding health, wellness and resilience of Black, Indigenous and people of colour (BIPOC) individuals and groups who face oppression and discrimination.

Notable terms for your career development toolkit
  • Cultural awareness. Knowing our own preferences and biases, and acknowledging the commonalities and distinctions between cultures, involves a level of knowledge of the principles, values and cultural considerations that are important to BIPOC clients.
  • Cultural agility. Behaving in ways that put our skills in cultural awareness and safety into action; acting in ways that are curious, open-minded, flexible and appreciative of all cultures.
  • Cultural competencies. Attitudes, behaviours and skills that enable us (as helpers) to work ethically and effectively in cross-cultural settings.
  • Cultural humility. The recognition and value of BIPOC ways of knowing, and the role of BIPOC healers and elders – we are all learners, we are all teachers.
  • Cultural safety. Cultural safety is a mindset or a way of being that is created by trusting, respectful people and communities. It involves a transformation of relationships where the needs and voices of BIPOC individuals across the lifespan take a predominant role through the analysis of power imbalances, institutional discrimination and colonial relationships as they apply to social policy and practice. Cultural safety involves actively exploring and challenging complex power relationships including the ways that implicit bias, stereotyping, discrimination and racism show up in our shared context.
  • Critical reflexivity. Constantly evaluating ways in which we contribute to empowerment and oppression.

Allyship and career development

Canada’s vast diversity requires a career development framework that is grounded in social justice, where practitioners are working with and alongside diverse client populations. Career development is life development and involves deconstructing and reconstructing career/life choices within individual life contexts. Employing a social justice career/life development lens includes using strengths-based, community-focused, socially cognizant and purposeful interventions.

Read Part I of this article: Allyship in career development: An honour, privilege and responsibility

Using a social justice career/life development lens assists clients while also challenging the status quo, which requires practitioners to be allies, advocates and change-makers. Practitioners need to know themselves, the population they are working with, and the requirements and challenges related to the career choices the client has before them. This approach is strengths-based, intentional and considers ability, agency, capacity and community. A strengths-based approach does not mean: fabricating strengths; being insincere; and/or avoiding discussions about needs, gaps and concerns (e.g. work-life conflicts, practicality, challenges).

As career development practitioners, we have the opportunity to engage in social justice and social change in our roles as helpers. We can promote equity and human rights for marginalized individuals and groups through action, education, consciousness-raising and advocacy. This requires educating oneself and expanding one’s knowledge base to ensure the needs of BIPOC individuals can best be served. To do this, we need to be cognizant of the following:

  • Recognize the effects of historical trauma on BIPOC populations and those who face oppression and discrimination: Listen, their experiences are real.
  • Recognize and deconstruct the role that discrimination and oppression have in the career trajectories of BIPOC individuals; work to ameliorate these. Ask yourself: what can be done now? What and/or who do I need to assist in this? and then: Do it! 
  • Understand processes and protocols for working with participating BIPOC individuals and communities.
  • Engage communities – building the relationship as co-collaborators allows trust to grow. Honour and value cultural knowledge, resilience and ways of being. Cultural awareness can only come through relationships and trust.
  • Create networks of BIPOC role models and mentors – as BIPOC individuals often do not see themselves represented in the occupations they wish to pursue, facilitating these learning opportunities is vital for effective career-life development.
  • Communities “set the pace” and define (or redefine) views on career development, work, work-life balance, mental wellness, identity/identities and resiliency. Note: This includes recognition that the “state of readiness” to work on said issues will differ within and between individuals and communities.
Notable allyship resources

Continuous learning and action sustain allyship across the lifespan. The following resources offer a starting point for your toolkit. Note: Although some of these resources were developed for a specific population, the learning opportunities regarding allyship are valuable and often transferrable:

Concluding remarks

“Take a long, hard look down the road you will have to travel once you have made a commitment to work for change … Know that this transformation will not happen right away.” – John Lewis (2017)

Doing what is right is not easy. It requires transformative change, and for many people, there is resistance to change unless there is no other option or there is something to gain. However, without transformative change, things will remain the same and we simply cannot ignore that “ism’s” and oppression are deeply entrenched in everyday life. Change cannot occur without change-makers, and we cannot leave that all up to individuals and/or groups who are subjected by the systems that oppress them and seek to silence their voices and actions. Allyship is needed now more than ever; it is no longer an option, it is a responsibility.

Dr. Natasha Caverley is the President of Turtle Island Consulting Services Inc. She holds an MEd in Counselling Psychology and a PhD in Organizational Studies from the University of Victoria.

Dr. Kathy Offet-Gartner is a Registered Psychologist whose counselling research, teaching and practice focuses on strengths-based, culturally informed career-life development.

black woman having video call while sitting on couchCareering

Client Side: I’ve become the career strategist I wish I had when launching my career

In this Careering feature, jobseekers reflect on successes and struggles in their career development.

Chanèle McFarlane

author headshotI never knew what I wanted to be when I grew up. In fact, I was quite jealous of those who did –my high school classmates who were so certain of their future career, it seemed like nothing would get in the way of their plans. I never had that.

When it was time for me to figure out my post-secondary plans, I chose law at the last minute. It wasn’t a childhood dream, but it seemed practical. I went to McMaster University with law in mind but ended up completing my undergraduate degree in Communication Studies. I took an Introduction to Communications course in my first year and it completely changed my world. I knew I liked reading and writing (I’ll have you know, I was the first person in my Grade 2 class to read 100 books!), but I had no idea that it could lead to a potential career path. I completed six internships during my undergrad and then went on to Humber College for their post-graduate Public Relations program with the dream of becoming a publicist.

Well, I’m definitely not a publicist.

Since that initial pivot in university, I’ve pivoted so many times I’ve lost count. I’ve had a variety of careers. I even tried my hand at being a full-time entrepreneur, but it didn’t work out.

I realize now why I never had that one dream career as a child. I’m a multi-hyphenate. In other words, I’ve since evolved into having a portfolio career. I hold a series of roles all tied together with a common theme: creating content and experiences to help people launch, pivot and accelerate their careers.

If only I had learned in school that your career doesn’t have to be defined by one role or job. Looking back, I wasn’t taught about career development and was forced to figure things out myself.

A need for practical and current careers content

When I was in university, the career services office was a foreign place to me. The office always felt outdated to me. When I graduated seven years ago, it didn’t feel like a place where I could access practical and current information.

Instead, I turned to industry professionals. I was always the person who followed up with guest speakers in my class to set up informational interviews. It was during these conversations that I’d get the inside story on what it’s like to work in the “real world” and receive tangible advice I could apply right away to my career.

More Careering Client Side articles

In fact, the best experiences for me were networking breakfasts that the communications department held every few months. They would bring in a few alumni and students would be able to rotate between tables to ask questions. At one of these breakfasts, I learned about LinkedIn for the first time. I remember writing it down and underlining it a few times. I created my profile a few hours later and I’ve been active on the platform ever since. It has played a critical role in my career success, from speaking opportunities to job offers to establishing a supportive professional network.

Discovering the benefits of a portfolio career

In addition to LinkedIn, it was also at a networking breakfast that I learned about personal branding. Blogs were particularly popular at that time and after a few conversations, I was convinced I should start my own one day.

Three years after graduation, while working full-time as a digital marketing specialist, I decided to launch my blog, Do Well Dress Well, as a creative outlet to write about my career. I thought it would be cool to create the online space I wished I had when I was in school.

This blog was the catalyst that accelerated my career. Most notably, I went from being an extreme introvert to a passionate public speaker, including delivering a TEDx talk in 2018. Not to mention, the marketable skills I’ve cultivated including writing, social media management, web design and analytics and so much more.

As I, like so many others, navigate the repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic, my blog and personal brand has allowed me to continue receiving speaking and consulting opportunities. I wonder, would a visit to a career advisor have taught me this? The future of my corporate career may be uncertain but my portfolio career has provided me with the network, expertise and visibility I can leverage, if needed.

Opportunity gap > skills gap

However, for every opportunity I have gained, I have unfortunately faced more than my fair share of challenges. With every microaggression and outright rejection, I have often been left to question whether there’s a place for me in the workplace … and why I wasn’t better prepared.

One of the many reasons I launched my own career advice website was because it was clear that the existing advice wasn’t designed with someone like me in mind. For example, many people will say to “be yourself.” How come when I’m my most authentic self and wear my hair in braids, my colleagues begin to gossip about me? How come I had to endure my co-workers assuming I don’t know the name of a rock song or hearing that my last name isn’t “Black enough”? That’s just a few of the many things I’ve encountered as a Black woman in the workplace. I went into the “real world” bright-eyed and bushy-tailed and after just a year, I already began to feel quite defeated. This was not at all the fairytale I thought work was supposed to be.

We talk a lot about a skills gap, especially now as we look to curb unemployment due to the pandemic. However, I believe it’s wrong to see this as a magic bullet because it does not account for the opportunity gap, especially for Black, Indigenous and people of colour (BIPOC).

I can be fully qualified for a job, but if I’m interviewed by someone with unconscious biases toward Black women, it’s more than likely that I won’t be the person they’ll be calling back with the job offer. After all, a 2019 study found that Canada ranks as one of the top countries for racial discrimination during the hiring process.

My career has had a lot of ups and downs. By no means has it been linear or easy, especially when I consider my double bind of being a woman and a visible minority. Still, I don’t regret any of it. My pathway has enabled me with the unwavering passion to be the best career strategist I can be and support the generation of people of colour coming up behind me.

Chanèle McFarlane is a multiple award-winning Certified Career Strategist, brand marketer, TEDx speaker and writer. She passionately runs her career advice website, Do Well Dress Well, while also serving as a Career Strategist-in-Residence for Accelerate Her Future, a career accelerator for women of colour in college/university. She is also an inaugural member of the Youth Council within the Canadian Council for Youth Prosperity and the Professional Advisory Committee for Humber College’s Content Strategy program.

barbed wireCareering

Keeping hope alive for clients in the criminal justice system

Flexibility, advocacy key to providing career support for incarcerated clients

Ron Elsdon

“Hope is the thing with feathers

That perches in the soul” – Emily Dickinson

author headshotCanada geese walked freely in this women’s prison grounds; inmates and volunteers did not. It looked foreboding at first. Large circles of barbed wire ringed the facility. An escort took us through security, guards carried lots of keys. The women were dressed in identical, khaki prison clothes. There was a 10-minute window each hour to move locations – from work or a housing unit to our classroom in the chapel complex. Hard to keep hope alive in this setting, you might think. And yet, that is what the prison staff tried to do, and that is what the career class series I taught in a California prison was all about. What keeps hope alive if you are involved in the criminal justice system? In this article, we explore how those of us in the career field can address this question.

The big picture

First, for context, let us look at how many people are incarcerated in North America and their demographics. From an advocacy perspective, it is helpful to understand how the scope of incarceration differs in Canada and the United States.

  • There are nearly 40,000 people in prison in Canada, and more than two million in the United States. Female prisoners comprise about 5.6% of the Canadian prison population and about 10% in the United States. The United States has the highest incarceration rate in the world, whereas Canada is 141st (World Prison Brief).
  • More than 30% of those in Canadian prisons are Indigenous people, but they make up only 5% of the general population (Office of the Correctional Investigator, 2020). This proportion has been rising steadily (The John Howard Society of Canada, 2020).
  • In Canada, 79% of people entering prison do not have their high school diploma. More than 86% of women in prison report having been physically abused at some point in their lives, and many prisoners have mental health issues and/or substance use disorders (Prison Free Press).
Developing career programming for incarcerated women

I delivered career support classes in a U.S. federal women’s prison for about five years starting in 2014 (Elsdon, 2016), with the support of other volunteers. The program included five classes on conventional employment, building on a resource from Minnesota Career and Technical Education (2019); material from the ex-offenders section of the Careeronestop website; and my own content. There were four classes on non-traditional career paths/self-employment, expanded in scope at the request of participants, which built on the book How to Build a Nontraditional Career Path: Embracing Economic Disruption (Elsdon, 2014).

It might seem naive to think that career development approaches, often created with well-educated, resource-rich clients, would work for those in the criminal justice system, who often lack both education and resources. Indeed, I learned from the first test class delivered in prison that I could not just take workshops about conventional job search from other settings into the prison, as participants’ needs were different. For example, most prison participants are worried about how to respond to the interview question, “I see you have been incarcerated, tell me about that,” and welcome coaching about their response. That is not a question I had dealt with previously. Conversely, there are some approaches that work equally well within or outside of a prison. For example, a mock interview exercise others developed for students also worked well in the prison setting and was often a highlight for participants.

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Emotional considerations are particularly significant when working with incarcerated people. Conviction, incarceration and the prospect of formidable barriers to financial self-sufficiency are daunting. Offering hope that it is possible to re-engage with work by weaving affirmation of personal potential throughout is crucial. This includes emphasizing learning occurring inside the prison, including work experience, educational activities and interpersonal skills.

Career support can help build a sense of belief and hope, sometimes in unexpected ways. I recall one class participant realizing that illegal activities leading to her incarceration gave her a range of skills, such as selling and communication, that could work well for her in a legal, entrepreneurial setting. There was a murmur of class support for this as others saw the same for themselves.

Flexibility is also important when navigating the challenges of working in the prison system. These challenges include: working with participants who bring a wide range of backgrounds and experiences; competing commitments that can cause participants to miss sessions; and lack of access to electronics and the internet on prison premises. Support from prison staff is instrumental in classes meeting participants’ needs.

I found class evaluations valuable both to help in continually refining session content and in communicating to prison staff how the classes were received. Evaluations by participants in 18 class series showed a 96% satisfaction rating. One participant commented, “Your concern and care for this class gives us the confidence we need to try.” Positive word of mouth led to sign-ups exceeding class availability.

The importance of advocacy

The earlier statistics point to the need for community advocacy through a social and political lens. What can we in the career field do on a community level to make our society better? This includes contributing to reducing poverty or supporting mental health and eliminating the links of both to incarceration. Here is where our social advocacy comes in (Elsdon, 2007, 2013). This means staying informed about social issues, particularly those affecting people who are marginalized. It means influencing public policy for the benefit of those who need it most and are under-represented (e.g. Indigenous populations, those in poverty, those needing mental health support). It means influencing media, joining legislative campaigns and engaging in creative direct action.

Another lens, close to the heart of those of us in the career field, is the lived experience of those in prison or re-entering society. Not surprisingly, the lives of many people involved in the criminal justice system are precarious. Picture coming out of those forbidding prison gates with almost no money, little or no family support, hardly any education, no job and mental health challenges. We can help change this picture for the better. Getting employment or self-employment stability with adequate income can turn despair into hope and reduce the likelihood of returning to prison (Kelly, 2020; Yu, 2018).

In summary, providing career support for those involved in the criminal justice system is rewarding, fulfilling and appreciated. By building on our core career development skills and tailoring our approach appropriately, we can bring hope where it is needed.

Ron Elsdon founded organizations in the career and workforce development fields. His books include: How to Build a Nontraditional Career Path (Praeger); editor of Business Behaving Well (Potomac Books); editor of Building Workforce Strength (Praeger); and author of Affiliation in the Workplace (Praeger). His doctorate (Cambridge University) and bachelor’s (Leeds University) are in chemical engineering; his master’s is in career development (John F. Kennedy University).


Careeronestop web site for a worker with a criminal conviction. Retrieved from careeronestop.org/ResourcesFor/WorkerCriminalConviction/worker-with-a-criminal-conviction.aspx

Elsdon, R. (2007). The Growing Divide Calls for Advocacy. NCDA: Career Convergence. March 2007. Retrieved from ncda.org/aws/NCDA/pt/sd/news_article/5296/_self/layout_details/false

Elsdon, R. (Ed.). (2013). Business Behaving Well: Social Responsibility, from Learning to Doing. Washington, D.C.: Potomac Books. Information is available at elsdon.com/business-behaving-well.html

Elsdon, R. (2014). How to Build a Nontraditional Career Path: Embracing Economic Disruption. Santa Barbara, California: Praeger. Information is available at elsdon.com/how-to-build-a-nontraditional-career-path.html

Elsdon, R. (2016). Volunteer Career Services in a Prison. NCDA: Career Convergence. February 2016. Retrieved from ncda.org/aws/NCDA/pt/sd/news_article/117365/_self/layout_details/false

Goodwill/Easter Seals and Minnesota Career and Technical Education. (2019). Career Planning for People with a Criminal Conviction. Retrieved from careerwise.minnstate.edu/iseek/static/STEP-AHEAD-Workbook2.pdf

Kelly, M. (2020). The Predictive Ability of Self-Efficacy on Recidivism Among Adult Male Offenders. (Doctoral Dissertation, Walden University, 2020). Retrieved from scholarworks.waldenu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=9574&context=dissertations

Office of the Correctional Investigator, Indigenous People in Federal Custody Surpasses 30%, Correctional Investigator Issues Statement and Challenge (January 21, 2020), Retrieved from oci-bec.gc.ca/cnt/comm/press/press20200121-eng.aspx?texthighlight=indigenous+people+in+federal+custody+surpasses+30%

Prison Free Press, Prison Facts in Canada, Retrieved from prisonfreepress.org/Facts.htm#:~:text=In%202017%2F18%2C%20on%20a,4%25%20from%20the%20previous%20year.

The John Howard Society of Canada, Data on Canada’s Prison System, January 25, 2020, Retrieved from johnhoward.ca/blog/data-on-canadas-prison-system/

World Prison Brief, Retrieved from prisonstudies.org/world-prison-brief-data

Yu, T. (2018). Employment and Recidivism. EBP Society. Retrieved from ebpsociety.org/blog/education/297-employment-recidivism