fountain pen on notebookCareering

Editor’s note

Lindsay Purchase

Author headshotOkay, I’ll admit it. I’m tired of reading the words “The Great Resignation.”

Like the “future of work” and other overused, often misunderstood terms before it, the “Great [fill-in-the-blank]” has become a stand-in for any and all mainstream discussion connected to career development.

So, why use this construct and release a Careering issue on “The Great Careers Disconnect”? Because within this conversational anchor about labour market shifts, there is so much that’s going unsaid. And career professionals are ready to say the quiet part loudly.

Given that 45% of employers say they are not aware of career development professionals, according to a recent survey by CERIC and Environics, and LMIC research shows that only one in five adults have accessed career services, it is not surprising that public conversations around careers are narrowly focused. But it is a problem.

For this issue of Careering magazine, we asked people working in all areas of career development to reflect on the question: What gaps are you seeing in career services, career education, the labour market and the workplace – and what are your ideas to address them?

Those working with youth spotted disconnects between employer hiring practices and student needs, as well as in the piece-meal approach to K-12 career development across the country. One author questioned why career professionals don’t talk more about unions, while another explored the issue of values disconnects at work.

While articles raise key challenges in the “Great Careers Disconnect,” this issue is also about highlighting creative solutions and building bridges.

Several articles reflected a desire to improve equity, diversity and inclusion within career development systems, including building a sustainable future of work for the Black community and supporting jobseekers with disabilities to identify their strengths. Others identified key improvements that can be made to support newcomer professionals and international students.

Of course, we can’t cover it all. If this issue sparks ideas for you about disconnects in work and education, talk about it! Start a conversation with colleagues. Advocate for change. Write about your curious questions and thoughtful solutions (shameless plug: Maybe for CERIC’s CareerWise website? All are welcome.).

For now, happy reading!


CERIC and partners to host Virtual Community Roundtables on Employer Engagement

CERIC invites career development professionals to share their experiences and ideas around employer engagement at free live Virtual Community Roundtables in June. The first roundtable will be held in Ontario in partnership with OACM (Ontario Association of Career Management) and another in British Columbia with ASPECT BC (Association of Service Providers for Employability & Career Training). The roundtables will focus on the findings of CERIC’s National Business Survey.

CERIC surveyed 500 employers to examine the state of Career Development in the Canadian Workplace. Canada’s employers have told us about their challenges with recruitment and retention, about skills and talent gaps in the labour market and about the kinds of career management supports they provide for employees.

Now, with the roundtables, career development professionals from all sectors – non-profit agencies, secondary school, post-secondary education, government, corporate, private practice – who engage regularly with employers will have the opportunity to share their perspectives:

  • What’s worked when it comes to engaging successfully with employers?
  • What do we need to do to demonstrate the value of career development and career development professionals?

By contributing to cross-sector, peer-to-peer learning, CERIC aims to positively influence employer awareness of the career services field. Participants will walk away with concrete and practicable strategies as well as shareable resources to be developed based on the discussion.

These are provincially-focused, participatory, cameras-on events:

  • Virtual Community Roundtable in British Columbia | Tuesday, June 7, 2022 | 11:00 am – 12.30 pm PT
  • Virtual Community Roundtable in Ontario | Wednesday, June 8, 2022 | 11:00 am – 12.30 pm ET

Any career development professional working with employers in these provinces who wants to contribute is welcome to register. Both interactive roundtables are free but limited to 100 spots to ensure the opportunity for everyone to participate.

These events follow the release of the detailed survey findings (as well as an infographic and executive summary) which can be found at Recordings of a two-part webinar series with employers and career development professionals around collaboration to address common workforce needs are also available.

If your organization is interested in partnering with CERIC on a Community Roundtable in your province or region, please contact CERIC’s bilingual Learning and Development Specialist Cyrielle Filias at


Complete the CERIC Content & Learning Survey of Career Development Professionals!

As an organization with a strategic mandate of building career development knowledge, mindsets and competencies, CERIC is committed to understanding the varied learning needs, preferences and behaviours of people doing careers-connected work. Our 2022 Content & Learning Survey of Career Development Professionals is now open, and we want to hear from you!  

The survey will take approximately 15 to 20 minutes to complete and will be open until Wednesday, May 25, 2022.  

Complete Survey Now  

While the survey has sections focused on CERIC’s learning initiatives, our intent is also to gather vital intelligence around the learning needs, preferences and behaviours of people working in career development. A selection of the results will be shared with the broad career development community and other stakeholders in early summer. By participating, you will be helping CERIC and other organizations in the field that develop learning opportunities to support your professional development.   

Plus, get a chance to win 1 of 2 free registrations to CERIC’s Cannexus23 conference ($375 value) or 1 of 3 free CERIC webinar registrations ($159 value)! 

You do not need to be familiar with CERIC’s learning initiatives to complete this survey. A French version of the survey is available. 

Your participation in this survey is greatly appreciated!  


Call for Presenters for Cannexus23 Career Development Conference now open

Planning for the next Cannexus, Canada’s Career Development Conference – to be held January 23-25, 2023 – is now underway. Cannexus23 is expected to be a hybrid conference with a live in-person portion in Ottawa and a virtual portion. CERIC invites individuals or organizations with an interest in presenting at the 17th annual Cannexus to submit a brief session outline for consideration using the Proposal Form. The deadline for proposals is Friday, June 17, 2022. 

Presenting at Cannexus, the largest bilingual conference of its kind, provides an unmatched opportunity to exchange information and explore innovative approaches in career and workforce development. Presenters gain recognition as experts and leaders in the field at the conference and beyond. We expect participants from across Canada and internationally. In the past, our conferences have drawn more than 1,000 delegates each year.  

Cannexus presenters are researchers and practitioners from universities, schools, community agencies, governments, private practices and corporations. They are professionals in career and workforce development and related fields who are forward-thinkers with fresh and impactful ideas and projects to convey. As the organizer of Cannexus, CERIC is committed to principles of justice, equity, diversity and inclusion. We are actively prioritizing the participation of individuals from equity-deserving groups, such as Indigenous, racialized, 2SLGBTQIA+ and persons with disability. 

CERIC has identified areas of interest to assist presenters in targeting the content of their sessions:  

  • Adult Education and Career Development  
  • Advocacy & Social Justice  
  • Application of Current Research, Theory & Methodology   
  • Building the Profile and Sustainability of the Career Development Sector   
  • Career Development for Youth Outside of School   
  • Career Education K-12 Students   
  • Career Education Post-Secondary  
  • Change Management & Resilience  
  • Client Mental Health   
  • Effective Career Counselling/Coaching Techniques   
  • Employee Recruitment & Engagement   
  • Employment/Training Programs (Community, Government, Industry)   
  • Entrepreneurship & Self-Employment   
  • Experiential/Work-Integrated Learning   
  • Future of Work and the Workplace 
  • Global Perspectives on Career Development Research & Practice   
  • Indigenous Career Development   
  • Job Search Strategies   
  • Justice, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion 
  • Labour Market Information   
  • Leadership Development   
  • Management & HR Issues for Career/Employment Centre Directors   
  • Mature Worker Career Development   
  • New Technology & Tools for Career Professionals   
  • Online Career Service Delivery/Remote Learning Approaches   
  • Rural Career & Community Economic Development   
  • Self-Care for Career Professionals   
  • Supporting Clients with Disabilities   
  • Workforce Planning & Development   
  • Working with Newcomer and Refugee Communities   

Cannexus is presented by CERIC and supported by The Counselling Foundation of Canada and a broad network of supporting organizations and sponsors.  


Announcing free webinars May-June: Employer-CDP collaboration + Evidence-informed practice

CERIC will be offering two free webinar series in the next few months that each explore critical and timely issues in career development. The first series will highlight the realities of 500 Canadian employers captured by CERIC’s new National Business Survey and compare them with the challenges faced by career and employment professionals. The second series will introduce strategies to effectively navigate the world of research, evidence and information in ways that help to do career development work better.  

  • Building a Bridge: How Employers and CDPs Can Collaborate to Address Workforce Needs | Tuesday, May 10, 2022 & Thursday, May 12, 2022 | Moderated by Candy Ho, CERIC’s Vice-Chair and Assistant Professor, Career and Capstone Learning, University of the Fraser Valley
    • Webinar #1 panellists
      • Leah Nord, Senior Director, Workforce Strategies & Inclusive Growth, Canadian Chamber of Commerce 
      • Jim Stanford, Economist and Director, Centre for Future Work 
      • Andrew Bieler, Director of Partnerships & Experiential Learning, The Business + Higher Education Roundtable (BHER) 
      • Brien Convery, Director, Talent Acquisition and Employee Experience, Aecon Group Inc.
    • Webinar #2 panellists 
      • Tim Lang, President of YES (Youth Employment Agency) and HRPA Board Member 
      • Jake Hirsch-Allen, Director, Canadian Council for Youth Prosperity and North America Workforce Development & Higher Ed System Lead at LinkedIn 
      • Surranna Sandy, CEO, Skills for Change 
      • Deirdre Pickerell, Program Director, Canadian Career Development Foundation

Both webinar series are free. Registered participants will receive a video recording of each session. Individual certificates of attendance will be provided to all registered participants who attend the webinars live.  

In addition to offering its own free webinars, CERIC partners with associations and organizations across Canada and beyond to present webinars that offer affordable professional development. Previously, CERIC has also worked with the Association of Service Providers for Employability and Career Training BC, Association québécoise des professionnels du développement de carrière, BC Career Development Association, Canadian Association for Supported Employment,Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association, Career Development Association of Alberta, Career Professionals of Canada, Experiential and Work-Integrated Learning Ontario, Labour Market Information Council , New Brunswick Career Development Association, Nova Scotia Career Development Association, Ontario Association of Career Management, Ontario School Counsellors’ Association, Ordre des conseillers et conseillères d’orientation du Québec,  Vocational Rehabilitation Association (Canada), and the US-basedNational Career Development Association.  


Wayfinder is live: Reflective practice resources to enhance experiential learning

Today CERIC has launched the Wayfinder search site from OneLifeTools, curating top resources and insights to create or improve reflective practice on experiential learning and expand career development impact.

The product of a CERIC-funded learning project, the Wayfinder is a collection of 312 resources. It can be searched by type of resource, type of experiential learning, type of practitioner (called maker), type of learner and more. If you identify as any of the following, this site is for you:

  • Post-secondary staff
  • Any designer or developer
  • Event or workshop facilitator
  • Employer
  • Community organization
  • K-12 teacher
  • K-12 counsellor
  • Student or learner

The Wayfinder site also features several additional resources:

  • Maker’s Audit & Guide: This Audit & Guide is for anyone designing, implementing, or wanting to improve experiential learning. It provides 1) a series of questions and prompts for makers to integrate best practices into their experiential learning programs and 2) examples of reflective practice questions and prompts to use with learners to unlock career development value.
  • Literature Search & Abstract: The literature search focuses on defining reflective practice and the key elements that make it effective for career development in the context of experiential learning. It sorts the reflective process into three stages essential for impactful practice: design, implementation and assessment.

To learn more, register for How Experiential Learning Supports Career Development Through Reflective Practice: Wayfinder Tool Launch on Friday, April 8, 2022 at 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM ET. Explore the new search tool, and learn reflective practices to embed in your experiential learning programs, at any level or in any setting. Presented by Mark Franklin (OneLife Tools, University of Toronto), Rich Feller (OneLife Tools, Colorado State University) and Lisa Bauman (Conestoga College).


Graduate students apply by March 31 to compete for GSEP Award

If you are a full-time graduate student whose academic focus is career development or a faculty member working with full-time grad students in career counselling or a related field, then you want to know about the CERIC Graduate Student Engagement Program (GSEP). Applications for 2022 are due by Thursday, March 31.

CERIC encourages engagement of Canada’s full-time graduate students (Master or PhD level) whose academic research is in career development or a related field. Research areas such as Education, Sociology, Social Work, Counselling Psychology, Industrial/Organizational Psychology and Business with a focus on Human Resources or Organizational Behaviour are strongly encouraged to apply.

Through this program, graduate students will be introduced to CERIC and invited to:

Interested in getting involved? Complete and submit this quick GSEP application form. If you are also interested in competing for the GSEP Award, please submit a one-page article on a career development-related topic of your choice to Alexandra Manoliu at by the same March 31 deadline. To support you in sharing this opportunity with students and colleagues, GSEP information can be found at and this printable GSEP handout.


Announcing winter-spring webinars: Social Enterprise, Youth Career Development & Clinical Supervision

CERIC along with its partner associations will be offering a variety of webinar series in the next few months to support the career development community on a range of timely topics.

The upcoming calendar includes:

Webinar series cost $119 for members of the partnering association and $159 for non-members. For the webinar series, registered participants will receive a password-protected video recording of each session. The recordings will remain available for one month after the final webinar in the series to allow you to catch up if you miss any weeks. Individual certificates of attendance will be provided to all registered participants who attend the webinars live. 

CERIC partners with associations and organizations across Canada and beyond to present webinars that offer timely, convenient and affordable professional development. Previously, CERIC has also worked with the Canadian Association for Supported Employment, New Brunswick Career Development Association, Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy AssociationAssociation of Service Providers for Employability and Career Training BCOntario School Counsellors’ AssociationExperiential and Work-Integrated Learning OntarioCareer Professionals of Canada, Ontario Association of Career Management, Ordre des conseillers et conseillères d’orientation du Québec, Association québécoise des professionnels du développement de carrière, Labour Market Information Council and the US-based National Career Development Association. 


Request for Proposals: Scoping the Canadian Career Development Landscape

Canada currently lacks comprehensive baseline data on the overall size, scope and composition of its career development sector. Having this valid and credible information is critical to inform the field itself as well as related stakeholders as to the magnitude, characterization and impact of this varied group of professionals.

CERIC is issuing a Request for Proposal (RFP) to undertake first-of-its-kind market research about the field. The purpose is to make visible the field by answering fundamental questions around how many professionals are practising career development in some form in the country, where are they located and what is their primary focus. As part of gaining a full picture of the career development landscape across the country, this RFP also seeks to identify select high-level outcome measures that flow from the delivery of career services. Additionally, CERIC has a special interest in understanding the state of Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Indigeneity (EDII) among career professionals in Canada through this RFP.

This RFP invites interested researchers to submit a detailed proposal that will enable CERIC to select the research/consulting team that it determines is best suited to complete the project according to the enclosed criteria.

CERIC’s interest in this project is three-fold:

1. To develop a composite picture of the career development field in Canada: Who is doing what kind of career services and where

  • Produce a snapshot of the total number of professionals, broken down by relevant categories
  • Create a model that reflects the landscape of those engaged in career development work, both formally and informally with a focus on those at the nucleus of the field

2. To identify the impact of the career development sector in Canada for employers, educators and government policymakers through a limited number of high-level metrics

  • These stakeholder impact measures could be, for example, related to staff retention, student graduation, jobseeker employment or mental health
  • Additionally, determine the market impact of career development in Canada in terms of its contribution to the country’s economy

3. Given the increased awareness of Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Indigeneity (EDII), to answer whether those providing career development services reflect learners and clients who face additional barriers to career development

Deadlines for this RFP are as follows:

  • Request for Proposals Released: February 23, 2022
  • Intent to Submit: March 25, 2022 (submit name & contact info to
  • Proposal Deadline: April 29, 2022
  • Award of Contract: June 29, 2022
  • Project Initiation: July 25, 2022

To learn more about the Scope of Work, Target Audience, Deliverables, Budget and Duration, and Eligibility Requirements, please download the RFP. For any inquiries, please contact CERIC Senior Director of Marketing and Communications Sharon Ferriss at


Cannexus22 conference explored how career development changes lives, communities

More than 1,700 career development professionals from across Canada and around the world came together for the second virtual Cannexus conference in late January and early February. Delegates convened, shared and learned with a focus on the impact that career development can have on both individual lives and community well-being. The need for adaptability in challenging times was front and centre as the conference explored the latest research and practice to support meaningful client and learner transitions, and to build a more equitable society and prosperous economy. 

A few of the many highlights from Canada’s Career Development Conference included four candid and powerful keynotes: 

  • Waneek Horn-Miller shared her story from the front lines of the Oka crisis and passed on her mother’s advice: “Don’t hand your dreams over to those who hurt you.”  
  • Yvonne Rodney recounted her journey through the pandemic – from languishing and “blahness” to finding joy in the now – and encouraged us to “stop postponing your joy.” 
  • Randell Adjei suggested that problems offer us the opportunity to help people live richer lives using creative solutions: “We can’t experience light, if we haven’t experienced darkness.” 
  • Dr. Rumeet Billan redefined resilience and urged delegates to put in boundaries that prioritize what matters: “At the end of the day, it’s YOU that takes care of yourself.” 

The conference featured several special streams, including Sector Leaders, Around the World and Workforce Development. Presenters included many well-known career development leaders including Tristram Hooley, Spencer Niles, Norman Amundson, Gray Poehnell and Roberta Borgen (Neault). With the conference virtual once again, delegates were able to learn about career development globally with sessions from Iceland to India and Australia to Vietnam. Among the 150+ different education sessions, there was strong interest in topics around: 

  • Enhancing career development in schools 
  • Building the workforce of the future 
  • Engaging with employers around skills, diversity and careers 
  • Experiential and work-integrated learning  
  • Changing concepts of work in a post-COVID landscape 
  • Career development and mental health in organizations  
  • Career adaptation in later life 

Other components of the conference focused on making connections and peer-to-peer networking, with Cannexus22 offering exhibitor booths, “Hallway meetings,” a virtual cocktail party, a student reception and a francophone meet-up. The KAIROS Blanket exercise also offered an opportunity to explore the relationship between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples in Canada. 

This year’s recipient of CERIC’s Etta St. John Wileman Award for Lifetime Achievement in Career Development was announced at Cannexus as Lynne Bezanson, Executive Director Emeritus of the Canadian Career Development Foundation (CCDF). Bezanson was recognized for a remarkable career, devoting herself to strengthening the reach and impact of career development in Canada and internationally.  

CERIC showcased some of its recent and forthcoming projects at the conference: 

  • Cannexus attendees got a sneak peek of Wayfinder, a new tool to access reflective practice resources from OneLifeTools. This tool comes from a CERIC-funded project meant to optimize how experiential learning can support career development through reflective practice. Watch for the public launch in the coming weeks! 
  • A Research Circle shared the initial findings from a CERIC-funded, pan-Canadian study exploring career development among Grade 4 to 6 students. Led by Dr. Lorraine Godden and research partners, the study is examining what is happening in elementary education across jurisdictions in Canada related to introducing and building career-related foundational skills. A teacher toolkit is under development. 
  • CERIC released the findings of a survey of 500 employers conducted by Environics. The survey reveals insights into Canadian organizations’ views on: skills gaps in the labour market; hiring underrepresented groups as part of EDI strategies; investing in employee career development; and accessing the services of career development professionals. Media interest has been high since the release. 

For the first time, this year’s conference also offered a bonus day, Cannexus Reflections. Scheduled just over a week after the main conference ended, this day was aimed at helping delegates reflect on what they learned and facilitate taking action. 

In a post-conference survey, 96% of delegates rated the virtual conference as good to excellent, with 95% indicating they plan to share what they learned with colleagues to impact change broadly. Delegates cited enjoying the flexibility of attending remotely, the top-rated national and international presenters and the opportunity for community-building. Some also noted suggestions for enhancing the virtual platform and others shared they were looking forward to a hybrid conference option in future.    

Comments included: 

“Cannexus22 is the best professional development that currently exists in the field of career development. As a school division program co-ordinator, this job can be lonely. Getting to connect with professionals from all over the world has been rewarding. It’s great to be in a space with like-minded people who are just as passionate about the work.” 
Kirby Krause, Career Development and Life Exploration Program Co-ordinator, Hanover School Division, MB 

“This was my first Cannexus, and I really enjoyed it. The keynote speakers were outstanding. The opportunity to network with other career development professionals was so beneficial – to learn from my peers, and share experiences was great for my own professional development.”
Bernie McFarlane, Career Coach, Find Your Way to Work, Australia  

“Cannexus is a must for all those who value learning, development and ideas sharing in the career development field. The Cannexus conference increases knowledge, critical thinking and networking opportunities, and offers CDPs around the world the chance to unite, enriching practice and experience.” 
– Bella Doswell, Faculty Instructor – Career Development Professional Diploma Program, Conestoga College, ON  

Cannexus22 was presented by CERIC and supported by The Counselling Foundation of Canada with a broad network of 36 supporting organizations and partners. 

The Call for Presenters and information about dates and format for Cannexus23 will be available in the spring. In the meantime, Cannexus22 delegates continue to be able to access the conference recordings for six months.