Award-Winning Programs Tackle Youth Unemployment

by Barbara Williams

FirstWork, a not-for profit organization that supports and advocates for a sustainable youth employment delivery network in Ontario, received funding from The Counselling Foundation of Canada in 2009 for its Cross Canada Dialogues on Youth Career Development in Hard Times Project. This three-year initiative was instituted to bring together youth serving organizations from all regions and employment counselling sectors in Canada to discuss how best to serve the career development and employment needs of the nation’s youth during an economic downturn.


Career Services Sector Learns from Survey Findings

by Mario R. Gravelle

Findings from the Survey of Career Service Professionals were revealed at Cannexus12 (January 23-25, 2012). The survey delved into research and education issues as well as career competency and mobility. The resultant information offers a snapshot of the composition of the career services community including some of its interests and challenges, along with professional development and information needs. Here are a few things that we learned:


A View of Cannexus12 through the Eyes of Rich Feller

by Rich Feller

Arriving a day early from Fort Collins, Colorado to attend two Cannexus Pre-Conference Workshops I regret missing the third.  Eager to attend anything Mark Savickas presents I missed the Cannexus Actively Mastering What We Passively Suffer: A Counselling Session. Yet having access to Mark, and networking with him and his lovely wife in the Westin’s restaurant was a special treat.  I couldn’t get enough of Chris Kulbaba and his cutting edge work with The Social Media Toolkit and Career Counselors, and immersing myself in Norm Amundson’s Career Flow in Action the first day all expectations were exceeded. From there I joined the audience on the edge of our seats as Trey Anthony’s story and mentoring message inspired all of us to live fully with joy.


Working with Musical Clients? Remember to Look at Transferable Skills!

by Jan Bottomer

I am a career advisor. I am also a cellist.

For the past five years I have played with I Medici di McGill Orchestra – “the doctors’ orchestra” of McGill. To me, my orchestra is a weekly reminder that musical training is only limiting if you let it be, and that, more often than not, the skills developed along the way can open up worlds of experience and opportunity. The core members of this high-level amateur orchestra include doctors and professors representing specialties from Ophthalmology to Obstetrics, Oceanic Sciences to Electroacoustics. These people have been musicians for most of their lives, and continue to play while also holding down highly demanding jobs in a range of diverse fields.


Challenges facing university career centres in effectively preparing students for medical school multi-mini interviews

By Kimberley Rawes and Barbara A. Smith

The working world has valued reductionist and analytical approaches, and the medical profession is a classic example of this “left brain” emphasis (Pink, 2006). Globalization and the use of technology to outsource medical procedures that depend on rule-based logic, like diagnosis which often involves decision trees, have transformed the need for local talent with different skill sets . For instance, patients using technology can now access the same information as doctors and arrive at the same diagnostic conclusions. Consequently, the following questions have arisen at some university career centres across Canada, and UBC Career Services thinks about them in particular: What is the role of the physician in the globalized era, and what are necessary skills and attitudes for success in medicine? The challenge is that historically, pre-med and medical students have been rewarded academically for “left brain” thinking. When we are preparing students for the Multiple Mini Interview (MMIs), how can university career centres support pre-med students to develop the emerging skills required by this evolving profession?


Help Build a Career as an Artist at

By Ann Webb

The Counselling Foundation of Canada provided a two-year grant in 2010 to the Canadian Art Foundation (CAF) to support the development of a new career-related website, The Canadian Art Foundation is a charitable organization that supports the visual arts in Canada with a mission to promote the understanding and appreciation of the field by providing an informative, provocative and lively forum for audiences to engage with artists and their works. Canadian Art magazine and are two of CAF’s cornerstone initiatives. was launched in January 2011 as a means of supporting those who are interested in pursuing a career in visual arts or those currently in the art and design field seeking to enhance their career training and professional development. features content targeted to teachers, students and parents that would certainly also be of help to career service professionals. This comprehensive site includes career profiles and guidance on art education and cultural careers with much of this material focusing on practical, “how-to” topics relating to art school and building a successful career. Users can also get advice from experts in the field on making the most of their art-school experience. For instance, tips and tricks are offered on getting a start in the art world, from internships to portfolios to networking. The website likewise has teacher resources including four curriculum guides and videos about various art and design topics (from graphic design to painting to photography and new media), and short videos featuring artists, curators, writers and other Canadians who are leaders in the cultural field. The site also includes a comprehensive directory of art schools across Canada from universities with art programs to dedicated post-secondary art colleges to continuing education institutions.

The Canadian Art Foundation is very pleased to offer this new website that will provide much-needed guidance about art and design career-related matters. This website will prove to be an invaluable resource for those who are interested in a career in art and design, those involved in the field seeking to enhance their careers, and career practitioners who have clients looking for a way to find their place in the exciting world of visual arts.


Ann Webb is the Executive Director of the Canadian Art Foundation. Please visit to familiarize yourself with its content and check back regularly as new material is updated on an ongoing basis.

Last Updated on Thursday, 26 July 2012 10:16


Career Development in Plant Agriculture

By Vijay Kumar Bhosekar

Due to the continued growth of the global population and the consequent expanding need for study of food crops and agriculture in general, the outlook for plant agriculture and agriculture experts is excellent. Past agricultural research has created higher yielding crops, crops with better resistance to pests and plant pathogens, and more effective fertilizers and pesticides. Research is still necessary, however, particularly as insects and diseases continue to adapt to pesticides and as soil fertility and water quality continue to need improvement. This article will discuss career opportunities and the labour market in the field of agriculture.


Network Your Jobs

By Laura Henshaw

As career practitioners, it is a reality that, at various points in our lives, we will have to use for ourselves the advice that we give to our clients. In this personal account of her own job hunting, Laura Henshaw, who graduated in 2010 from the Career and Work Counsellor (CWC) program at George Brown College, tells us of her experience finding work as a career practitioner, still at the beginning of her career, in a difficult labour market. Lessons learned? Do not look down on volunteering and temporary work as a way to get experience and create ties! And also, network, network, network!


Improving Your Employability in Tough Economic Times

By Jen Davies

Youth unemployment in Canada has rarely been worse. In an economic period that has seen retirement savings shrink, Boomers aren’t retiring as expected. Long-time program funders like the federal and provincial governments are cutting the number of dollars they are spending on summer jobs programs and even on ongoing employment-related services, so there are fewer openings and recent graduates are competing for positions with recently laid-off experienced workers.