Cannexus 2010 – Elizabeth McTavish Bursary Deadline!

Elizabeth McTavish Bursary Deadline: September 15, 2009!

About Elizabeth McTavish

Ms. Elizabeth McTavish entered the realm of the work of The Counselling Foundation of Canada in the late Sixties and served as Director of Counselling and as Executive Director of the Foundation for 25 years. Elizabeth was robbed of her own career fulfillment by the early onset of Alzheimer. She retired in


Cannexus 2010 – Keynote Speakers Announced!

Cannexus 2010 Keynote Speakers Announced!

  Opening Keynote Address

“Career as Story: Using Life Themes in Counselling”

Mark Savickas, Ph.D., professor and chair in the behavioural sciences department at the Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine and adjunct professor of counselling education at Kent State University. Mark Savickas earned his Ph.D. in “Counseling and Personnel Services” from


Hot Sites

  1. Canadian Labour Market Information
  2. Work Destinations – Labour Mobility
  3. FuturePaths – a Saskatchewan solution connecting young people to careers
  4. WORKink – an online career development and employment portal for Canadians with disabilities
  5. Career Guide for New Immigrants –
  6. Disabled Women’s Network Ontario

Conference Sketch

Cannexus 2009 – Engaging and Inspiring

By Paula Wischoff Yerama

As a self admitted conference junky I carefully consider every conference opportunity I come across.  Because of my connection to the Career Development Association of Alberta (CDAA) and my interest in connecting with professionals in the career development field I regularly attend the Building Tomorrow Today (BTT) Consultation in Edmonton, and the professional development opportunities offered by the Association’s Chapters. This year, in an effort to build partnerships for CDAA and spread the word about BTT, I decided to travel to Toronto, ON for Cannexus 2009.  What began as a profession trip with a mission soon became personal as well as I found myself engaged in conversations with people I would have likely never met had I not attended Cannexus.


Book Club

By Jaz Bruhn

Not For Sale: Why We Need a New Job Search Mindset (first edition)

Cathy Keates

Career Considerations 2009

ISBN 978-0-981 1034-0-2

For the most part, there is the traditional textbook study guide set-up which makes it an easy and fast read. The book is written in the traditional style with each new item introduced at the end of the previous chapter and repeated at the beginnings of the next chapter. We find a table of Contents, Acknowledgements, a Preface and an Introduction and then the book is divided into two parts with the first four chapters in the first part dedicated to an explication of “The Sales Mindset of Job Search”. The author details her exploration of “what the Sales Mindset is, the metaphor it is based on, and why it has become so popular in the first part.” Part II has three chapters dedicated to “Defining an Integrity Mindset of Job Searching”. There are various graphic aids throughout the text which really do help, for example visual aids or graphs as summary aids. We then get an Appendix, Endnotes and an Index. These are all components of a traditional text book which are familiar to most of us. In her Preface the author tells us the “why” for the book; establishes the “what we know”; and finally states her “Intentions for This Book”. The Introduction sets the stage and gives us an abstract of the two parts of the book.


Unleashing Organizational Genius

By Star Ristow-Bell, M.Sc., and Kelly Kozar, BEd, CDFI

“Intellectuals solve problems; geniuses prevent them.” Albert Einstein


Organizational vitality and innovation depends on our abilities for creative thinking, for early identification of opportunities and to confidently manage change.   These abilities have never been more essential and least available than in the context of our current global economic crisis.   The external context in which human service organizations have been operating has left many organizations overwhelmed with how to survive, let alone how to thrive!  After decades of funding uncertainties and financial constraints, “doing more with less” has become more than a solution to a transient problem – it has become a habit of thinking and behavior.  Like most habits, “doing more with less” may have become so automatic that we have resigned ourselves to never again operate from a different framework.

“Problems cannot be solved by thinking with the framework in which the problems were created.” – Albert Einstein.

Changing our framework or perspective is the key to generating new solutions and unleashing our genius for creating healthy and more successful organizations.  Understanding how habits of thought and behavior are formed can provide the power to choose new and more effective patterns.  This article uses systems thinking concepts to illustrate some practical approaches drawn from cognitive and positive psychologies which can provide short term methods for increasing our capacity to thrive even in the midst of crisis.

Systems Thinking Approach

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” – Margaret Mead

Understanding the dynamics of groups or systems provides valuable insights for changing our world. A system can be considered as an organized group of elements or parts, distinguishable from other parts outside the system, acting in dynamic relationship so that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.  From this perspective we have access to a number of ways of looking at the consistent patterns of interaction which organize the structure and processes of the system.  Concepts and patterns isomorphic to systems in general permit us to develop a similar understanding of the various system levels and subsystems within the broader organizational system.  A system is only as healthy and vital to the extent its constituent parts or members are empowered to function at the level of their full potential.  The ideas discussed below are more powerful when applied to all system levels of the organization including the level of “self in the system”.

Creative Thinking

“Creative thinking is not a talent; it is a skill that can be learnt. It empowers people by adding strength to their natural abilities which improves teamwork, productivity and where appropriate profits”. – Edward de Bono

One dimension of understanding a system or organization is to consider the degree to which the system is open or closed.  Characteristics of open systems include higher self-esteem of individual members; clear communication; greater ability to change rules when needs arise; respect and encouragement of differences; and, an increased flow of information between the system and the outside world.  Self-esteem of individuals in closed systems tends to be lower; communication is indirect, unclear and incongruent; rules are often out of date and rigid; “group think” is imposed to reduce the fear of differences; and, the system tends to exist in isolation from the outside world.

An open system provides the progressive climate needed to support creative thinking abilities.  Greater self esteem of members enhances confidence to think the unthinkable.  Clearer communication increases constructive sharing of ideas leading to the discovery of more ideas.  The ability to democratically negotiate rules provides opportunities to update rules that have become barriers to creative interaction.  Encouragement of differences provides an environment that is conducive to the expression of new ideas thus avoiding the stagnation of “group think”. Bringing in new information from the outside supports the discovery of new ideas to address old problems or bringing old ideas together in new ways to reveal innovative solutions.

The openness of a system can be increased by employing cognitive processes to explore current beliefs and attitudes, develop an understanding of how these beliefs and attitudes were formed and taking action to update beliefs and attitudes to enhance the capacity of the system to discover its innate creativity.  Through these processes we can bring back into awareness the limiting thoughts that have become “just the way we do things” and introduce new habits of thinking and behavior more appropriate to our current context.

Understanding the nature of limiting thoughts makes it possible to identify and then replace them. The stronger the identification or attachment we have to a particular thought or belief the more likely that it will become limiting.  Limiting thoughts can be identified by paying attention to feelings of stress or anger.  Thinking limiting thoughts does not feel great.  One tends to feel constricted and diminished when thinking them.  Limiting thoughts are often accusing, blaming and critical in nature, putting the fault on something external.  Language can also help us identify limiting thoughts as they are often attached to words like need, should, always or never.  Limiting thoughts are most likely attached to our self-image and can restrict the freedom to express one’s full potential.  Unlimited thoughts on the other hand are expansive and provide freedom from unhealthy stress.

Identifying Opportunities

“Instead of pouring knowledge into people’s heads, we need to help them grind a new set of eyeglasses so that we can see the world in a new way.” – John Seely Brown

Biologically, the brain processes 400 billion bits of information per second, but is only aware of 2,000 bits at any one time. It is not surprising therefore that many potential opportunities go unnoticed.  We do however have access to a very sophisticated piece of technology to help us notice what is most important – the mind! At the base of our brain stem is a group of cells known as the Reticular Activating System (RAS). The RAS is a little control centre that serves as a filter for what enters our conscious and unconscious mind. The RAS is also very obliging and without question filters what enters our minds based only on where we focus our attention. Do you focus on the problem or the solution? When we consciously activate the RAS by focusing on solutions we draw to our attention the information and opportunities that will assist us in putting the solution into action.

Very often solutions have been staring us in the face but the blind spots created by our past conditioning have kept us from noticing them. When we change our thinking we gain the ability to see things from a new perspective. Changing faulty beliefs and assumptions and maintaining new habits of thinking does, however, require some consistent effort. Our opinions result not only from our experiences (what is said and done to us), but also the way we interpret these experiences. Over time these opinions become the thoughts, beliefs and attitudes we assume to be true and our choices and behavior reflect these “truths”. Eventually some of our behaviours become redundant patterns that totally bypass our thoughts, cognitive processes and conscious choices of intention.

Creating change means bringing back into consciousness our “self-talk” cycle: our self-talk determines our self-image, our self image determines our behavior, our behavior reinforces our self-talk and round and round we go! To create the change we desire we need to start sending ourselves the right messages. Vision statements are a powerful tool for changing our “self-talk” cycles.  Visioning can move us away from the problem and put our focus on what it would look like with the problem already solved. In order to correct negative self-talk we need to actively and emotionally engage our cognitive processes with the visions we aspire to create. Unfortunately for some the use of visioning is not considered to be a valuable exercise. This limiting thought becomes a barrier to understanding how vision statements can be introduced to the process of the mind to create dynamic change.

Divergent thinking abilities are closely related to creative thinking and are essential for writing vision statements with the power to inspire and energize new patterns of thinking and behavior. Divergent thinking is expanding in nature, starting at a single point and moving outwards to many possible answers. Convergent thinking on the other hand is a process of reducing information towards one correct answer. Both thinking styles are necessary for increasing knowledge, however the over emphasis of convergent thinking in our education systems has possibly led to devaluing divergent thinking and by extension the devaluation of the essential role vision statements play in creating positive change. Approaching the visioning process from the perspective of convergent thinking gets us stuck in trying to define how we will progress towards the vision.Visioning is a divergent thinking process which activates the RAS and opens our minds to the expansiveness of possibilities.

Managing Change


The Alchemy Of Transforming Bad Jobs To Good

By Jeff Garton 

Interested in helping your coaching clients to transform a bad job situation into a better one? Based on a new book published by ASTD, titled Career Contentment: Don’t Settle for Anything Less, this article discusses the transforming power of career contentment when dealing with dissatisfying job conditions.


Yes You Can Get to the Other Side of the Learning Curve

By Anne Ptasznik

What Baby Boomers Need to Know about Social Media to Make it in Today’s Marketplace

Is your LinkedIn profile complete?

How about your Google profile?

Do you have a blog?

If you’re an early adapter to new technologies and have answered yes to all of these questions, congratulations!  (You can probably stop reading now.)


Cannexus 2009 – A Huge Success!

CANNEXUS 2009, hosted in Toronto on April 6 – 8 was an overwhelming success! Thank you to all the delegates, session presenters and exhibitors for making this, our 3rd national conference, a success. Thanks also to our Sponsors as well as the many Partnering and Supporting Organizations.