What’s New

Write an Article for the Bulletin!


Contact Point is looking for writers interested in submitting articles for an upcoming issue of the Bulletin newsletter.

Winter 2007-08Foreign Trained Professionals/New Canadians:

Potential topics include:

  • Enhanced language programs/courses for newcomers
  • Resources/career counselling for International students
  • Employment barriers for foreign trained professionals
  • Difficulties immigrants encounter in their job search
  • Labour market integration of Internationally trained professionals/New Canadians
  • Adjustment needs and coping strategies of immigrants
  • Special population issues specifically immigrant employment/integration
  • Addressing the fear of retirement and life after introduction to the field for newcomers and suggestions for how to become involved

Deadline for submissions: December 15, 2007

Spring 2008Technology and Online Counselling:

Potential topics include:

  • On line career counselling
  • Cyber-guidance/cyber-counselling and helpful updates
  • Technology – blogging, RSS feeds, chat sessions
  • Discussion forums
  • Online learning, teaching activities
  • Practitioners forum, debate technology and career development
  • Technology/use of the Internet (i.e. web based resumes, impact and accessibility of internet based learning)

Deadline for submissions: March 15, 2008


To submit an article or for more information, please contact Amber Taverner at amber@contactpoint.ca.


Are You Interested in Reading Articles in French?
Don’t miss the last issue of the OrientAction Bulletin!

The Spring edition includes articles on a variety of subjects:


  • Counselling and mental health: Which questions should be asked in order to best provide positive intervention?
    by André Parent, c.o.
  • School counselling: Group intervention
    by Claude Attic, psy. and c.o.
  • Inspiring Forums!  CERIC Regional Forums in Montreal and Vancouver
    by Nathalie Perreault, c.o.

Share your expertise by submitting an article for the OrientAction Bulletin.

Please visit www.orientaction.ca to view the newsletter.




What’s New

Join us for Cannexus13!


There are so many ways for you or your organization to get involved at the next Cannexus conference, to be held January 28-30, 2013 in Ottawa: as a delegate, a presenter or a sponsor!

We are expecting more than 750 attendees this year—the networking possibilities alone are well worth the admission price! Featuring more than 100 concurrent sessions, keynotes from Cindy Blackstock, Roxanne Sawatzky, Debbie Muir and Mark Tewksbury, as well as an exhibitor showcase, Cannexus is a priceless occasion for learning and professional development. Add a pre-conference workshop (or two!) to maximize your Cannexus experience.

Register as a delegate or an exhibitor before August 31st to save $100 off the regular registration price! Visit cannexus.ca for more information.


New Sections Added to ContactPoint; Redesign Underway

In addition to the new Reports & Trends section, the contactpoint.ca website features a new Awards section, focused on the different bursaries and prizes available for career practitioners in Canada. Also, new types of events were added to our Events board: you can now promote Career Weeks and Career Fairs on ContactPoint.

ContactPoint will not be taking any vacation this summer, as we are busy with the redesign of our website. The new site is anticipated to launch in December. As part of this process, the ContactPoint Task Force, made up of prominent volunteers from the Canadian career practitioner community, is helping us to review and update the resources available on the site.

Have any suggestions for the redesign? Contact us at contactpoint@ceric.ca.



Career Centre Evaluation Guide Recognized

A CERIC-funded project designed to help university career centres better evaluate the impact of their activities has been recognized with a 2012 Outstanding Achievement Award by the Canadian Association of Career Educators & Employers (CACEE).

Career Centre Evaluation: A Practitioner Guide is a customized online resource to help university career centres design effective evaluation strategies. This resource provides a look at how five different career centres have tried to understand the components of evaluation and how they developed tools to use in their settings.

This project was created through a partnership between CERIC and a working group of the career centre leaders at the University of Toronto, Trent University, the University of Waterloo, the University of Western Ontario and the University of Windsor. The evaluation guide can also be used by career centres in other post-secondary as well as community settings.

Access the free guide at ceric.ca/careercentreevaluation.

Join us for Cannexus13!




Hope-Centered Career Development with College Students

An international research team under the leadership of Dr. Norman Amundson (University of British Columbia) and Dr. Spencer Niles (Penn State University) is undertaking a CERIC-funded research project on the importance of “hope” for the career exploration and decision-making of entry-level college and university students.

This study will use the Hope-Centered Career Inventory (HCCI) and in-depth interviewing to create a better understanding of how hope contributes to career outcomes such as vocational identity, school engagement, academic achievement and career aspirations.

Follow this research at ceric.ca and click on “Projects.”


Hot Sites




This free online resource aims to help people make better career decisions by using online tools to identify job seekers’ decision-making profiles and decision-making difficulties.


Therapy Online


In addition to providing online counselling services, Therapy online also offers training for counsellors wanting to do the same, in collaboration with the University of Toronto’s Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work.


Career Motion: How Web-based technologies can improve the career choices of young people


This report is a comprehensive presentation of the impact of the CareerMotion Web-based tools on participants’ confidence and ability to make informed career decisions.


Training Innovations – Online Solutions


Training Innovations help other organizations to integrate online interactive services to their existing offerings.


Counselling Connect


The blog of the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association (CCPA) regularly publishes great articles on the subject of online counselling.


What’s New at CERIC


Join the Cannexus online community

Start your networking early by getting involved in this new and exciting interactive online community created around the conference and exclusive to Cannexus13 participants. Sponsored by Career Cruising, the Cannexus community is accessible via your desktop or as an app on your mobile phone. Connect and collaborate before, during and after the event itself.

You’ll be able to:

  • Create your own detailed profile page
  • View the profiles and interests of the other attendees
  • Build a personalized schedule of sessions to attend
  • Download hand-outs and materials
  • Schedule 1:1 meetings with other attendees
  • Join the conversations we’re having about topics critical to our field

If you are registering or have already registered for Cannexus, you’ll receive your personal e-vite to join the online community.

Cannexus is Canada’s bilingual National Career Development Conference. Presented by CERIC, the conference will take place January 28-30, 2013 in Ottawa.


CERIC and ACPI present The Panic Free Job Search, Oct. 23

CERIC is pleased to be working with the Association of Career Professionals International (ACPI) to present an evening with Paul Hill author of The Panic Free Job Search. The event will take place in Toronto on Tuesday, October 23, 2012 from 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm.

Drawing from his book, Hill will show career professionals how to:

  • Energize and inspire job-hunters through Alignment and Confidence
  • Convert job-hunters from an applicant to a candidate mind-set
  • Get job-hunters hired through Tactical rule breaking and targeted search

Paul Hill is recognized as a new breed of job search expert by his loyal followers, dedicated to guiding and educating professionals to be proactive about career management by adopting professional Internet branding best practices through his work as chief instructor and principal of Transition to Hired, a division of ADV Advanced Technical Services Inc. (ADV).

CERIC is partnering with select associations and organizations across Canada to present a series of professional development events. These “Mini-Forums” are intended to engage career practitioners in the communities where they work and provide valuable, cost-effective learning opportunities.

View the event flyer and register now!


Be CareerWise!

Canada’s career professionals now have a new resource at their disposal! Each week CERIC’s ContactPoint web site will put together some of the most interesting articles on career counselling and career development. Called CareerWise, this new electronic publication will keep you current, enrich your work – and save you time.

News articles and blogs in the first issue include:

  • Companies struggling to attract critical-skill, high-potential workers
  • Retirement Planning: An Emerging Role for Career Counsellors
  • University of Saskatchewan Career Program Assessments Help Aboriginal Students Succeed
  • Advocating, educating, inspiring: the expanding role of career professionals
  • Canada’s youth largely working or learning
  • Record number of Canadians starting own businesses
  • Why ‘follow your passion’ is bad advice
  • The Top 75 Websites For Your Career

A French-language version of CareerWise from ContactPoint’s sister site OrientAction will start in the coming weeks.

Check out CareerWise.

Subscribe now!

Contact us about CareerWise at contactpoint@ceric.ca. Advertising opportunities are available.


New webinar: Interpreting Career Assessments in a Group Setting

There is growing pressure in every sector for career professionals to see more clients – and to do this with fewer resources. Whether you are in a university, community agency or corporate office, one emerging strategy is to deliver assessment debriefs in a group setting. But how do you streamline the process without jeopardizing quality?

CERIC is delighted to bring you this original webinar with recognized North American expert Serena Santillanes. From the convenience of your desk, learn the current best practices to deliver a productive group debrief of an assessment interpretation.

Strategies for Effectively Interpreting Career Assessments in a Group Setting

Date: Thursday, November 8, 2012
Presenter: Serena Santillanes, M.S., NCC, MCC, President, Career Journeys, Inc.
Time: 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm ET
Cost: $45/person

For more information or to register, please visit: http://cericwebinar1.eventbrite.com/


New literature search: Canadian Career Development Research

If you are looking for best practice information in career development, one new and one updated literature searches have now been posted to the CERIC website.

There are a total of 11 literature searches available. They feature comprehensive listings of key research and articles in career development, highlighting critical points of current knowledge.

Literature searches are of great value if you are considering submission to CERIC for project partnership funding. You can gain an overview of major work already done in your area of interest.

Follow these links to explore the other literature searches:


What’s New


Two New Books Available for Purchase in the MarketPlace!

Contact Point is pleased to announce the release of:
The Decade After High School: A Professional’s Guide
Authors: Cathy Campbell, Michael Ungar

The Decade After High School: A Parent’s Guide
Authors: Cathy Campbell, Michael Ungar, Peggy Dutton

Both publications are a product of the ‘Stories of Transition: Exploring the Antecedents of Career and Educational Choices among Young Adults’ Project—a CERIC Partnership Project with Dalhousie University.
Please visit the MarketPlace for more information:



Beta Test Contact Point’s new Web Site

Contact Point is looking for beta testers for its new Web Site slated to be launched in early 2009. New features will include a discussion forum, blogging capabilities, RSS feeds, and video content.

If you’re interested in being a beta-tester, please send us an email at admin@contactpoint.ca and let us know what your availability is for the months of February and March 2009.


Write an Article for the Bulletin!

Contact Point is looking for writers interested in submitting articles for an upcoming issue of the Bulletin newsletter. Deadline for submissions is March 15, 2009.

To submit an article or for more information, please contact us at admin@contactpoint.ca.

The Spring 2009 issue will feature articles on the subject of Labour Market Information and Trends in the Economy.

Potential topics could include:

  • Aging Workforce and the Impact on the Economy
  • Emerging Labour Market Trends and Workforce Issues
  • Careers of the Future
  • Future Trends for Career and Talent Development
  • Labour Market Information/Statistics
  • Updated Occupational Information
  • Challenges in Different Occupational Sectors


All submitted materials become the property of the Contact Point Bulletin. We reserve the right to edit all submissions for length and content. Views expressed by practitioners are not necessarily those of Contact Point. Mention of programs, services, products and initiatives is not an endorsement of these items.

Are You Interested in Reading Articles in French?
Don’t miss the last issue of the OrientAction Bulletin!

The Fall edition of the OrientAction Bulletin includes articles on a variety of subjects: Preparation for Retirement and Identity, Emotional Health, A Review of the 16 PF, 5th edition (a psychometric test) and more. Please visit www.orientaction.ca to view the newsletter.

Share your expertise by submitting an article for the OrientAction Bulletin to admin@orientaction.ca.



Winter 2008

A Quarterly Publication of Contact Point

A Special Message for Career Professionals:

REGISTER NOW for CANNEXUS 2009 National Career Development Conference!

If you have an idea for an upcoming issue or would like to contribute a piece for inclusion in an upcoming Bulletin, please send us a note at admin@contactpoint.ca.

Please send your comments and suggestions to Contact Point; there are a number of ways to reach us:

e-mail: admin@contactpoint.ca
tel: (416) 929-9668
fax: (416) 923-2536
Our mailing address is:
Contact Point
18 Spadina Rd., Suite 200
Toronto, ON. M5R 2S7

All submitted materials become the property of the Contact Point Bulletin. We reserve the right to edit all submissions for length and content. Views expressed by practitioners are not necessarily those of Contact Point. Mention of programs, services, products and initiatives is not an endorsement of these items.


Contact Point is supported by The Counselling Foundation of Canada.


What’s New


Write an Article for the Bulletin!

For Summer 2008 
New Resources, Tools, and Techniques

Potential topics could include:

  • Success Stories/Stories from the Field
  • Apprenticeship – Best Practices and Stories
  • Innovative Programming, New Initiatives, New Approaches
  • Best Practices (Across the Country and Around the Globe)
  • More Information on Current Academic Research
  • Research and Theory on Career Development
  • New Areas of Research in the Field of Career Development
  • Career & Job Search Resources – Print/Non-Print
  • Development Techniques and Resources for Soft Skills
  • Organizational Descriptions from Different Areas
  • Summary of Related Professional Organizations/Associations in a Table to Compare Membership Fees, Who Can Join, Benefits Offered, etc.
  • Career Decision Resources
  • Assessments (Ratings and Feedback on Various Assessment, What Tools Work Best, Price Ranges, Evaluation of Different Tools, Training and Certification)
  • Current Updates and Trends in Assessment Tools
  • Well-Researched (Valid & Reliable) Assessments

Deadline for submissions: June 15, 2008


For Fall 2008
Group Facilitation and Workshop Development


Potential topics could include:

  • Group Facilitation Ideas
  • Developing New Workshops
  • Creating Workshop Materials/Lesson Plans
  • Ice Breakers, Warm Ups, and Group Activities
  • Planning Job Search Workshops
  • Adult Education/Instructing Adults
  • Effective Presentations

Deadline for submissions: September 15, 2008


Are You Interested in Reading Articles in French?
Don’t miss the latest issue of the OrientAction Bulletin!

The spring edition of the OrientAction Bulletin includes articles on a variety of subjects including: Systemic Vision in School Guidance, Retirement, a review of The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and more.

Please visit www.orientaction.ca/bulletins/v5-n1/v5-n1.html to view the newsletter.

Share your expertise by submitting an article for the OrientAction Bulletin to admin@orientaction.ca.



Spring 2008

A Quarterly Publication of Contact Point

Sharon Kalbfleisch and Rebecca Burwell, the Researchers for the CERIC funded Model for the Education and Training of Career Practitioners in Canada, is seeking assistance from the career development and career counselling field. They are interested in finding out more about career development learning and education taking place in non-formal educational settings.

Click here for more information.
If you have an idea for an upcoming issue or would like to contribute a piece for inclusion in an upcoming Bulletin, please send us a note at admin@contactpoint.ca.


What’s New

Contact Point is Hiring!

Contact Point is seeking the expertise of a Manager of Web Services to manage website development process, lead or support the timely delivery of initiatives and development of a wide range of web projects and various web-based products by Contact Point and its partnering organizations. The Manager of Web Services will be accountable for ensuring that deliverables adhere to Contact Point quality standards.

You are a proactive, bilingual individual with strong web technology expertise with a real grasp of web-marketing and online community building. You possess intuitive research skills and you are an innovative problem solver. You creatively implement and manage projects, prioritizing activities with a sense of urgency to meet deadlines. You have developed content and community driven websites and are comfortable managing a website development process through a project lifecycle that is on scope, on time and on budget. You are resourceful in using your knowledge and expertise on web design, functionality, web metrics and content management to advise on current and future web trends and uncover technology opportunities. You are an excellent communicator and interact professionally with staff teams, Boards, Committees, external organizations, web developers and other vendors.

Check out the complete job posting at Contact Point’s Job Board .

Write an Article for the Bulletin!

Contact Point is looking for writers interested in submitting articles for an upcoming issue of the Bulletin newsletter. To submit an article or for more information, please contact us at admin@contactpoint.ca. The Fall 2008 issue will feature articles on the subject of Group Facilitation and Workshop Development. Potential topics could include:

  • Group Facilitation Ideas
  • Developing New Workshops
  • Creating Workshop Materials/Lesson Plans
  • Ice Breakers, Warm Ups, and Group Activities
  • Planning Job Search Workshops
  • Adult Education/Instructing Adults
  • Effective Presentations

Deadline for submissions: October 15, 2008.

All submitted materials become the property of the Contact Point Bulletin. We reserve the right to edit all submissions for length and content. Views expressed by practitioners are not necessarily those of Contact Point. Mention of programs, services, products and initiatives is not an endorsement of these items.


Summer 2008

A Quarterly Publication of Contact Point

If you have an idea for an upcoming issue or would like to contribute a piece for inclusion in an upcoming Bulletin, please send us a note at admin@contactpoint.ca.