Two blue speech bubblesCareering

The five stages of career-building conversations

Get unstuck through conversations that build your future with confidence

Luann Horobin

Author headshotResearch on prevailing success habits tells us that conversations are a fundamental pillar in success. Learning how to make conversations work, beginning with the first impression, is a valuable tool to help both career practitioners and jobseekers navigate the great shuffle to secure their future.

So, how does one set the stage for success in those first few critical seconds?

I have some easy tools drawn from the teachings of Conversational Intelligence that myself and others have used to process transition, become unstuck and speak with the enthusiasm that opens doors.

Conversational Intelligence and the role of the subconscious

Conversational Intelligence explains the science behind the signals of conversation and language. Using this to your advantage starts with understanding how subliminal communication influences our conversations.

In the first moments of any conversation, the subconscious mind responds to the subliminal messages conveyed in a glance or twitch of a facial expression. For instance, if we are feeling stressed in a job interview, that will affect our body language, tone of voice and choice of words. Subliminal signals like body language trigger chemicals that influence feelings, which can have an impact on how an interviewer perceives us. Whether we are aware of it or not, feelings affect decisions, so it is critical to become aware of the subconscious signals in conversation to address and resolve them.

Read more from Careering

Maintaining a career mindset during times of change

Applying an artistic mindset to career development

Overcoming limiting beliefs can help clients move forward in their job search

The five stages of conversation

Research suggests that nine out of 10 conversations miss the mark. Imagine how much easier communication would be for both the career practitioner and the jobseeker if only one in 10 conversations didn’t connect.

It is a common assumption when speaking with someone that communication occurs in two steps. When one person speaks, it is presumed that the other person’s response should be the solution. Conversational Intelligence conceives of five stages of conversation – suggesting that the average dialogue is missing three steps. I have outlined these five stages below, based on my knowledge from my Conversational Intelligence Certification and Judith E. Glaser’s Conversational Intelligence book.

Career practitioners hold the opportunity to build trust with clients that helps them communicate more effectively, both personally and professionally. Helping jobseekers improve their conversational skills can help shorten the job search as the jobseeker begins to generate more effective rapport, networking and interviewing skills, as well as gain confidence by better understanding communication signals from others.

Blurred photo of people in boardroom meeting

Here are the five stages:

  1. Resistor: the initial stage of misunderstanding or disagreement, and feeling out of alignment with the conversation, which creates resistance. In this stage, one feels guarded, unvalued and thinks “I want to influence you to my point of view, I’m not open to yours.” The body releases the stress hormone cortisol, which triggers an instinct to fight, flight, freeze, or appease5 others and changes the individual’s tone of voice and body language. Cortisol creates an immediate disconnect from rapport. This can be triggered by difficult situations or discussions, or uncertainty in the job search.
  2. Skeptic: being out of alignment, raising doubt and feeling like, “I want to learn more from you, but …” The Skeptic may appear to be judgmental. At this stage, the individual is willing to consider possibility, but the consideration is coming from doubt; they feel it’s unlikely to work, and feel protective, but not completely defensive. Body language presents mixed signals but overall is disconnected. The practitioner requires attentive listening to clarify these mixed signals.
  3. ‘Wait & See’: waiting for others before committing, feeling “I’m uncertain that I am valued and accepted” and coming across as tentative about what or whom to trust. Body language may show less resistance but not indicate full engagement. The practitioner may ask questions to engage the jobseeker, which could prompt the release of endorphins to build trust, rapport and feelings of relaxation. Knowing this approach also gives the job seeker more confidence in managing similar situations that come up in their search.
  4. The Experimenter: desiring to experiment, thinking “how can we share and discover our best current thinking?” This stage is about wanting to take risks, and step forward. The small signal of cortisol present from the experimenting perspective still wants an option to exit, in case it doesn’t work. It is important for the practitioner, and jobseeker, to recognize this partial step into engagement, as this stage is still guarded and more trust building is required.
  5. The Co-Creator: being ready to build new meaning; and thinking, “How can we create new possibilities together?” Rapport, connection, being valued and feeling relaxed are present, the person is open and enthusiastic. The resistance is resolved.

Being aware of these five stages of conversation can lead to effective communicating that helps turn generic messages into clear career advantages, which helps jobseekers position themselves as the ideal candidate.

The subconscious mind is a significant partner in communicating effectively, as negative words shut down connection and positive words signal connection, creativity and fit that are used for decision making throughout one’s career.

Noticing the subtle differences in expression through these stages of conversation is the first step to setting the stage for a strong first impression along with the tools to communicate effectively, to build your best future.

Luann Horobin, BAHS, MCC, is a transformation specialist, career strategist, Master Coach and NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) facilitator. Horobin helps others achieve life-altering breakthroughs so that they can perform and live their best life, using her 20+ years of experience. Customizing career strategies, coaching and neuroscience methods accelerates fast-impacting results and turns dreaming to achieving what matters.

fountain pen on notebookCareering

Editor’s note

Author headshotLindsay Purchase

When we were first sent home from work in March 2020, I naively thought we’d be back in the office in a couple of weeks. It was easier for me to grapple with our shifting reality by imposing a time limit. I left a half-finished jar of peanut butter in my drawer and shoes under my desk – signs of optimism (or delusion).

While this mindset may have helped ease my initial transition, with the benefit of hindsight, I can reflect on strategies that might have been more helpful in those first couple of weeks. I could have thought about the tools, supports and resources I would need to manage the transition; established a plan for myself, while recognizing the need for flexibility; and considered which of my skills would serve me well as CERIC pivoted – and what new ones I might need to develop.

Knowing ourselves, being adaptable and cultivating resiliency are key skills for managing all types of change in our careers. Sometimes these shifts are expected – transitioning from school to work, for instance – while other times they catch us by surprise – a job loss or unexpected move. The mindset we bring to those experiences can be instrumental in how they unfold.

In this issue of Careering magazine, we explore the many facets of Career Mindsets. Without a singular definition of this term in Canada’s career development field, we left the door open for interpretation. The result was fascinating. Authors connected the theme to art, exploration, social mentalities, limiting beliefs, fixed and growth mindsets, design thinking and return to work. They shared how they use career mindsets to support students, from the early grades through to graduate school; newcomers to Canada and to the career development field; and jobseekers across all stages of their career.

So, is a career mindset about exploration and reflection? Commitment to lifelong learning? Having the skills to manage one’s career? While this choose-your-own adventure issue on Career Mindsets may not offer you one answer, we hope it will help you reflect on how this theme connects to your work, no matter what sphere of career development you work in.

Randell Adjei speaking at event.Careering

10 Questions with Randell Adjei

Author headshotRandell Adjei is an entrepreneur, speaker and spoken word practitioner who uses his gifts to empower the message of alchemy. He was recently appointed Ontario’s first Poet Laureate. Adjei is the founder of one of Toronto’s largest youth-led initiatives, Reaching Intelligent Souls Everywhere (R.I.S.E Edutainment). In 2018, R.I.S.E received the Mayor’s Youth Arts Award from the Toronto Arts Foundation.  

Adjei is the author of I Am Not My Struggles, a powerful anthology released in 2018. He was also named CBC Metro Morning’s Torontonian of the Year in 2015 and NOW Magazine’s Local Hero in 2017. Adjei is a keynote speaker at CERIC’s Cannexus22 conference. 

In a sentence or two, describe why career development matters. 

Career development is huge. It is indirectly connected to our sense of vision and perhaps purpose here on this Earth. In many careers, we integrate skills, service into the community/workforce. 

Which book are you reading right now and why did you choose it? 

I am currently reading God Help the Child by Toni Morrison. I love novels and I appreciate the way Toni Morrison weaves wisdom, history and storytelling into this powerful book. It is as if she has taken my hand and said come with me, journey into the belly of my story. I also appreciate the way she develops characters in the novel. As a poet, reading novels keeps my imagination sharp.

What was your first-ever job? 

My first ever “job” was selling chocolate for a charity. It was called Kare 4 Kids. We sold chocolate to help raise money for children around the world that were disenfranchised and underprivileged. I worked across the city of Toronto speaking with and encouraging shoppers and passersby to help support the charity. It taught me how to speak to strangers, how to sell an idea of hope and gave me the understanding of making change – making change.

Randell Adjei speaking at event.
Photo credit: Ontario Parliamentary Photographer

What do you do to relax? 

I often spend time in nature, writing poetry or reading. I also spend time relaxing in meditation. Both help me quiet my mind and mitigate my overthinking mind. I feel a sense of peace around nature and it is as if I can leave my worries behind and be present with myself.

What is the one thing you wouldn’t be able to work without? Why? 

I wouldn’t be able to work without knowing how my work contributes to a larger part of society. I can’t work without a sense of purpose and how it serves humanity. For me, it feels empty – there is nothing gratifying about making money for money’s sake. I mean, there are so many great organizations and businesses where we have the opportunity to make a difference. I believe participating in our economic system isn’t about numbers, it is about impact and the legacy of those we can help doing the work we do.

What’s something you want to do in the next year that you’ve never done before? 

I want to begin building an artist residence in my parents home country – Ghana. There are so many talented artists without outlets, resources and support to help them achieve their dreams. And I feel privileged having grown up here in Toronto. I feel it is my duty to give back to the land of my ancestry. The residency would support multiple forms of the arts. Professional development, mentorship and self-actualization will be the pillars of the residency.

Who would you like to work with most? 

I would like to work with Stephan James and Shamier Anderson on their inaugural Black is Now Canada initiative to recognize and award Black entertainers and leaders in their industry. They are from  Scarborough, ON, just like I am, and they have surpassed what many have said we can become. In September of 2022, they are planning on hosting the first award show of its kind and it is inspiring to know something like this is coming.

What is one piece of advice you have for people as we navigate these challenging times? 

My one piece of advice is to see the opportunities in the challenging times. It may be difficult to do but there is beauty in the struggle. In order for us to mine gold we must first dig through the dirt. Adversity is inevitable so we cannot take these things personally. Instead, we can look at the seeds of opportunity in every challenge.

Which talent or superpower would you like to have? 

I would like to have the superpower of cloning myself to experience life in many forms and realms. I would use it to spread positivity around the world with my gifts, visions and talents. I would also use it to fast track my vision for seeing a more unified world. 

What do you consider your greatest achievement? 

My greatest achievement would be evolving into someone I always wanted to be as a child. Seeing where I am right now and what I had to do and sacrifice to get here is rewarding. The younger me would be so proud. I remember being a child and I used to talk to myself about things I wanted to do and of speaking positivity in this world. I would walk around my house pretending to be a speaker in front of thousands. Today, I have the privilege of living this dream out loud, no longer in my mind. I have manifested something that I am grateful for every day.


24 bursaries awarded to attend Cannexus22 virtual conference

A total of 24 career development professionals from across Canada will be attending the virtual Cannexus22 conference, courtesy of two bursaries administered by CERIC. The Marilyn Van Norman Bursary has been awarded to 13 practitioners from community-based employment agencies and the Young Professionals Bursary granted to 11 early career professionals.

Funded by The Counselling Foundation of Canada, the Marilyn Van Norman Bursary is given in the name of CERIC’s former Director of Research Initiatives and recognizes her more than 40 years of leadership in career development. Recipients of the Marilyn Van Norman Bursary this year represent the country from coast to coast to coast, including British Columbia, Northwest Territories, and Newfoundland and Labrador. Bursary winners are non-profit community-based career development and employment practitioners who work with a range of client populations, including Indigenous peoples, refugees, immigrants, international students, Black communities, francophones and unemployed adults.

The Young Professionals Bursary is a partnership between CERIC and the Nova Scotia Career Development Association (NSCDA) designed to support emerging employment and career development practitioners. Bursaries are awarded to ensure the diverse voices of the new generation of employment and career practitioners are represented and that young professionals can benefit from the professional development and networking at the virtual conference. Preference is given to applicants from equity-seeking groups. The young professionals – 30 years of age or younger – who are among the winners this year include those from PEI, Quebec and Alberta. They work for universities, school boards, government as well as community associations.

A bursary provides a full registration for the virtual Cannexus conference. The Cannexus22 conference takes place January 24-26, 2022.  Canada’s largest bilingual career and workforce development conference, Cannexus22 features 150+ sessions and will continue to reimagine how career development can be a powerful catalyst in pandemic recovery.


Cannexus22 shifting from hybrid to fully virtual conference 

CERIC has made the difficult decision to shift from a hybrid Cannexus22 conference to a fully virtual one. This decision was made with a heavy heart, knowing how much our career development community wants to be able to gather face-to-face again in Ottawa. The decision was based on a range of factors that have changed over the past few months, combined with ongoing uncertainty.  


CERIC to host Virtual Fireside Chat with Policy Leader Alastair MacFadden

Starting this Canada Career Month, leading current and former policy leaders from across the country will sit down with Lisa Taylor, future of work expert and author of CERIC’s recently released Retain and Gain: Career Management for the Public Sector playbook, for a series of conversations on “Careers & Canadians.” Lisa’s first guest will be former Saskatchewan Deputy Minister Alastair MacFadden, for a virtual fireside chat hosted by CERIC on Monday, November 22, 2021. MacFadden currently serves as the Interim Director and Executive-in-Residence, Johnson Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy.


Graduate students win award to attend the Cannexus22 conference

CERIC has announced the recipients of this year’s Graduate Student Award, providing support for four graduate students to attend the Cannexus22 Canada’s Career Development Conference, January 24-26, 2022 virtually and in Ottawa. 

The recipients are: 

  • Caileigh Wilson, MA candidate, Education, Simon Fraser University 
  • Hélène Brisebois, MA candidate, Education, Université de Sherbrooke 
  • Jordan Ho, PhD candidate, Psychology, University of Guelph 
  • Noah Arney, MA candidate, Education, University of Calgary

The award, presented annually to select full-time graduate students studying career counselling or career development, provides free registration to the virtual Cannexus and $1,000. The Cannexus conference promotes the exchange of information and explores innovative approaches in the areas of career counselling and career development. Student posters will be available for viewing during the virtual conference.   

Eligibility for the award is based on participation in CERIC’s Graduate Student Engagement Program (GSEP), which includes the submission of a one-page article on a career development topicRead the award-winning articles and all the thought-provoking submissions on CERIC’s GSEP Corner. 

GSEP encourages engagement of Canada’s full-time graduate students (Master or PhD level) whose academic research is in career development or a related field. The next deadine to apply to GSEP is March 31, 2022. 


Fall issue of Careering magazine reimagines career development in Canada

Eighteen months into a disruptive and often devastating pandemic, we are in a moment that feels ripe for reflection. This issue of CERIC’s Careering magazine both examines where we have been – the changes the field has made, by choice or by necessity – and where career development needs to go in Canada. The strategies, case studies and ideas this issue’s authors present reflect an inherent belief that we can do better than just going back to “normal.” 

There’s something for everyone in this issue – available exclusively online at – with articles on career education in K-12 and post-secondary; re-envisioning approaches to workforce development; hybrid career services; Indigenous career counselling; inclusive workplaces; measuring and communicating the value of career development; and more. 

Articles include: 

Additionally, in this issue we asked career professionals across Canada what they wanted to see for the future of the field. Watch what they shared in this video:  

Careering magazine is Canada’s Magazine for Career Development Professionals and is the official publication of CERIC. It is published three times a year and includes select content in French. Subscribe to receive your free copy. You can also access past issues for free online. 

The Winter 2022 issue of Careering magazine will explore the theme of “Career Mindsets.” New contributors are welcome, and can submit in English, French or both languages. Please review our Submission Guidelines and send a 1-2 paragraph proposal outlining your topic idea to Editor Lindsay Purchase,, by Thursday, Oct. 14. 

Young woman wearing backpack sitting on rock in forested area overlooking water.Careering

The importance of a whole-person approach in Indigenous career development

Indigenous career practitioners integrate cultural world view of interconnectedness to support clients in wide-ranging ways

Tina-Marie Christian, Seanna Quressette and Kevin Ned

Author headshotsWhat was your first memory of a conversation you had as a child about education and the relationship to work? How old were you? Was it with parents, grandparents, a favourite aunt or uncle?

For some, the memory of that discussion has long since faded. What you may not have realized then was that these conversations shaped your world view of education and employment. For Indigenous people, these conversations were very different.

Career development from an Indigenous perspective is both similar to and qualitatively different from career development in non-Indigenous settings. There is important historical context that influences the educational and employment experience for some Indigenous individuals and there are current lived experiences that also influence the career paths of Indigenous workers.

The idea of a cookie-cutter approach to career counselling is outdated. Today’s employment counselling practices are much more focused on the needs of the individual – a person-centred approach. This is particularly true for the Indigenous jobseeking client. Before we look too deeply into the current and future opportunities for Indigenous people, we need to stop to consider the source of knowledge and life experiences that shape their choices.

The traumatic legacy of residential schools

The recent news of unmarked graves of children being found at the sites of former Canadian Indian residential schools is being felt across Indigenous communities. Residential school survivors and their children and grandchildren are re-experiencing the trauma of the residential school experience.

In 1996, a report by the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples exposed the trauma and abuse suffered by several generations of Indigenous people who were forced to attend residential schools. These institutions purported to educate and acculturate Indigenous students; that was not what happened. Education was several rungs below religious indoctrination, domestic and field labour, and life lessons of servitude. The actual learning experience and any scholarly accomplishments were abysmal.

For many children of residential school survivors, school stopped at the mandated age of 16. It wasn’t easy to attend post-secondary education because there was no family support or interest from family members to pursue this education. There was little family value placed on participation in the Canadian school system. To compound matters, the patriarchal system of the Department of Indian Affairs presented many roadblocks to post-secondary pursuits. As noted in the 2009 book A Short History of Aboriginal Education in Canada: “Needless to say, few students progressed past the primary grades regardless of how many years were spent in school. In 1930, only 3% of Indigenous students had progressed past grade 6 and three-quarters of all those in school were in grades 1 to 3.”

A woman and her two young children leave flowers at the site of the former Kamloops Indian Residential School, where the remains of 215 children were found buried earlier this year. (iStock)

This kept many Indigenous people out of the labour market. Some Elders believe that this was by design, as laws also prohibited entrepreneurial and employment efforts by restricting mobility and preventing access to capital. Indian agents employed by the federal Department of Indian Affairs had to provide passes to leave the reserve, which of course limited access to the job market.

When Indigenous students did make it to post-secondary education, they were often ill-prepared academically and found that the teaching methods did not align with their ways of learning and knowing. The inter-generational trauma and impact of residential schools continues to affect today’s jobseekers and students. Many children of residential school survivors have experienced mental health challenges including anxiety and addictions as they move through post-secondary education.

Building a better future in education

The natural progression of learning through discovery and perpetual advancement that Canadians experienced was vastly different than the prescribed autocratic and paternalistic Indian Affairs approach.  Colonization jumped over the whole process of development that Canadians experienced through the Industrial Revolution. Indigenous people went from traditional land-based learning and teaching styles to that of a highly structured classroom approach that didn’t factor in experiential learning.

“For many Indigenous students, learning is best done in a relational, experiential and visual context.”

Despite the challenges they have faced, Indigenous leaders and their communities have held the course for self-governance and self-reliance. Formal political lobbying started as far back as 1972, with the National Indian Brotherhood’s Indian Control of Indian Education policy paper that spearheaded changes to the education system for Indigenous people.

As educational institutions begin to understand the challenges some Indigenous students face, they are adopting more inclusive ways of learning with the support of Elders, Indigenous advocates and Indigenous Learning Centres. For many Indigenous students, learning is best done in a relational, experiential and visual context. In an Indigenous integrated world view, learning includes the heart, the mind and the body. Indigenous ways of knowing include providing context for why the learning is taking place, understanding the relationships being built through the learning, and using images and real-life examples in teaching.

In March 2021, the Conference Board of Canada reported there are currently 80+ national Indigenous institutions that serve over 10,000 students a year. This represents an increase of 15% in 15 years. It will be through these institutions that we begin to see significant changes in Indigenous students’ post-secondary participation and graduation rates.

A 2018 Assembly of First Nation fact sheet on Indigenous education revealed that nearly half (47%) of Indigenous post-secondary graduates have completed a college diploma. Some of the challenges Indigenous students continue to face include lack of confidence/preparedness, not a personal priority, cost, personal/family responsibilities and personal health.

Read more on supporting Indigenous career development

16 resources to help settlers understand and advance Indigenous reconciliation

Allyship in career development: An honour, privilege and responsibility

Trina Maher: ‘Our communities are so rich in terms of resources and creativity’

Connecting to the labour market

We also know that Indigenous people may face other challenges to pursuing employment. Low literacy, for instance, is a barrier to employment rooted in intergenerational trauma and colonial history. Other practical considerations such as limited access to daycare and transportation and lack of a driver’s licence are due in part to living in remote locations. Cultural differences, communication skills, social mores and negative stereotypes also affect Indigenous jobseekers’ employment opportunities.

These stereotypes include the skewed image most non-Indigenous people have of reserves. Many think of the poverty and lack of opportunity. They don’t see the economic development in many communities and the existence of wrap-around services for community members including education, employment, health, mental health and social development.

These services play an important role in supporting Indigenous students and jobseekers – and may be in higher demand going forward, with the Indigenous labour force growing three to five times faster than the labour force as a whole. Youth supports may be especially needed, with approximately half of the Indigenous population under 25.

The role of Indigenous career practitioners

Fortunately, today, there are many robust training programs – on and off-reserve – to assist Indigenous jobseekers to access employment opportunities. These training programs include vocational training and academic training.

Importantly, services often do not stop at career counselling. In keeping with the cultural world view of interconnectedness, Indigenous career counsellors are often tasked with supporting their clients in wide-ranging ways, from referrals to counselling or addiction services, to client data management, to providing intake interviews and working on resumes, as well as assisting workers to communicate with employers.

It is this whole-world, whole-person view that makes the Indigenous CDP invaluable. A federally funded program under the Employment Skills and Development Canada (ESDC), Indigenous Skills Employment Training (ISET) is designed to help Indigenous people find improve their skills and find employment.

ISET provides funding to Indigenous Service delivery organizations that design and deliver job training services to First Nations, Inuit, Metis and urban/non-affiliated Indigenous people in their commities.

Resources for career practitioners to support Indigenous clients:

The program also provides career path training and certification for Indigenous career development counsellors (certified career development practitioners).

One of the great things about the ISET program is that Indigenous jobseekers sometimes experience a sense of comfort working with another Indigenous member. These Indigenous CDPs are knowledgeable about protocols, they are not shocked by family histories and are able to connect with individuals at all stages of their career journey.

Also, Indigenous career practitioners act as role models for folks entering or re-entering the workforce. They see the Indigenous career counsellor as someone from their community who completed training and is now there to offer services.

Indigenous career practitioners also play an important role in educating employers about how to work with Indigenous employees, as well as helping industry learn about Indigenous culture and history and protocols that affect employment.

We’ve heard many success stories from Indigenous graduates of the Douglas College Career Practitioner program that remind us of the important work yet to be done on the road to reconciliation. That road starts with remembering … and then we can create a new vision.

Tina-Marie Christian, MAOM, BEd is from the Syilx Nation (Okanagan) and a member of the Splatsin First Nation (Enderby, BC).  She holds a Master of Arts Degree in Organizational Management, a Bachelor of (Adult) Education and an Associate Business Administration degree (Marketing). She has over 40 years of experience working for Aboriginal organizations in education and staff development, advocacy, community and personal development, and health and wellness. Christian teaches the Aboriginal Career Development Course at Douglas College. 

Seanna Quressette, MEd, CCDP has 30+ years’ experience in career development and has taught Indigenous career practitioners for over 20 years. Quressette is the Co-ordinator of Continuing Education in the Faculty of Applied Community Studies at Douglas College.

Kevin Ned is a member of the Upper Nicola Band and is the Employment Training Facilitator for Westbank First Nation. Ned has been involved in training and employment for over 20 years, including 14 years as the Education Director for the Okanagan Indian Band. He also served for 12 years as an elected band councillor for his band, and has a business diploma from Nicola Valley Institute of Technology, a Career Development Practitioner Certificate and Essential Skills Certificate from Douglas College.

Man shaking hands with other person in office.Careering

Employer-engaged workforce development: Strategies to address sector shock

The sharp decline in hospitality and tourism employment during COVID highlights the need for new approaches to workforce development

Vanessa Wong

Author headshotSector shocks such as the impact of COVID-19 on the hospitality industry are nothing new and will continue to happen in the future. They can affect employment opportunities for jobseekers and the ability of employers to retain experienced workers as the industry navigates the novel impact of a shock. Within this context, workforce intermediaries like the Hospitality Workers Training Centre (HWTC) will have to change how we look at workforce development strategies that aim to support workers and help employers manage and recover from sector shocks.

What is a sector shock?

A sector shock occurs when there is a change that affects the amount of goods produced and/or services provided by the sector. The impact can be positive or negative and the sector shock can result from events such as natural disasters, technological change, pandemics and/or politics. It can also displace a significant number of workers (Keane, 1991 & Chehal, Lougani, & Trehan, 2010), affect the types of jobs available and change the skillset required of workers. Displaced workers may also remain unemployed longer because of the time it takes to find work in other industries where their skills are transferable (Keane, 1991; Chehal, Lougani, & Trehan, 2010).

The sharp decline in the hospitality and tourism industry as a result of COVID-19 is an example of a sectoral shock. Employment data from May 2020 shows that employment in hospitality and tourism decreased by 43.3%, with an overall unemployment rate of 28.8%. The pandemic has also accelerated the impact of technology and automation in the hospitality industry, changing job roles and work environments. It has also highlighted the importance of soft skills such as initiative, adaptability, communication and customer service in workers and employers to navigate uncertainty and support recovery (Boudreau, Rose, & Landine, 2021).

What is a workforce intermediary?

A workforce intermediary is an organization that brings together key stakeholders across a local labour market – such as industry representatives, employers and workers – to improve workforce conditions, supply and skills. The work of the workforce intermediary is to plan, develop and implement strategic approaches that would meet local employers’ recruitment and retention needs, while also elevating local jobseekers’ employment and skills development opportunities. – Urban Institute, 2021

As the industry begins its slow road to recovery, employers have also expressed challenges in retaining experienced workers and hiring qualified workers because of employment instability within the sector and higher wages and better career prospects in other industries. Full recovery from this devastating shock is not expected (by the most optimistic projections) until 2023.

What is an employer-engaged workforce development strategy?

Employer-engaged workforce development strategies are an example of how workforce development intermediaries can support workers and employers to navigate sector shocks. Currently, programs implemented by workforce intermediaries are focused on helping jobseekers access training, certification and job search supports for specific positions, and connecting them to employer partners who will hire them. During a sector shock, this strategy is less effective as employment opportunities may be shifting or the skillsets required for those jobs change as business owners adapt their operational model to ensure viability in shifting markets.

Employers representing small- to medium-sized businesses have also said that they struggle to access the support of workforce intermediaries because the services they provide do not necessarily meet their just-in-time recruitment needs (Boudreau, Rose, & Landine, 2021). Businesses report that they would like workforce intermediaries to collaborate with them and play a bigger role in connecting them to training programs and tools that represent the best solutions to their workforce needs (Boudreau, Rose, & Landine, 2021).

Read more:

The hybrid future: Shifting employment services to meet client needs

Geography matters: The value of place-based workforce development

3 ways to transform your organization by creating a culture of continuous learning

An employer-engaged workforce development strategy offers a more transformational approach that addresses the concerns expressed by employer partners while meeting the employment stability needs of jobseekers. This is especially helpful in industries that are experiencing sector shocks and have concerns about unwanted employee turnover rates. Those strategies focus on the development of meaningful relationships with employers as key labour market stakeholders. When employers are invested and involved in the collaboration, workforce intermediaries are better able to understand and identify their current and future employment needs and work with them to co-create and deliver relevant responses to address them. Employer-engaged workforce strategies look at opportunities for jobseekers to access employment while supporting nimble and responsive processes for employers, workers and workforce intermediaries to work together.

Examples of employer-engaged workforce development strategies

Based on our experiences, best practices in the field and industry input, these are three examples of employer-engaged workforce development strategies we have found to be the most impactful. We recognize that sector shocks are not static and that all of these strategies and activities will evolve based on changes in industry and the needs of employers, employees and jobseekers.

“An employer-engaged workforce development strategy offers a more transformational approach that addresses the concerns expressed by employer partners while meeting the employment stability needs of jobseekers.”

Leverage live labour market information to support demand-driven labour market attachment strategies: Access to accurate, timely and relevant labour market information is critical to understanding changes and trends in the labour market. HWTC has leveraged technologies such as SkillsPath Ontario, FutureFit AI, Vicinity Jobs and Burning Glass Technologies to provide real-time data about job vacancies and in-demand skills. This approach provides current insights into what employers are looking for when hiring. This information enables us to better support workers navigating challenging career transitions to explore training opportunities and make informed decisions about their job search – right in line with the most current employer demands.

Engage employers with customized tools to support recruitment and retention: The loss of employees is one of the greatest challenges for employers and this is exacerbated by job uncertainty as a result of a sector shock. Many employers will be required to recruit, on-board and train new hires to support re-opening, as their pre-COVID workforce many not be available or willing to return. Retaining workers will be critical to the speed at which a business will recover and regain profitability.

Pre-COVID research showed that retention issues were ascribed to a deficit of workers’ soft skills (Boudreau, Rose, & Landine, 2021). HWTC’s Retention Skills Enhancement Tool (ReSET) is an online platform that enables employers to articulate and share soft skills performance expectations with their employees and objectively measure soft skills performance. With ReSET, employers can develop targeted training interventions to support soft skill development and improve performance and retention of their top talent. ReSET assumes that skills development does not stop at hiring, and employers and employees need to work together to develop strategies for an engaged, highly skilled and resilient workforce.

Alternative credential recognition: As jobs are reallocated and changed as result of a sector shock, attracting skilled workers becomes more competitive for employers. Tools to assess skills when recruiting and hiring employees will need to evolve. Micro-credentials in the form of e-badges offer a quick and reliable indicator of competency for employers to identify and screen for in-demand skills. Micro-credentials also provide an accessible training opportunity for individuals who have low levels of literacy and/or face system barriers to accessing traditional academic learning opportunities. HWTC in partnership with Bow Valley College and industry partners is developing a hospitality-specific series of micro-credentials aimed at supporting employers to recruit for the skills they need.

A strong foundation

Sector shocks will occur again in the future. These will affect the number of employment opportunities available and the skillsets required for jobs as business owners adapt their operational models. With the implementation of relevant employer-engaged workforce development strategies, such as those mentioned above, workforce development intermediaries can support workers and help employers manage and recover from sector shocks.

Vanessa Wong has been successfully developing and implementing community-based literacy and employment programs for over 10 years. She is a lifelong learner who recently received her designation as a project management professional and is currently completing her second degree in social work.


Boudreau, A., Rose, H., & Landine, J. (2021). Soft skills in the post-pandemic hospitality and foodservice sector in Ontario – A report for the Hospitality Workers Training Centre. Hospitality Workers Training Centre.