Publications + Products



Building Groups and Warm Ups, YWCA Over 50 warm-ups, over 25 lessons including trust, group building and communications. Available from the YWCA of Metropolitan Toronto, Life Skills Department, (416) 487-7154 x238

Scholarship Finder 98 – a comprehensive Canadian scholarship resource – search over 20,000 Canadian entrance and in-school scholarships worth $20,000,000. Includes a Budget Wizard to help students with financial planning, information on provincial loan programs, letter writing and an interactive planner and tips section. CD-ROM (requires 8MB of RAM) Edge Interactive Publishing (1-800-211-5577)

The Career Directory, 1998 Edition, by Richard W. Yerema, Research Psychologists Press, Inc. (800) 401-4480

What Color is Your Parachute, 1998 Edition, by Richard Bolles, (Also available on CD ROM). Visit




What’s New


Since the last issue of the Bulletin, the Contact Point website has seen many changes. In January, Contact Point saw the addition of three new areas. There is a section on Helping Foreign Trained Professionals with a variety of useful information including occupational fact sheets. There is a new diagnostic vocational assessment resource for counselling learning disabled individuals. We have also added on-line information and application form for a new bursary for the Collaborative Career Development Practitioner Program.

There have also been additions to our on-line Registry of Organizations and Agencies. Our Professional Development area now includes PD offerings by the private sector, community based organizations, colleges, universities, various school boards, and more. There are new workshops and conferences, and our list of courses at the college and university level has also been enhanced. We have added a number of additional Canadian and international links to our Other Websites section, and several new Discussion Groups have been initiated. Don’t forget to check out job postings at the Job Board and messages on the Notice Board.

Finally, welcome to new readers. The Contact Point Bulletin is now circulated to almost 2,500 career and employment counsellors and career development practitioners across Canada and around the world!


What’s New


Launched at the National Consultation on Career Development (NATCON) Conference in January 1997, Contact Point, funded by The Counselling Foundation of Canada, is the first Canadian site dedicated to providing on-line information to counsellors and practitioners across the country ­ a significant departure from sites that cater to the needs of the general public. A multi-sector approach makes Contact Point that much more unique in the Canadian on-line arena, with a board of directors comprised of counsellors and practitioners from both institutional and non-institutional settings, including professionals in the private, government and not-for-profit sectors. Contact Point relies wholly on private-sector funding for its development and operation. Our commitment remains to provide site access to users at no cost. It’s free!

Contact Point aims to:

  • promote and support the effective delivery of career and employment counselling and the career development process
  • encourage and support the dissemination of career and employment counselling information
  • foster the development of an interactive and mutually supportive virtual community of career and employment counsellors and career development practitioners
  • enhance community awareness of career development issues

Contact Point fosters the development of a Canadian multi-sector community on the Internet, examining common resource and professional development needs and providing a space for intra-community interaction, whether it be among counsellors/practitioners or between representative organizations.

How can you get involved?

The Contact Point site is the result of the participation of counsellors and practitioners from across Canada, doing everything from providing input on content to participating in the site’s formative testing. They continue to build the site daily.

You too can participate by suggesting items for the Resource Centre; telling us about sites you’ve encountered during your Web adventures; listing conferences or courses; sharing your course or workshop experiences; participating in one of the sites on-going development focus groups; initiating and participating in a discussion group; submitting an article for the Bulletin ­ the list is virtually endless!


What’s New

There have been many changes to the Contact Point site since the previous issue of the Bulletin was released. In fact, new information is added weekly to the site.

We have been adding new agency and organizational listings to our on-line Registry. This is a sure to be a staple for on-line networking and referrals. Are you listed?

Visit the Professional Development section at Contact Point, and you will find more PD opportunities, including a Workshop Calandar, Courses and Programs at the College and University level, and additional Conferences.

We have added new links to our Other Websites section. Don’t forget to check out the links in our Fun Sites section, including a greeting card sender, the Keirsey Temperament Sorter, an on-line employment search readiness inventory and an on-line career game based on Holland Codes.

We have added new Discussion Group topics and hope you will actively participate in them. If you would like to initiate a discussion group, let us know.

…and of course, we have launched this Fall Edition of the newsletter.

Visit the Website News section of the Contact Point site, and stay abreast of changes as they happen.



What’s New


Since the last issue of the Contact Point Bulletin, there have been many enhancements to the website:

Through our partnership with Skills For Change, we have added two new components in the Helping Foreign Trained Professional section: Best Practices in Employment Counselling for Foreign Trained Professionals; and Counselling and Job Search Strategies.

There have also been additions to our on-line Registry of Organizations and Agencies. With almost 250 organizations, agencies and private practices listed, the Registry is becoming the networking hub at Contact Point for the practicing counsellor as well as the practitioner in training. Market your services through the Registry!

We have added a page of Labour Market Information links to our Other Websites Section. We have also revamped our Discussion Groups and added new topics based on user comments.

We have added new professional development opportunities for the new year. Check the Conference and Workshop Calendar for details.

Don’t forget to check out job postings at the Job Board and messages on the Notice Board. If you have a job vacancy to post, you can do so free and on-line using our new Job Board Posting Form.




What’s New


Since the last issue of the Contact Point Bulletin, we have added many new organizations and agencies in our On-Line Registry. This area is indeed becoming a networking hub at Contact Point. Is your organization listed?

We have also added a number of new text, video and other items in our Resource Centre. Our Other Websites section has seen the addition of new Canadian and International links, and the creation of three new sections: websites that provide informal interest inventories and self-assessment tools, surveys and questionnaires; websites with a variety of reference materials; and, fun sites with games and more!

Our Job Board is seeing increased activity as new job ads are posted. Users are applying for a bursary on-line, viewing discussion topics, and perusing professional development listings.

Stay tuned for other changes and additions as we incorporate comments and suggestions made by practitioners through our first User Survey.



What’s New



Since the last issue of the Contact Point Bulletin, we have added many new resources to our database at the Resource Centre. Check out the 1998 titles!

Our On-Line Registry of organizations and agencies keeps growing. Peruse the list and see who’s who. Is your organization listed?

We have added a link to on-line registration and a schedule of workshops offered for clients through Skills For Change in the Helping Foreign Trained Professionals section.

Check out the Notice Board and Job Board for on-going new postings. Did you know you could post a community announcement or a job vacancy for free?

Peruse our Professional Development section for new listings of Conference and Workshops offered.



What’s New


Since the last issue of the Contact Point Bulletin, we have added a number of new Occupational Fact Sheets in the Helping Foreign Trained Professionals section and updated some of the previous entries. New Fact Sheets include: Dentists, Dietitians, Nurses and Social Workers.

Visit our list of who’s who in career counselling and related fields through our On-Line Registry of organizations and agencies. There are over 230 organizations listed, representing a broad range of services and work settings across Canada. Is your organization listed?

Did you know that posting a job vacancy at Contact Point was FREE! And we’ve made it that much easier to do so. We have just added an on-line submission form to make posting job ads at the Job Board a fast and easy process. Do you wish to post a job vacancy?

We’ve added new listings of Conference and Workshops in our Professional Development section. Stay posted as we add new information in the New Year!

We’ve Moved!!!

Our new office location is:

18 Spadina Rd., Suite 200
Toronto, ON. M5R 2S7
Phone: (416) 929-9668
Fax: (416) 923-2536





For over 30 years, PSYCAN has built its reputation on providing high quality instructional and resource materials.
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